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Example sentences for "begonias"

Lexicographically close words:
beginnings; begins; begirt; begon; begone; begonne; begorra; begot; begotten; begoud
  1. As he advanced among the montbretias and begonias I noticed that he wore his English clothes.

  2. The same dusk that turned the begonias velvety-black in their beds made luminous the pale hydrangeas, until they resembled the glimmering whites and mauves of the frocks that moved in and out among them.

  3. It had little broken lawns set with hydrangeas and beds and borders of blood-red begonias and montbretia and geraniums and marguerites, the whole tilted up as if it would have spilled over the rough cliff-top to the rocks below.

  4. For such positions it is well-nigh impossible to match the bulbous-rooted Begonias for brilliancy, grandeur and grace, three qualities seldom combined in the same plant.

  5. The Begonias are natives of the tropical countries of Asia, Africa, and America, and most of them inhabit the mountainous regions at a considerable elevation.

  6. The soil best adapted for Begonias is turfy loam, leaf-mold, sand, and old well-rotted manure in equal parts.

  7. Every bed is presentable for the summer when the flowers that bloom in the spring have been removed; the effect is only agreeably diversified when the begonias show themselves in July.

  8. Dahlias and Begonias have roots of this kind; so have many Anemones and many wild flowers.

  9. You will find Begonias useful as successors to the spring bulbs that are over, and can be taken up for division or thrown away.

  10. Begonias used to be little grown in the outdoor garden, but of late years you see them everywhere.

  11. Begonias must be stored in sand or cocoanut-fibre in shallow boxes, and kept in a frost-free place through the winter.

  12. Begonias make handsome room plants; so do Fuchsias, Heliotropes, and Geraniums.

  13. Then you must watch your Begonias carefully, and when they appear above ground protect them from slugs by putting a circle of soot round each plant.

  14. Begonias I have moved this way without affecting them for a single day.

  15. Tuberous-rooted begonias supply a much-felt want for lovely flowers in half-shady or shady places.

  16. Begonias are at their best throughout the month of September.

  17. The setting of the more solid leaves gives the Begonias a better appearance and makes their bright bloom tell more vividly.

  18. To him we owe, among many fine things, the hybrid Begonias which are becoming such favourites for bedding and other purposes.

  19. The smooth-leaved begonias are said to affect a Sunday morning cup of coffee by way of gloss to their foliage.

  20. All the begonias thrive well as house plants.

  21. Tuberous begonias and gloxinias will most likely have ended their flowering season by this time.

  22. In window-boxes having a northern exposure such plants as Boston and Whitman fern, asparagus plumosus, asparagus Sprengerii, and any of the fibrous-rooted begonias will be found very effective.

  23. Of the large leaved Rex begonias new varieties are frequently introduced.

  24. Cannas, tall Cannas, dwarf flowering Dahlias Caladiums Tuberous rooted Begonias are the sorts for which there is most demand.

  25. Some of the foliage begonias have long, thick stems, or "rhizomes" growing just above the soil; from these the leaves grow.

  26. The large fancy-leaved begonias (Rex begonias) are increased by "leaf-cuttings.

  27. There are three types: the flowering fibrous-rooted begonias, the decorative leaved begonias and the tuberous-rooted, with their abundant and gorgeous flowers and beautiful foliage.

  28. Bedding stock is what the florists term geraniums, coleus, begonias and other plants used for setting out flower beds in the spring.

  29. Illustration: Begonias combine more fully than any other house plant the three important factors of beauty of form and flower, continuity of bloom and ease of culture.

  30. Begonias are rather difficult to raise from seed and the best way to get them is to go to some good florist and select a few specimens; after that you can easily keep supplied by cuttings (see page 29).

  31. Patience Plant (Impatiens)--This old-fashioned but cheery flowered plant resembles the flowering begonias in looks and habit.

  32. The geraniums and salvias blaze in the autumn sun; the begonias have grown to a small forest of beautiful foliage and bloom; the heliotropes have become almost little trees, and load the air with their delicate fragrance.

  33. There are many other beautiful kinds of begonias besides the few described above.

  34. The most satisfactory way to select your begonias is to see them actually growing at the florist's.

  35. Just look at them dandelions, growin' where there used to be a bed of the finest begonias I've ever seen!

  36. Some part of the outcome of that meeting was foreshadowed while Smith of the Begonias was unlocking the gate, because a procession of three appeared in the porch.

  37. Begonias are also propagated by division of the tubers, like potatoes; by cuttings stuck in pots in a bottom heat of about seventy degrees; and by leaf-cuttings on cocoa-fibre or sand.

  38. The growing of named tuberous Begonias is on the decrease, as so many excellent single or double flowered plants can be raised from seed of a good strain.

  39. The whitewash was very dirty; the little eight-day clock on the mantelpiece had run down; the begonias in pots on the window-ledge were at death's door for water.

  40. Caladiums, cannas, abutilons, permanent rhododendrons, and other large stuff, with tuberous begonias and balsams between.

  41. The amateur would better not attempt to grow the tuberous begonias from seed.

  42. If the house gardener desires to raise tuberous begonias from seed, he must be prepared to exercise much patience.

  43. The foliage of rex begonias should be cleansed with a piece of dry or only slightly moist cotton.

  44. Next to the geranium, begonias are probably the most popular for house culture of the entire plant list.

  45. Rex begonias usually grow little during winter, and they should therefore be kept fairly dry and no effort made to push them.

  46. It would be a capital idea to try to repeat the history of the begonias or any other hybrid race, making all the described crosses and then recording the results in a manner requisite for complete and careful scientific investigations.

  47. So it is with the begonias of our gardens, which are also composite hybrids, but are usually sown on a very large scale.

  48. Our tuberous begonias owe their variability to at least seven original parent species, [273] and to the almost incredible number of combinations which are possible between their characters.

  49. Double tuberous begonias are ordinarily absolutely sterile throughout the summer, but towards autumn the new flowers become less and less altered, producing some normal stamens and pistils among the majority of metamorphosed organs.

  50. The forest now grows less luxuriant though still close--we have left the begonias and the tree-ferns, and are in another zone.

  51. You were planting a bed of begonias round by the south side of the house yesterday afternoon, were you not, Manning?

  52. And how do you know that these fine begonias are not of equal importance?

  53. The Rex begonias or "beefsteak geraniums" are the commonest examples.

  54. The extraordinary tendency in some Begonias to develop leaves or leafy excrescences from their surfaces is elsewhere alluded to, and is, in reality, a species of hypertrophy or over-luxuriant growth.

  55. At this Jo opened a window, risking the life and health of her begonias and geraniums by so doing.

  56. Jo tucked her up on the hard couch under the glowing begonias and geraniums.

  57. The foliage of Rex begonias should be cleansed with a piece of dry or only slightly moist cotton.

  58. These tuberous-rooted Begonias make superior bedding plants if given a shady situation and deep soil; but for the amateur they are perhaps better grown as pot-plants, for one is able to give them better conditions by that method.

  59. Although their season of bloom is short, the satisfaction of having a fall display of flowers before the geraniums, begonias and other house plants have recovered from their removal from out of doors, repays all efforts.

  60. Next to the geranium, Begonias are probably the most popular for house culture of the entire plant list.

  61. This is not before the first of June, as Begonias are quite sensitive to cold nights, but not at all to heat.

  62. I was quite excited when I first saw waxen-leaved begonias cuddling into the crevices of a rock by the wayside; and exclaimed aloud when a turn of the path revealed a whole bank of dwarf sunflowers, golden in the sun.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "begonias" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.