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Example sentences for "accentual"

Lexicographically close words:
accelerators; accent; accented; accenting; accents; accentuate; accentuated; accentuates; accentuating; accentuation
  1. In the 'May' we return to the four-beat accentual measure, this time applied to a discussion by the herdsmen Palinode and Piers of the lawfulness of Sunday sports and the corruption of the clergy.

  2. The verse is mainly octosyllabic, sometimes blank, but the rough accentual 'rime' is also used.

  3. It is composed in the rough accentual metre, and opens with a couplet which roused the ire of Dr.

  4. It remains to say a few words concerning the language of the Calender and the rough accentual metre in which parts of it are composed, since both have a particular bearing upon Spenser's attitude towards pastoral in general.

  5. Under these circumstances there can, I think, be little doubt as to the literary parentage of Spenser's accentual measure.

  6. The importance of accentual treatment is now recognized in every modern method.

  7. The liability of the caesura to shift its position was certainly considerably increased by the accentual character of English rhythm.

  8. But the only successful method of adapting the hexameter to English use is that adopted by William Taylor, who followed the example of the Germans in observing only the accentual system and substituting the accentual trochee for the spondee.

  9. These features are: First, the quantitative character of the ancient rhythms as opposed to the accentual character of English verse.

  10. For these, too, the general law observed in all accentual poetry holds good, viz.

  11. The main law for all accentual versification is this, that verse-accent must always coincide with word-accent.

  12. All the poetic rhythms of the Indogermanic or Aryan languages are based on one or other of these phonetic qualities of syllables, one group observing mainly the quantitative, and the other the accentual principle.

  13. The full meaning of these terms can most easily be explained and understood by means of examples chosen either from English or German, whose accentual basis is essentially the same.

  14. Rhyme was not in use as an accessory to metre in Latin till the quantitative principle had given way to the accentual principle in the later hymns of the Church, and it has passed thence into all European systems of metre.

  15. The licence of displacement of accent is an offence against the fundamental law of accentual verse, and therefore becomes more and more rare as the technique of verse becomes more perfect.

  16. It is written in hexameters, composed on a system which wavers between the quantitative and accentual treatment.

  17. We are on the very verge of the accentual Latin poetry of the Middle Ages, and the affinity is made closer by the free use of initial and terminal assonances, and even of occasional rhyme.

  18. Rebus sic stantibus, what's the use of talking about quantitative and accentual verse, as if they were really two kinds of verse?

  19. Glory to Verse, for its power is great--glory to our Accentual Iambic Pentameter.

  20. Behold, then, I beseech you, the comprehending power of that little magical band--Our Accentual Iambic Pentameter.

  21. Elision came to be disregarded; and even the accentual values, which may at first have formed a substitute for quantity, yielded to musical notation.

  22. Not only are these inflections denoted occasionally by the accentual marks, but they are sometimes expressly identified with accents, being called by that name.

  23. The accentual Sapphics of the middle ages throw some curious light upon these transmutations of meter.

  24. The Italian hendecasyllable is an accentual iambic line of five feet with one unaccented syllable over and included in the rhyme.

  25. It has no exact correspondence in any classic meter; but it was early developed out of the accentual Latin measures which replaced quantitative meter in the middle ages.

  26. Otherwise, the rhythm bears the appearance of a six-foot accentual iambic, an appearance which is confirmed by the recurrence of a single rhyme or assonance in a throughout the poem.

  27. Unhappily those who agree in regarding the metre as purely accentual agree in little else.

  28. While the principle of the verse is accentual half the words in any given line may be accented as they were never accented anywhere else.

  29. The latter is in accentual iambics, with a sort of monotonous termination in the nature of rhyme; and in very much superior Latinity, probably the work of an ecclesiastic.

  30. Its accentual life is usually manifested on an unaccented part of the bar, especially at the end of a section or phrase.

  31. Again play him lawlessly, with his accentual life topsy-turvied, and he is no longer Chopin--his caricature only.

  32. Thirdly, the stressed syllable of each word is strongly marked, and verse exists as strongly and regularly accentual as in English or German.

  33. An excellent example of accentual verse set to an already existing melody is seen in Li Bon Prouvençau.

  34. According to this theory, the Saturnian is an accentual verse, constructed without regard to quantity.

  35. The accentual theory was held by the scholiast on V.

  36. This increase of the number of syllables produced certain accentual changes, all the details of which are not clear.

  37. But the return to free accentual verse in the "Christabel" was an innovation at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

  38. Campion, a trained musician, argued for a quantitative system of English prosody during the very period when he was composing, in the accentual system, some of the most exquisite songs in the language.

  39. Popular accentual verse persisted, then, while the more cultivated Roman public acquired and then gradually lost, in the course of centuries, its ear for the quantitative rhythms which originally had been copied from the Greeks.

  40. Nott, who maintains the versification of Chaucer to have been wholly founded on accentual and not syllabic regularity.

  41. Certainly, however, the laws of quantity were forgotten, and an accentual pronunciation came to predominate, before Latin had ceased to be a living language.

  42. A song is still extant in rhyme and loose accentual measure, written upon a victory of Clotaire II.

  43. Accentual verses of four, six, and seven feet were already familiar long before Chaucer's time.

  44. And he expounds the English accentual verse-system with clearness and vigor.

  45. In this verse the first two lines are accentual iambic dimeters; while the last two begin each with two trochees, and close apparently with two dactyls.

  46. With the finished accentual Latin poetry of the twelfth century it may become impossible to tell which line of rhythmic evolution holds the antecedent of a given poem.

  47. That may have had its effect; but I do not see the need of any cause from afar to account for the syllabic regularity of Latin accentual verse.

  48. The pre-excellence of this period will likewise appear in accentual rhyming Latin poetry, which was more spontaneous and living than its loftily descended relative.

  49. But it was not the true mediaeval style, and became obviously academic as accentual verse was perfected and made fit to carry spiritual emotion.

  50. One or two further examples may or may not suggest any antecedents in those older forms of accentual verse which followed the former metres: "Ornarunt terram germina, Nunc caelum luminaria.

  51. But in the proper Latin, which had become as unquantitative and accentual as any of its vulgar forms, there was a tonic poetry that was no longer unequipped with rhyme.

  52. For, although accentual rhythms admit dactyls and anapaests, these have not proved generally serviceable.

  53. There were two distinct lines of evolution of accentual Latin verse in the Middle Ages; and although the faculty of song was a moving energy in both, it worked in one of them more visibly than in the other.

  54. Accentual Latin lent itself so naturally to rhyme, that had not rhyme become a fixed part of this verse, there indeed would have been a fact to explain.

  55. In the Carolingian period accentual verse followed the old metrical forms, with this exception: the metrical principle that one long is equivalent to two shorts was not adopted.

  56. The third is that of the Sequence, wherein the accentual rhyming hymn springs from the chanted prose, which had superseded the chanting of the final a of the Alleluia.

  57. The accentual verses of the Romance tongues had their source in the popular accentual Latin verse of the later Roman period.

  58. The alliterative accentual verse of indefinite length is obviously unsuited for all the lighter, and for some of the more serious, purposes of verse.

  59. That this would not affect the chansons themselves is true enough; for there are no relics of any alliterative prosody in French, and its accentual scanning is only the naturally "crumbled" quantity of Latin.

  60. The writer does not avail himself of the new accentual quantification, and his other licences are but few.

  61. The following is the accentual formula of the first two stanzas of the second ode of the first Book of Horace.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accentual" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.