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Example sentences for "volcano"

Lexicographically close words:
volatilizes; volatilizing; volatu; volcanic; volcanism; volcanoes; volcanos; vole; volendo; volens
  1. There came a burst of thunder sound; a volcano of fire and timber; stones and living men were hurled two hundred feet in the air; and the night settled down on the scene of chaos.

  2. Those which for months preceded the upheaval of the volcano of Jorullo, will recur to your remembrance.

  3. The eruptions of this central volcano continued till February 1760 with extreme violence--the crater throwing out large quantities of lava; but in the succeeding years it became less turbulent in its activity.

  4. There is another volcano lying far to the northward of Iceland.

  5. You would doubtless like to have a volcano all to yourself.

  6. You will thus perceive that the connexion between the atoll and the volcano consists in this--that while the coral builds up the reef, the volcano beneath ingulfs the island and causes it to sink down.

  7. The detonations from the volcano far exceed in loudness any other earthly noise.

  8. A volcano generally presents itself to the imagination as a mountain sending forth from its summit great clouds of smoke with vast sheets of flame, and it is not unfrequently so described.

  9. So lately as September 1849, Mount Merapia, another volcano in this island, which had been supposed to be quite extinct, burst forth into an eruption, which lasted three days.

  10. The truth is, however, that a real volcano seldom emits either true smoke or true flame.

  11. Out of a chasm in the midst of these cones, or ovens, as the natives call them, there rose six large masses, the highest of which is sixteen hundred feet in height, and constitutes the volcano of Jorullo.

  12. It contains a crater in a state of subdued activity, called the Solfatara; an extinct volcano having a large crater called Monte Barbaro; and Lake Avernus, also supposed to be an extinct volcanic crater.

  13. It is built on a plain, lying on the flanks of the volcano Pichinca, of which a view is given in the annexed woodcut.

  14. I hate to hunt down a tired metaphor, So let the often-used Volcano go.

  15. As a Volcano holds the lava more Within--et cætera.

  16. Byron seems to mistake the volcano for the Geysers.

  17. So the mutiny spread apace; and the volcano was almost ready to burst forth, when all was discovered, and the plans of the mutineers were happily defeated.

  18. A roar like that of a huge volcano shook earth and sea.

  19. They were living over a volcano which was liable to burst forth at any moment.

  20. The volcano is about five leagues from the town of Arevalo.

  21. It is said that the divinity Lalahon dwells in a volcano in Negros island, whence she hurls fire.

  22. The circumstance might further be taken into account, that the volcano of revolution, which had been now incessantly blazing for seventy years and feeding on its own flame, was visibly burning out and verging of itself to extinction.

  23. Impression Produced in Rome by the Defeat of Carrhae In Rome meanwhile the periodical volcano of revolution was whirling upward its clouds of stupefying smoke.

  24. The Volcano and the Earthquake, the Tornado and the Avalanche, leap suddenly into full life and fearful energy, and smite with an unexpected blow.

  25. It wrangles over the volcano and the earthquake.

  26. The funnel of the strange ship belched forth a volcano of smoke which could come only from Japanese coal.

  27. A volcano of smoke belched from the Pole Star's funnel.

  28. The head, almost finished, seemed to look at the three men with its proud eyes, cold, but with a false coldness that bespoke a hidden passion within, a dead volcano that might come to life at any moment.

  29. A volcano in my breast, impossible to live without you--if you do not love me, I will kill myself.

  30. From the accompanying picture it will be seen that this volcano occasionally has several sources of lava.

  31. In the Isle of Bourbon or Réunion, which lies in the Indian Ocean, there is, however, a volcano which is in a state of eruption twice every year.

  32. The volcano is lofty, and may have a circumference of 3 leagues; it is precipitous on the side of the sea, and all bare, and without any part where a landing can be effected; it rumbles within frequently and loudly like thunder.

  33. This is the island of Tinakula, an active volcano rising 3,000 feet above the sea in a most perfectly shaped cone, to the north of the island of Santa Cruz.

  34. How an island was discovered, that of the volcano was examined, and the loss of the Almiranta.

  35. As a consequence, the report had gone forth that the supposedly extinct volcano had become active again, and its neighbourhood was shunned as dangerous by all not in the secret.

  36. Fortunately for their purpose, their leader had discovered, amid the arid wilderness of rocky mountains into which he had been driven, an extinct volcano with an ancient crater open to the sky.

  37. In one of the passages beneath the ancient volcano I came across a gold-mine--a veritable cave of gold!

  38. One has a volcano that spouts every five or six minutes.

  39. So the country all around the volcano is a rich garden.

  40. Indeed, the volcano has built up its own mountain.

  41. Behind stands the tall, graceful volcano with its floating feather of steam and smoke.

  42. And had she sent her treasure here to escape when the volcano burst forth?

  43. But suddenly the volcano burst forth, the artist dropped his chisel and mallet, and here we have found his unfinished work--a statue within a statue.

  44. Twenty miles out in the blue bay a volcano stands up out of the water.

  45. But on that terrible day when the volcano belched, the poor bleating animals were deserted.

  46. A slave must have been cooking his master's dinner when the volcano frightened him away.

  47. This is part of a beautiful wall painting in a Pompeian house, the sort of painting that Ariston was making when the volcano burst forth.

  48. I decided to ascend the volcano and see the crater from which all these interesting things came.

  49. Now, however, there could be no possible doubt that the mountain was an ancient volcano that had suddenly become active again and threatened the village with destruction.

  50. Beyond a peradventure the ancient volcano had been started again by the subterranean fire, and an eruption at any moment was to be apprehended.

  51. By exploding gunpowder, and burning seaweed swept up in inexhaustible quantities by the ocean, he has been able to simulate a volcano upon the point of eruption and effectually scare would-be settlers away!

  52. Late at night, after having ridden twenty-five miles, I arrived at Oshamambe, a semi-Ainu village on Volcano Bay.

  53. I shall not dwell at length on these Volcano Bay Ainu, as this part of the country is comparatively civilised, and has been travelled over by many people previous to my going there.

  54. The village is a miserable one; it differs from all other Ainu villages in its huts, which have semicircular roofs instead of angular ones, as is the case with the Ainu of Volcano Bay and of the Saru and Tokachi Rivers.

  55. These Ainu are much more interesting as types, and also much purer in race, than either the Piratori or the Volcano Bay Ainu.

  56. The outlet of this lake empties itself into Volcano Bay, S.

  57. On the north-east coast the huts have either roofs similar to the Kutcharo ones, or else the angle is very obtuse instead of being sharp, as with the Piratori or Volcano Bay huts.

  58. Ushoro is connected by a road to Oshamambe, on Volcano Bay, but I went on to Shitzo, four miles north-west of Ushoro.

  59. Accumulations of sulphur are found at Ichibishinai, and there is an active volcano south-east of Bettobu, besides the beautiful volcanic cone of Atzosa, three or four thousand feet above sea-level.

  60. I went over to Mororran, across Volcano Bay, and the following morning I risked my life on a small craft, which took me over to Mombets.

  61. Such was then Herschel's conviction of the reality of the phenomenon, that the next morning he wrote thus of his first observation: "The volcano burns with more violence than last night.

  62. About a month previous to the eruption on the mainland, a submarine volcano burst forth in the sea in lat.

  63. In April of the year preceding the volcano had been observed in a state of considerable activity, ashes having fallen upon the decks of vessels which sailed past the coast.

  64. The first symptom of the revival of the energies of this volcano was the occurrence of an earthquake in the year 63 after Christ, which did considerable injury to the cities in its vicinity.

  65. I am sure that the commander would wish us to try and communicate with her, and restore that poor lad to his parents; and even if it should fall dark before we can get back, the volcano will serve to guide us.

  66. Picture a country of lavenders and yellows and blues; an open, barren land, with now a wide sweep of desert, now a chaos of mesa and mountain, dead volcano and eroded plain.

  67. The desert, a buff yellow where blue distance and black shadow and the purple of volcano spill have not stained it.

  68. On the morning of the 13th, soon after leaving the village of Klutchee, they beheld the majestic volcano of Klootchefsky, rearing its awful and flaming head far above the clouds.

  69. Greenland and Iceland present a third group of volcanoes; in the latter island, a single volcano was in a state of continuous eruption for five or six years.

  70. The volcano marks the spot where the zone of fusion is brought so high in the fractured crust that the melted materials are poured out upon the surface.

  71. But this volcano has a brain in it, and great force of character.

  72. Occasionally the volcano flared through his pale eyes, and betrayed such hate and resentment that Washington elevated his hands an inch.

  73. Their cane-fields covered the mountain on all its sides and subsidiary peaks, rising to the very fringe of the cold forest on the cone of a volcano long since extinct.

  74. Jefferson was like a volcano with bowels of fire and a crater which spilled over in the night.

  75. I realised that action must be of swiftness, the lightning flash, the volcano fire that I predicted.

  76. You look, my best one, for some outbreak of my passionate nature, you attend that the volcano spring some sudden hour into flame, overwhelming all in its path.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "volcano" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.