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Example sentences for "armored"

Lexicographically close words:
armlet; armlets; armload; armoire; armor; armorer; armorers; armorial; armories; armors
  1. She is an armored battleship of the first class, built by the Union Iron Works of San Francisco, and launched Oct.

  2. She is an armored cruiser, and is one of the latest and most speedy of that type.

  3. In front they were accordingly armored two and a half inches over two feet of solid oak.

  4. She was the first armored vessel against which the fire of a hostile battery was directed on this continent; and, so far as I can ascertain, she was the first ironclad that ever engaged a naval force in the world.

  5. Armored cruisers now flung themselves in a reckless onset at extreme speed against the enemy line in order to cover the attack of the torpedo boats.

  6. Older German light cruisers of the fourth reconnoissance group also were engaged with the older enemy armored cruisers in a short fight.

  7. One armored cruiser of the Cressy class suddenly appeared close to a German battleship and was shot into fire after forty seconds, and sank in four minutes.

  8. The projectile was placed on the armored floor in the middle of the room, and covered with a few hundred pounds of fine sand.

  9. The armored motors have high-powered engines, and the chassis chosen for these new instruments of war are of the heaviest types.

  10. In the matter of movable guns, the French and Germans both had them mounted on armored trains.

  11. They would as soon think of voyaging over the seas to put down an incipient revolution without their armored cars and motor trucks as they would of going to meet the enemy without their rifle.

  12. Germany is said to have developed some of these that were of such size and power as to penetrate an armored ship.

  13. The army officer, too, has taken to the armored automobile, and put aside his horse.

  14. As an instance of what the armored car accomplishes, it is recited that when the German troops sought to invade the Belgian town of Alost a detachment was sent through the streets in armored cars.

  15. The United States has not made much fuss about it, but has had armored cars in the regular army for several years.

  16. Every marine expedition is equipped with its quota of armored trucks.

  17. The armored cars have proved extremely valuable for scouting purposes.

  18. What is described as the Isotta Fraschini heavy model armored artillery car of Italy is considered one of the most effective of the "motor forts" or "land cruisers" developed during the war.

  19. Many of these cars were turned into armored cars of the lighter type, and the number of such automobiles in use runs far into the thousands.

  20. The advent of the armored automobile in the war changed many features of campaigning and helped to revolutionize military methods.

  21. Man after man closed with the monstrous, armored Things--only to be seized and crushed by the weaving tentacles.

  22. The Quabos advanced on us like armored tanks bearing down on defenceless savages.

  23. An ironclad war vessel, very low in the water, and having one or more heavily-armored revolving turrets, carrying heavy guns.

  24. One of the armored projections fitted with gun ports, used on modern war vessels.

  25. The armored cruiser squadron met you, and left you again, when you were half way round the world.

  26. Every bit of loosened ore, down to the finest dust, was forced into a conveyor and thence into the armored body of the machine.

  27. Were you ever informed that the armored car had arrived at the police station?

  28. Again the net was thrown, and the gesturing figure turned to point dramatically where Jerry lay bound, then pounded his armored chest with unconcealed pride.

  29. The copper of the armored men gleamed bright in the glow from beyond, as they abased themselves and crept slowly toward the light.

  30. The armored warriors were approaching; in leaping triumph they raced to be the first ones at the death.

  31. Armored vehicles provide some protection against both the blast and radiation effects of nuclear weapons.

  32. The grim, stern and epic history of the bold, arrogant adventurer who was merciless in success and dauntless in failure is ruggedly suggested by this figure, mounted upon a heavily armored charger and advancing with drawn sword.

  33. Trench is outside in a heavy-armored car, Bruce.

  34. Now a car with a loudspeaker on top rolled into view--a completely armored car.

  35. Some ten years later the duke was informed that in the empire beyond the sea a thousand ships had landed an army of a hundred thousand armored soldiers.

  36. Page 234] So he ordered a hundred armored soldiers, with bows and swords, to surround the house of the youth, and under all circumstances to take Molo captive.

  37. When the monk had gone a little further, he met one who rode an armored steed.

  38. We drove a hundred miles and met a train of three-hundred armored horsemen who had ridden out to escort me.

  39. Serious injury to an enemy's thickly-armored battleships can be inflicted only by large-calibre guns.

  40. The battleships not only fought the armored cruisers in a long, stern chase down the shore, but destroying as they ran, finally forced them blazing in their own wrecks upon a hostile coast.

  41. At least ten million credits are going to be picked up by an armored truck and taken to branch banks for distribution.

  42. Alan's was at once the simplest and most difficult; he would have nothing to do until the others had finished their parts, but then he would have to board the armored car and outrace any pursuers.

  43. The armored truck was parked outside, looking sleek and impregnable, and four massive roboguards stood watch, one by each wheel.

  44. Like steel the stars gleam through the night On armored waves beneath,-- As England's honor cold and bright We bear her sword in sheath!

  45. Armored with careless laughter, strong with a stubborn will, The Vikings found it and lost it--it is undiscovered still!

  46. So confident was the enemy of success that the triple-armored battering-ships moved boldly up to within half-gunshot range.

  47. The reconstructed ships were much like the Merrimac, that did such destructive work in our Civil War, except that they were not armored with iron.

  48. From the big eleven-inch guns of the Monitor shot after shot was hurled against the slanting armored walls of the Merrimac.

  49. I regard the possession of an iron-armored ship," Mallory urged, "as a matter of the first necessity.

  50. Rapid-firers opened upon the British from every conceivable angle; but the shells dropped harmlessly from the sides of the armored tanks.

  51. Chester threw open the door of the armored car, and, with Hal and the four members of the crew, got to the ground.

  52. For the most part, however, the shells fell from the armored sides like drops of water from a roof.

  53. These are the men who manned the armored car, sir," said the captain.

  54. Try as they would, the Germans were unable to hurl back the British infantry, which advanced steadily under the protecting wings of countless armored tanks.

  55. A moment later, the armored door swung open, and the half-dozen men who composed its crew got out.

  56. You mean the armored tractors -- those things that climb fences, trenches, and things like that?

  57. She was more strongly mounted with guns than any German armored cruiser.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    armored; clouded; covert; enveloped; floored; hooded; housed; ironclad; mantled; masked; muffled; obscured; packaged; paved; roofed; screened; sheathed; shielded; shrouded; tented; undercover; veiled; walled; wrapped