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Example sentences for "splints"

Lexicographically close words:
splinter; splintered; splintering; splinters; splintery; split; splits; splitted; splitter; splitters
  1. Horses, especially young ones which have lately been put to work, not infrequently develop splints before any swelling appears.

  2. In young horses splints are sometimes mistaken for coffin-joint lameness or navicular disease.

  3. As a rule the splints will not disappear at once, but will gradually.

  4. I may add that common splints are not considered an unsoundness.

  5. A surgeon was called in, who set the broken bones, bound the limb up with bandages and splints and cautioned the patient to keep perfectly quiet until the fracture could have time to knit.

  6. The man consented, the bandages and splints were removed and his leg was anointed with consecrated oil.

  7. Both houses were in a tumult of confusion as surgeons and nurses took possession and bones were set and splints and bandages applied.

  8. Genie looked scared and white-faced as she saw Dotty in splints and bandages.

  9. Lance explained what he wanted--a few splints of a certain length and shape, and a supply of good stout spun-yarn.

  10. The splints were by this time ready; and then began the long, tedious, and painful operation of setting and dressing the limb, in the performance of which Dickinson rendered valuable and efficient service.

  11. Thenard of Paris, introduced an apparatus consisting of a small bottle containing asbestos, saturated with strong sulphuric acid, with splints or matches coated with sulphur, and tipped with a mixture of chlorate of potash and sugar.

  12. Blair came to the rescue, set the fractured limb, put it in splints and plaster after an ingenious design of his own, visited him daily, and eventually restored him to his mistress's lap sound in wind and limb.

  13. Mark you, don’t attempt to use that hand, and don’t you let either of those splints get out of place till you have seen the Oxford surgeon.

  14. The dislocation was reduced, and the two central bones of the hand were properly set, and a couple of light splints bound on to hold them in place while they healed.

  15. Additional splints rest on the inner side of the jaw.

  16. He's now insensible, or was when I came on deck so you'd better take some stimulant as well as splints with you.

  17. It was not absolutely bound; the hand and wrist had been badly hurt in the Sunday's fray--so badly that it had been easy to sham a fracture, and have hand and wrist in splints before the arrival of the police.

  18. It is rarely that more than two splints are required, though Physick was sometimes obliged to use as many as three or even four in the same case.

  19. The patient is placed on his back in bed; and the splints are retained by slips of bandage, double, one end being passed through the loop and secured to the other by a running noose.

  20. In compound fracture similar splints are applied, after due attention has been paid to the wound and to the position of the bones.

  21. The fracture was immediately reduced and splints applied—one of pasteboard on each side, with a wooden one exteriorly till the pasteboard hardened.

  22. No compresses or splints need be applied over the bone.

  23. After replacement, the application of temporary splints and bandage is prudent.

  24. When necrosis has been extensive, the limb must be carefully supported by the application of splints and bandage, till the process of reparation be completed, in order to prevent fracture of the recently formed substitute.

  25. Replacement is accomplished much in the same manner as in complete luxation, the bones being compressed towards each other with one hand, whilst extension is made with the other; afterwards splints must be applied and retained.

  26. The conjoined breadth of the splints should be sufficient to embrace the limb almost entirely; some space being left, so that when the swelling subsides, they may neither meet, and consequently lie loose, nor overlap each other.

  27. Surfaces opposed to each other, and naturally separate, may be prevented from uniting by dressing interposed; and contraction of joints is to be guarded against by keeping the limb extended by splints and bandages.

  28. The splints were still farther shortened, and wholly removed much too soon; shortly afterwards he fell from horseback.

  29. Bandages were instantly applied to keep it there while splints were making.

  30. It was, perhaps, a little characteristic that Daggett took out his knife, and aided in shaving down these splints to the necessary form and thickness.

  31. By the bye, abroad they usually make their match splints round by forcing them through a circular plate, pierced with small round holes.

  32. The next part of the process is to coat the splints with paraffin or melted sulphur.

  33. The end of the splints are generally scorched by contact with a hot plate before they are dipped in the paraffin, after which the phosphorus composition is applied to the match.

  34. Now I have here some of the old tinder-box matches, and you will see that they are simply wooden splints with a little sulphur at the end.

  35. After the bone had been replaced, I placed my splints in position and bound them on, using strips of sheet torn up for bandages.

  36. It was necessary to cut holes in the splints where the bony prominences came.

  37. But though the doctor was crabbed, he was skilful, and in a very short time the temporary splints were replaced by permanent ones and the party turned toward camp.

  38. Whether it was to hand the cotton batting or to pull with full strength upon the poor broken limb, or hold the splints while Bert wound yards of bandage around them, not a boy flinched, and at last the work was done, and well done.

  39. He gave Billy a drink of cool, fresh water and then, after preparing splints and bandages and getting everything ready, he set the broken bone in Billy's leg with cool, firm hands.

  40. Joe placed birch-bark on the bottom for us to sit on, and slanted cedar splints against the cross-bars to protect our backs, while he himself sat upon a cross-bar in the stern.

  41. In the night we were entertained by the sound of rain-drops on the cedar splints which covered the roof, and awaked the next morning with a drop or two in our eyes.

  42. The interstices were filled with moss, and the roof was shingled with long and handsome splints of cedar, or spruce, or pine, rifted with a sledge and cleaver.

  43. Where the child is a little older and it is more difficult to keep him off his feet, long splints should be applied from the axilla or waist to a point several inches below the level of the foot.

  44. It is only by making the splints sufficiently long that a naturally active child can be kept at rest.

  45. It consists merely in keeping the bowels open, attending to the general health, and in renewing the splints and bandages as often as may be necessary.

  46. Flora May had an odd spell, and she--fact is, she took and carried the splints up chamber, and run out and hid in the haymow till dinner.

  47. The horse walks on one toe and has splints further up the leg, which they tell us are the remains of the other toes, and the callosities on the leg are the remains of thumbs.

  48. Evolution dwells upon the splints in the leg of the horse and passes over lightly the vast unbridged gaps between organic and inorganic matter, the origin of the vertebrates, the countless missing links between the species.

  49. Then the tip of the rod broke off short just even with the splints and it slid down the line out of sight.

  50. Then I got Dan to tie splints on the rod, after which I fought my quarry some more.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "splints" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.