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Example sentences for "avidly"

Lexicographically close words:
aviators; aviatrix; avid; avide; avidity; aviez; avifauna; avil; avin; avine
  1. And then in a flash I saw how they would sneer one and all, and how they would think that I had caught avidly at this opportunity of freeing myself from an undertaking into which a boastful mood had lured me.

  2. Even before Northwood had graduated from the university where he now taught, he had been avidly interested in Emil Mundson's fantastic articles in scientific journals.

  3. Northwood seized the magazine and looked avidly at the title of the article, "Creatures of the Light.

  4. The wasp avidly set to work to secure that honey.

  5. Old Tama would coax him avidly for more than her share.

  6. The Westerner glanced avidly about him, noting here a spoken name familiar in print, there a face recognized from far-spread photographic reproduction.

  7. For while we all read avidly what we can find about the other man's sins and errors, we all hope, for our own, the kindly mantle of silence.

  8. She longed avidly for the sight and the sound of many soughing trees.

  9. He breathed from his earliest days the atmosphere of books, and almost from the cradle imbibed avidly the many volumes of Voltaire.

  10. Dane managed a weak nod, but contrived that he did not lean too heavily on his avidly helpful guide.

  11. But there were deaths and deaths--And Dane could not forget the gruesome legends Van Rycke collected avidly as his hobby--had recorded in his private library of the folk lore of space.

  12. But it had rankled and stung him almost beyond endurance, till he had come to thirst avidly for some kind of test between them--for action, whatever the result might mean.

  13. Eye and ear drank in avidly each sight and sound, and he sniffed the thick smells as a hound sniffs a haunting but forgotten trail.

  14. Could he maintain under the searching purview of the law that anonymity which he had sought to insure during the debauch into which he had so avidly plunged yesterday afternoon?

  15. He turned the leaves, searching avidly for the headlines which should have flung broadcast the startling identification.

  16. As under the given circumstances either solution was sure to encounter formidable opposition, which only a doughty spirit would dare to affront, compromise, offering a side-exit out of the quandary, was avidly taken.

  17. This band of patriots had pilgrimaged to Paris full of hope for their respective countries, having drunk in avidly the unstinted praise and promises which had served as pabulum for their attachment to the Allied cause during the war.

  18. Business was slack, hands were being laid off; where an apprentice was required, three trained men waited avidly for work.

  19. At the end of four weeks, with hunger gnawing so avidly at his core that he could not pass a restaurant without twitching muscles and quivering nerves, he turned abruptly from the street into a cigar store and telephoned to Mr. Shayne.

  20. They caught his scent at a mile's distance, and Reivers crouched down and watched avidly as they streaked from the swamp to security.

  21. Its rays were lighting the valley, and as he peered avidly around one side of the stone, Reivers could make out some detail of the two specks that moved so steadily toward him.

  22. Hunters are mighty," he mocked in the Chippewa tongue, as the young men avidly eyed the meat.

  23. The moon-cat, who had now reached his shoulder, brushed the tip of her tail across his loose right eyebrow, while Blink's jealous tongue avidly licked his high left cheekbone.

  24. So this strong, vigorous combination of both youth and untiring activity, avidly took up Gadsby's plan; for nothing so stirs up a youthful mind as an opportunity for accomplishing anything that adults cannot do.

  25. She pressed herself closer to him, and he felt her body like the heat of a flame avidly caress him.

  26. The crowd waiting avidly for the dramatic moment of the verdict; living vicariously the suspense of the defendant--depressed him.

  27. Rachel's hands crept avidly to his face, holding his cheeks with hot fingers.

  28. The warmth of thy garments hath a goodlier smell than myrrh, than nard," he is saying, avidly touching her ear with his lips.

  29. Avidly did Sulamith listen to him, and, when he grew silent, amidst the stillness of the night their lips joined, their arms entwined each other, and breast touched breast.

  30. He drew a paper from his breast-pocket, and handed it to the forger, who seized it avidly and studied it with intent, avaricious eyes.

  31. Her mind, long starved like her body, seized avidly on the nourishment thus afforded.

  32. I watched avidly as he rented cabins, admiring again the ease and sureness with which he did something he had never done before.

  33. She had probably been acquiring things as avidly as this ever since she got married.

  34. Then he was avidly busy in the pit, working as carefully as a fine jeweller.

  35. Nelsen and Ramos listened avidly because it was life, because it was contact with lost things, because it was not dead silence.

  36. Over his shoulder Fat Mary watched avidly and grinned.

  37. Christian du Preez gave the girl a slack hand and murmured incoherently some salutation, while his gaze took in avidly each feature of her and summed up her effect of easy modernity.

  38. Every morning, I swear, thou readest avidly the list of male births in thy paper, and then are thy hands rubbed gloatingly the one upon the other.

  39. The glossy sheets of the 1200 Citizen extruded themselves from a million receivers in the New York area, but none of those million copies was as avidly pounced on as was Director Walton's.

  40. He had been hovering near the wall outlet for ten minutes, avidly awaiting the sheet's arrival.

  41. With wonderful quickness a crowd had collected, all avidly eager for a fight.

  42. I read avidly all I could find dealing with the Far West, and ever my wistful gaze roved over the grey sea.

  43. He sucked his greasy fingers avidly after he had wolfed down his portion.

  44. He waited while the other seized the canteen avidly and drank.

  45. Through the cat's eyes Hanlon carefully studied each one of the guests and listened avidly to their talk--and at times had to tighten his control of Ebony's mind and muscles to keep it acting friendly toward some of those people.

  46. Avidly he seized it, insinuated his mind into it, and realized at once that it was the brain of a fish.

  47. Ruth leaned avidly against him as if seeking refuge in his arms.

  48. They identified themselves avidly with the world--these old and new friends.

  49. They seemed to watch avidly from behind something.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "avidly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anxiously; avidly; eagerly; impatiently; keenly; promptly; quickly; readily