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Example sentences for "solitary"

Lexicographically close words:
solitaries; solitariis; solitarily; solitariness; solitarius; solito; solitude; solitudes; solitum; solius
  1. Then at five o'clock the advance was resumed, and at this moment from the shoulder of Firket mountain there rang out a solitary shot.

  2. The thread of fresh water is itself solitary in regions where all living things lack company.

  3. Meanwhile Captain Fenwick maintained his solitary and perilous position on the hillock.

  4. But his solitary charge had checked the pursuing Dervishes.

  5. The old capital is solitary and deserted.

  6. Sarras, deprived of its short-lived glory, became again the solitary fort on a crag.

  7. Solitary spearmen awaited unflinching the charge of a whole squadron.

  8. A black, solitary hill rose between the Kerreri position and Omdurman.

  9. An ill-omened prophecy further declared that the King of Abyssinia would tether his horse to a solitary tree by Khartoum, while his cavalry should ride through the city fetlock deep in blood.

  10. I found freshly picked tiger-lilies on Bell's grave the day I visited it, and it occurred to me that the gathering of these might have furnished the motive for the solitary walks.

  11. He had then returned home and shut himself in for his ten days of solitary quarantine.

  12. The draught made the solitary lamp flare.

  13. He had already abandoned the flute on which he had learned to sound three sad notes before he left Guestwick, and, after the fifth or sixth Sunday, he had relinquished his solitary walks along the towing-path of the Regent's Park Canal.

  14. So saying, he left the Small House, and went back to his own solitary home.

  15. It was needful that they should think that the picking of peas in a sun-bonnet, or long readings by her own fire-side, and solitary hours spent in thinking, were specially to her mind.

  16. But her husband has explained that she would look friendless in this solitary state, and therefore Phipps's sister has been asked.

  17. Of what like must have been his countenance as he sat writing such words of himself under the ghastly light of his own small, solitary lamp?

  18. It was thus that he thought of himself as he sat moping over his solitary table in the hotel coffee-room.

  19. If they came upon any solitary sentinel, one man was to be sent back instantly to stop the column; while two others crawled forward and surprised and silenced the sentry.

  20. She spoke highly in praise of her talents and amiable disposition, and of her life and behaviour in all respects, with the one solitary exception of her being an obstinate heretic.

  21. When from the traitor's information they knew him to be my servant, hoping to wrest from him the disclosure of his friends and abettors, they kept him in solitary confinement in the loathsome prison of Bridewell.

  22. It is said that one prisoner was given solitary confinement because a map was found sewn in the seat of his trousers.

  23. There seems to be no bird life here, beyond a rare covey of partridges well behind the line, or a solitary lark searching for summer.

  24. After being plastered with paper bandages he was put into solitary confinement for three weeks.

  25. All was silent in the square: there were no passers by, except one solitary policeman, who stood to look at them for a moment, and then passed on.

  26. As he grew older he became more solitary and ferocious.

  27. She was proudly reserved in her manners, frequently took long solitary walks, and studiously avoided all intercourse.

  28. As soon as it was announced that somebody had come to see her, she broke the silence of her solitary thoughts and spoke.

  29. The season of his solitary life began with more cheer than could have been expected.

  30. Mrs. Lunn sat down to her belated and solitary supper, and made an excellent meal.

  31. On the Colonel's return the old butler ostentatiously placed the solitary bottle between them and went away.

  32. Roderick and Violet were alone, riding slowly side by side in the darkening gray, between woods where solitary robins carolled sweetly, or the rare gurgle of the thrush sounded now and then from thickets of beech and holly.

  33. For they would have starved to death out there on that solitary farm if you and I hadn't gone to get them and bring them here.

  34. As Dan Rorke, stripped and eager, sat in his hot dressing room under the auditorium that night, waiting for the summons to enter the ring, he had his first minute of solitary reflection throughout the whole Keegan-infested day.

  35. A solitary baggageman was hauling a trunk and some boxes out of the express-coop on to the platform; to be put aboard the five o'clock train from New York.

  36. I shall have many solitary hours, but I have not much to hope for in life, and so it would be absurd to give way to fear.

  37. Holcroft is to dine with me on Saturday; so do not forget us when you drink your solitary glass, for nobody drinks wine at Etruria, I take it.

  38. Here, alone, a poor solitary individual in a strange land, tied to one spot, and subject to the caprice of another, can I be contented?

  39. I am not fatigued with solitude, yet I have not relished my solitary dinner.

  40. One solitary Frenchman there was too, a Corsican, and I saw a Turk kicking him most brutally on the floor one morning.

  41. Even London and Paris were solitary in comparison to the throng in an ant-hill.

  42. A solitary turkey cock alone scorned to participate in the hungry pleasures of the common herd.

  43. The Prince, overhearing this, set off at once to find the solitary tree, and ere long discovered it, with a savage horse and furious dog keeping watch and ward over it.

  44. She had been in the saddle since dawn, and recounted with vivacity all the little episodes of her solitary constitutional; the novelty of it was exhilarating.

  45. But the rooms on the first floor were deserted--all dark but for a solitary light in the hall.

  46. The more friends I make the more solitary I seem to be.

  47. All that had ever come to him of knowledge came in these solitary vigils.

  48. She took no more than I," observed Naïda with a shrug; "one solitary glass.

  49. But long, solitary rambles and the quiet contemplation of other things besides himself had awakened first curiosity, then a dawning suspicion of the rights of others.

  50. His son was what his father had made him under the iron cult of solitary development; and now, the father, loyal in his own way to the memory of his old friend Anthony Seagrave, meant to do his full duty toward the orphaned grandchildren.

  51. A genus of herbs of the Barberry family, having large palmately lobed peltate leaves and solitary flower.

  52. Red Cloud, the Solitary Sioux: a Tale of the Great Prairie.

  53. This mountain stands in solitary majesty by itself in the valley.

  54. We meet solitary pedestrians trudging along with their heads down against the wind, and we wonder whence they came and whither they are going, for we are now only passing isolated villages at great distances.

  55. One pities their solitary life, shut in by the impenetrable forest, and wonders how they obtain supplies.

  56. Occasionally, miles ahead, one little island will stand all solitary amid the ocean, or in another you can see the half that has fallen away, leaving a clear cut scar, an abrupt termination to the island.

  57. From a solitary port-hole came the gleam of a light which only intensified the surrounding darkness, whilst on deck a lantern flickered and then went out.

  58. Who was this solitary unit of humanity stumbling onward in the gloom?

  59. In a sense, he was a solitary figure, living in a world peopled only by his memories of the dead.

  60. He will only send his men to pounce on solitary travellers like the gobernador," said Tim bitterly.

  61. The solitary figure at the end of the watercourse was in charge of the horses of the men in the cave, and of the three who had fallen to Tim's shots.

  62. To the best of my knowledge there is not a solitary one.

  63. Nevertheless, I shed tears on my pillow when I went to bed, for if a solitary woman is ever justified in feeling "lone and lorn," it is certainly at the season when everybody who possesses a family rushes to it as a matter of course.

  64. After such a tornado the solitary evenings must seem lonelier than ever.

  65. But when this solitary meal was over, the moon tempted him out on to the terrace, and there he stayed obsessed with passionate thoughts until he crept in to his lonely couch.

  66. And away in his solitary walks, or his rides home from hunting in the dusk of the afternoon, he let them echo in his heart.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solitary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    solitary confinement; solitary life