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Example sentences for "signals"

Lexicographically close words:
signallers; signalling; signally; signalman; signalmen; signatories; signatory; signatura; signature; signatures
  1. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by an increasing understanding of the chance signals which reveal the forces at work within the depths of the mind.

  2. There was the man who had queer feelings all over his body, especially in his head and stomach, and who considered these sensations as danger-signals warning him to stop.

  3. Disco, in a hoarse whisper, at the same time crouching behind a bush, and making frantic signals to the rest of the party to advance with extreme caution.

  4. A cordon of frigates were ordered to repeat signals to us from the one nearest the shore, whilst we kept nearly out of sight of the land, and all our ships’ sides were ordered to be painted yellow with black streaks, and the masts yellow.

  5. Having so fixed the cot, the signals were made to draw it towards the rock by means of the small line.

  6. The supply of rockets and other signals is examined, the steering and signalling apparatus tried, and only after everything has been found in order is the word given for the ship to embark her passengers and proceed on her course.

  7. It must seem remarkable that while the Northfleet showed lights and other signals of distress within two miles of shore during twenty minutes or half an hour no notice was taken of them.

  8. The following signals of distress are now required.

  9. Kingstown saw masts sticking out of the water on the Kish Bank, with signals of distress flying from them.

  10. He caused rockets to be sent up, bells to be rung, and other signals of distress; but the gun to be fired would not go off, the touch-hole being clogged.

  11. At the signals the lighters slowly but steadily commenced to haul taut their tackle from the river.

  12. If these signals are used for any purpose other than that for which they are intended, a penalty, not exceeding twenty pounds, is incurred.

  13. The Kingsdown lugger Mary was likewise attracted by the signals of distress, and succeeded in rescuing thirty passengers.

  14. Prior to that time such signals were too vague and too indiscriminately used to have much value, and sometimes were calculated to mislead.

  15. The subject allows it to cross the monocular field of the left eye and signals only when the finger enters the field of vision of the right eye across its nasal boundary.

  16. The subject signals as soon as it crosses the normal temporal boundary of the field of view of the right eye.

  17. In the post-hypnotic state he remains unaware of his instructions, is not conscious of noting the signals, and yet carries out the suggestion at the fifth signal, thereby proving that the signals have been in some sense noted and counted.

  18. There they were able later to give the artillery commander information of the effect of his shells long before he could get his own signals into place for observation.

  19. The British signals were good, but, as the writers well recall, it was especially assuring when the buzzer sounded to have an American doughboy at the other end say he would make the connection or take the message.

  20. Storm signals blazed in her cheeks, bright above the delicate white of her neck.

  21. They took their chances in the path of coastwise traffic, straining their eyes for vessels to leap suddenly out of the thickness that shut them in, their ears for fog signals that blared warning.

  22. I took a few whacks at you, now and then, and she flew the storm signals without knowing it.

  23. Kate continued to make signals with a handkerchief whiter than the crocodile's of Ann.

  24. These movements were regulated by signals from the commodore's barge.

  25. The signal officer, who was a quartermaster from the ship, at the order of the captain, elevated the white flag crossed with red, with which all the signals were made.

  26. Strange vessels began to appear at regular intervals on the coast, and signals were duly flashed from the headlands to lead them into the safest creek or cove.

  27. A gun from the ship answered it, and again both signals were exchanged.

  28. These signals seemed to excite neither watchfulness nor prevention--indeed, they needed none; and perhaps the very suspense they excited was a torture that pleased the inhuman gaolers.

  29. There were, I afterwards learned, no end of signals and telegraphic notices to me from the officers-in-waiting.

  30. In the bright morning sunlight the sight was both picturesque and imposing, for from every vessel flags were flying, and ever and anon the great battleship of the Admiral made signals which were repeated by all the other vessels, each in turn.

  31. Probably it was his neglect to make signals of distress that had aroused the suspicions of the Captain of the Port.

  32. The signals ashore had attracted all the guards to that spot to join in the search, and now, having doubled back and again embarked, we were every moment increasing the distance between ourselves and our pursuers.

  33. Modest girls, caught in the stern mechanism of a system, hesitate to admit reasons for lessened work or to exhibit signals of failure, and this I know to be the case.

  34. Your prisoner has no recognition signals for his own tanks?

  35. The enemy commander is foolish in many ways, perhaps, but not foolish enough to break down morale by refusing recognition signals to his own men who will need them.

  36. We ask for recognition signals for our own tanks, an' they grin an' say we won't see none of our tanks till the battle's over.

  37. The infantrymen who were gassing our listening-posts were given no recognition signals for their tanks.

  38. Then it seemed to have occurred to him that the smoke of battle might render the signals difficult or impossible to make out, for he immediately made one that would serve for everything.

  39. It was this: `if signals can't be seen, no captain can do wrong if he places his ship alongside an enemy.

  40. A pressure of the heel on the shoulder-bone tells it to quicken its pace, and a little tap on the head followed by a touch on the short ears are the signals for full speed.

  41. Trumpets were also used as signals to the people.

  42. The whistle signals are seldom necessary, however; never, perhaps, except when the wind confuses the significant ripples upon the water's surface.

  43. Cortes, that any misfortune should befall us here, and desired our chief pilot, Alaminos, to make signals for all the vessels to return to the island Cozumel.

  44. As soon as daylight had broken forth, the latter made signals to the vessel with their cloaks and hats; upon which the shallop put off with six sailors, two of whom had water-bottles in their hands, and immediately stepped on shore.

  45. They found, however, the voice to be that of a stranger, and put off with the shallop to the vessel again, notwithstanding all the signals our men were making.

  46. Indeed the battle now soon began, for immediately after they commenced pouring forth showers of arrows, the drummers to give signals for the other troops to fall upon us in a body, and in an instant they rushed bravely forward.

  47. This took place in the same way as before, and similar instructions were issued with regard to the night signals with the lanterns.

  48. Every vessel had its own pilot, who received his instructions, and also the signals with the lanterns from Alaminos.

  49. His instructions to the pilots; the signals which were to be made with lanterns at night, &c.

  50. Signals were made, but were not noticed by those on the vessel.

  51. Peary was now anxious to have the nearest of his caches on the ice-cap visited and rearranged, and proper signals put up where the original ones might be blown down.

  52. I had a set of signals for such occasions which spared us the noise of the voice; and when about 300 yards off, the oars were taken in, and we moved in deep silence with a single scull astern.

  53. Storri was heedful to give the signals agreed upon by rapping on the walls of the drain.

  54. Gun signals herald the hunter's approach to a chance camp; and no matter how small and mean the tepee, the door is always open for whatever visitor, the meat pot set simmering for hungry travellers.

  55. The chief stepped forward, and with signals that were a command beckoned the hunters ashore.

  56. However, the signals were enough, and he got back.

  57. He went into catch for Merriwell, and they had arranged a code of signals beforehand, so that they were all prepared.

  58. And then I toddled round to Company Headquarters and got hold of "the Peacemaker," without letting Signals know anything about it.

  59. So I hurried along to the signals and let the O.

  60. The colours of signals vary in different countries.

  61. These signals were of the kind birds know perhaps--others might be aware of their existence if they listened very attentively, yet might not interpret them.

  62. Signals were flashed below as well as above the table.

  63. Signals he tried vainly to intercept flashed between the pair of them.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "signals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.