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Example sentences for "washroom"

Lexicographically close words:
washing; washings; washout; washouts; washpot; washstand; washstands; washt; washtub; washtubs
  1. Never, since then, have I heard men jeering over women as they look in dishabille, without wondering if those same men have ever seen themselves clearly in the mirrored washroom of a sleeping car.

  2. We became positively fond of the melancholy washroom boy in that hotel.

  3. I saw her disappear behind the washroom door.

  4. Probably the mirror in the washroom was too small.

  5. The washroom in our barracks contained a row of sinks where we washed and shaved.

  6. The washroom had a cement floor and when we went in there at night We would turn on the lights and wait for the cockroaches to disappear.

  7. We would heat up a tin can of water on the stove, go into the washroom and splash on Just enough ice water to make suds then have a friend pour the can of warm water over you and hope it was enough to get the soap off.

  8. The trail had ceased at the open window of the washroom at the rear of the restaurant, and search as he would be had been unable to pick it up again.

  9. Let's go to the washroom and clean up a bit," he said, in a voice that might be heard by those nearest.

  10. There were combs and brushes in the rooms, too, so that if one wanted to smooth his hair he was not obliged to resort to the appliances of that sort that were hung by chains to the washroom walls.

  11. It had washstands, with decorated pottery on them, in all its more expensive rooms, so that a guest sojourning there need not go down to the common washroom for his morning ablution, and dry his hands and face on a jack-towel.

  12. When Brown has shaved in the men's washroom in good American style, he will probably wipe his razor on a towel.

  13. In the oldtime washroom a roller towel gave satisfaction to travelers less particular than those of the present day.

  14. As Eaton stood staring at the floor, he could hear through the metal partition of the washroom the nervous, almost hysterical weeping of an overstrained girl.

  15. If it had been occupied as on the days previous, he must have heard some one coming to the washroom at his end.

  16. Connery looked to the dial, and the porter came out of the washroom and looked at it also.

  17. Avery returned to his seat, as the conductor appeared in the door of the washroom followed by the Englishman from Eaton's car, Henry Standish.

  18. Connery threw open the door of the compartment next to the washroom and corresponding to the drawing-room at the other end of the car, but smaller.

  19. Eaton started at it; then he dressed swiftly and hurried into the now deserted washroom and then on to breakfast.

  20. The bell in the washroom at the end of the car was ringing violently, and some one was reinforcing his ring with a stentorian call for "Porter!

  21. Professor Brice appeared in the doorway of the washroom of the gymnasium.

  22. In the Pullman washroom Grant collapsed to the seat and smeared soap into his eyes while he tried to check tears of laughter.

  23. Benicia walked into the field of the washroom window; with her the unspeakable Spaniard, who carried her neat travelling satchel as well as his own bag.

  24. She had entered a small washroom and had trapped herself.

  25. Sweeper Joe and Clayton the gateman were just entering the front door of the living room, armed with tools to use in taking down the washroom door.

  26. There was no escape from the washroom for it had no window.

  27. Slowly, he walked back to the washroom on the opposite side of the hall.

  28. No one had thought to equip the washroom with adjustable mirrors, so he gave up twisting his neck in an effort to see his profile.

  29. He set off up the corridor, passed the main door with his face averted, and hurried down to the washroom before someone should come along.

  30. In the washroom he was beset by a human bluebottle who buzzed round him with a futile and superfluous whisk broom, despite his protests, and all but blocked his way when he sought an egress without paying for it in the form of a tip.

  31. In which washroom was the towel found, Mr. Kennedy?

  32. He found it in the washroom by our offices.

  33. Then there was the finding of the towel in the washroom of the office building at the studio.

  34. I recognized it as the one I had discovered in the studio washroom immediately following the first murder.

  35. It has been--it has been in the washroom ever since poor Stella's death?

  36. Who could have been in the washroom just before me?

  37. All right, come around here and I'll show you what we want done," he said and took him around behind the house, showed him where to dig out and build a new entrance to the cellar under the washroom and put in a flue for the heater.

  38. We ought to take out the wood floor of the washroom and put in a concrete floor, but I think the wood floor will have to answer until we build our new house.

  39. The heater will keep the floor of the washroom warm in winter and prevent the pipes from freezing.

  40. He wants $250 for the bathroom and washroom equipment, including a four- foot white enamel wash sink with soap dishes and tempering faucets.

  41. Bob, thinking perhaps his aunt might have asked to have some men sent out to work on the new cellar under the washroom where the hot-water heater was to go.

  42. We could easily make a cellar under it for the hot-water heater and supply hot water to the kitchen, washroom and the bathroom on the second floor, as well as the laundry.

  43. To have a private washroom was luxurious.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "washroom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    basement; bath; bathhouse; bathroom; baths; can; closet; convenience; head; latrine; lavatory; outhouse; privy; toilet; urinal; washroom