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Example sentences for "vested"

Lexicographically close words:
vest; vestal; vestals; vestas; veste; vestem; vester; vestes; vestibular; vestibule
  1. The completed rail is then covered with a finishing strip, known as the blind rail, which covers the unsightly bolt heads and adds to the artistic effect of the table.

  2. In the former, the muscles contract and relax alternately in very quick succession, producing an appearance of agitation.

  3. In this way the chassis alternate until the car is full.

  4. The art of manufacturing gems synthetically, that is, by the combination of chemical elements present in the real stone, has reached a high degree of success.

  5. Or, failing that, the President would declare martial law, by virtue of vested constitutional authority when public order is disturbed, and ratify the canal treaty by presidential decree.

  6. No President in the history of the country ever was vested with fuller jurisdiction and control over a great matter than was President Roosevelt in this case.

  7. Following the suggestion of Chief Engineer Wallace, the control of the Panama Railroad was also vested in the new commission.

  8. The Republic of Panama also agrees that if it can not enforce these ordinances, the United States become vested with the power to enforce them.

  9. The lender may transfer the bond by indorsation, in the same manner as a bill of exchange or bill of lading, and the right to recover its value becomes vested in the indorsees.

  10. Under Turkish rule the communes chose their own parish priests, but this right is now vested in the government.

  11. There is the close confederation of Canada in which all residuary powers are vested in the Dominion.

  12. The legislative power is vested in the Parliament of the Union (sect.

  13. We have seen that the idea of possession of land, of an exclusive right to use a certain tract of country, was well known to our aborigines, but that they conceived of it as vested in a group, not in individuals.

  14. So on the whole we have three statements asserting that landed property of an economic character was vested in individuals or in single families respectively.

  15. It claimed a certain territory and exclusively used its products, and vested authority in its oldest male.

  16. The possession of land is vested in them.

  17. But the pope soon found that his intrigue had vested with power a mortal foe to the Papal See.

  18. Suddenly the door opened, and Thenichka entered with Mitia, whom she had now vested in a red robe and beaded collar, while his little head had been brushed, and also his face washed.

  19. Vasili Ivanitch from behind them as, vested in a home-made cotton pea-jacket and a home-made straw hat, the old military doctor suddenly confronted the pair.

  20. By virtue of the authority thus vested in me, I have issued and forwarded you a copy of my proclamation, forbidding the entrance of armed forces into this Territory.

  21. The supreme control of the Marshalsea was vested in the marshal of the royal household; but although he drew a salary of L500 a year, he did nothing beyond visiting the prison occasionally, and left the administration to the deputy marshal.

  22. They bought their offices from one another, and were thus considered to have a vested interest in them.

  23. For example, barriers of custom or on vested right may limit the field of employment for women.

  24. Proprietorship in the soil is never attainable by these farmers on half profits, inasmuch as the Parceria system can only exist where the soil is already exclusively vested in a planting aristocracy.

  25. The capital of the institution is vested by Government in the 4 per cent.

  26. These would have been mere abstract propositions, with no authority vested in the National Government for their enforcement.

  27. I allude to the exercise of the power which usage rather than reason has vested in the Presidents of removing incumbents from office in order to substitute others more in favor with the dominant party.

  28. Thomlinson, and consecrated in the eventful year 1745, is vested in the representatives of that distinguished churchman.

  29. In 1775, a charter was obtained from parliament, conferring on the town the privilege of a burgh of barony, and granting a constitution, which vested the management of its municipal affairs in a council of thirteen, including two baillies.

  30. There is often an open-mindedness among the common people that is not vitiated by the grip of vested interests upon their unwarped judgments, and the people can be trusted in the long run to make good.

  31. As regards Ireland the powers were vested in the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council, and on the establishment of the Department of Agriculture for Ireland, in the year 1899, were transferred to that body.

  32. Like a monk he was shaven, like a monk he seemed; in gown and hood he went vested as a monk.

  33. They mounted on their fairest destriers, vested in hauberks of steel, with laced helmets, and shields hung round their necks.

  34. They laid aside their heavy robes and ornaments of state, and vested them in less tiring raiment.

  35. Whether this was the sum actually given we know not; but in the following year the patent was surrendered and the posts of America became vested in the Crown.

  36. As the Post Office revenue was at this time vested in the Crown, the Crown would, of course, in the absence of express provision to the contrary, reap the benefit of any increase which additions to the rates of postage might produce.

  37. The whole judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as are established by law.

  38. Executive power shall be vested in the Cabinet.

  39. The title of the personal property of the deceased is vested in the executor and he holds it for the payment of debts and distribution according to the will of the testator.

  40. It was held to be a vested right to freedom, which existed wherever he went.

  41. Supporters--Two angels vested purpure, winged and crined or, each holding in the exterior hand a key or.

  42. Governor Treadwell opposed it on the ground that such "unalterable" regulations were unnecessary where, as in a republic, all power was vested in the people.

  43. Moreover, an Order in Council of 1685, of which there is external evidence, though the order itself is not recorded, had vested ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the colonies in the Bishop of London.

  44. John Robinson and his followers had held more closely to Robert Browne's standard of Congregationalism, for Robinson maintained that the government of the church should be vested in its membership rather than in its eldership alone.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vested" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arrayed; bedecked; clad; confirmed; disguised; embossed; engraved; established; etched; graven; hooded; implanted; impressed; imprinted; infixed; ingrained; invested; inveterate; liveried; mantled; rooted; settled; shod; tired; vested

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    vested interests; vested rights