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Example sentences for "aspirin"

Lexicographically close words:
aspirator; aspire; aspired; aspires; aspireth; aspiring; aspirings; asprawl; aspre; asps
  1. Frau Ebermann reflected that in an hour or so the aspirin would begin to work, and all would be well.

  2. In spite of the heat of the room and the damp breath of the steam-inhaler, the aspirin was not doing its duty.

  3. He knows the aspirin will not cure the arthritis, but he wants to alleviate the symptom.

  4. The latter is what a doctor does when he recommends aspirin for arthritis.

  5. Take some aspirin and get used to it,' was his advice.

  6. In fact, there probably weren't any aspirin in the entire place.

  7. After the first week the aspirin and the veronal gave out and there was no "earthly chance" of getting more.

  8. It didn't occur to any of you that it wasn't the acting of silly charades or the ordering of aspirin or the giving out of bandages and books that made me collapse: it was letting my mind dwell on the reason for which I was doing it.

  9. Aspirin in graceful conjuring trick,' that should be grains, and then four large Qs in a row.

  10. We want aspirin tabloids containing two grains," she said.

  11. Now I'm going to begin the aspirin letter once again.

  12. The aspirin letter was in consequence indefinitely delayed, and Dodo had to telegraph instead.

  13. And will the aspirin letter be ready for the post?

  14. For the aches and pains take aspirin tablets (grains 5 each) one every hour for 4 doses then one every 4 hours.

  15. Tumar ug aspirin ug labdan ka sa úlu, Take aspirin if you have a headache.

  16. To the patient, in whom the fever was already developing, I gave a big dose of aspirin and left several tablets of quinine with them.

  17. I swallowed all my stock of aspirin and quinine but without relief.

  18. Aspirin was to be avoided, but quinine had its uses.

  19. Sir Consul Tait, the famous physician, held that alcohol was the greatest provocative of colds; aspirin was their greatest enemy.

  20. He did not for a moment believe the aspirin story.

  21. As a matter of fact, my neuralgia kept me from sleeping, and I found I had forgotten my bottle of aspirin down here, where I had brought it for the same purpose this morning.

  22. The notorious adulteration of aspirin may well be urged as establishing a need for a similar exception in its use.

  23. The manufacturers of aspirin are about to launch an extensive advertising campaign to clinch the market as far as possible before the expiration of their patent rights next year.

  24. The Melting Temperature of Aspirin and Salicylic Acid Mixtures,” Proc.

  25. When the public buys aspirin on its own responsibility--without specifying any particular brand--the druggist may give the purchaser any make of acetylsalicylic acid he sees fit.

  26. The facts are, of course, that the aspirin of any reputable firm is just as good as the aspirin put out by the makers of Livertone, Danderine and Cascarets.

  27. When these copies which have already been printed are used, no further Aspirin copy will appear.

  28. Joe took two aspirin and slept for fourteen hours.

  29. He took aspirin and shuffled back to his mattress with bread and a piece of cheddar cheese.

  30. Aspirin had helped him sleep for four or five hours.

  31. Jo loaded up with aspirin to deaden a toothache which was worrying her.

  32. Sodium salicylate or aspirin given until the pain and temperature are relieved; usually five to ten grains of sodium salicylate every three hours for an adult; or five grains of the aspirin every three hours.

  33. Remedies such as antipyrine or aspirin are often used.

  34. Aspirin is another good remedy; five grains every four hours for an adult; but used only under doctor's directions.

  35. Aspirin in five-grain doses for an adult every four hours is given very much now.

  36. We were not surprised to see it, although pre-war advertisements had assured us at home that Bayer aspirin had been made on the Hudson for years by an American company.

  37. Germany had monopolised the production of the important synthetic drugs, including the derivatives of salicylic acid, of which aspirin had developed wide use in Allied countries.

  38. I'll get you an aspirin and then we'll go to sleep.

  39. Mimi was almost herself when she reappeared on the roof, aspirin in one hand and a glass of water in the other.

  40. As she was leaving, Jerry came into the pharmacy, recorded his thumbprint and took a box of aspirin from the machine.

  41. There was a short rise in aspirin sales to women at late afternoon.

  42. Simon shrugged and fumbled again with the aspirin bottle.

  43. Providence," Simon told her whilst fiddling with the aspirin bottle, "will provide.

  44. He sat down at his desk, passed his tongue over his teeth in distaste, groaned, fumbled in a drawer for the aspirin bottle.

  45. Simon winced at the noise, took the aspirin bottle from its drawer, took two, washed them down with water from the desk carafe.

  46. He doesn’t know the difference between an aspirin tablet and a Rorschach test.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aspirin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.