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Example sentences for "boobies"

Lexicographically close words:
bonys; bonze; bonzes; booath; boob; boobs; booby; bood; boodle; booed
  1. They produce nothing except wood, and are frequented by vast flocks of sea fowl, called boobies by our sailors.

  2. Is has, however, a great number of the birds named Boobies and Man-of-war birds.

  3. It is probably to these islands, whose existence captain Cook suspected, that the great flights of boobies he saw in Hervey's Bay retire at night.

  4. Two boobies came to the ship, and afterwards another, a sign of the proximity of land.

  5. Later, three boobies and a man-o'-war bird were seen three times.

  6. We saw also some boobies and noddy-birds, and in the night caught one of these last.

  7. No doubt for the same reason that the lobos and the boobies have gone, no one knows where, so the whales have gone in search of grounds and waters remote from the haunts of man and steamers.

  8. Schweiser and Gnat applying for another loan on the strength of the pelicans, ducks and boobies having returned to their ancient labours on those celebrated islands.

  9. The boobies flew ten, twenty miles out to the open sea for fish, while the innumerable shoals that lay around their island were alive with sardine and herring!

  10. I hurried after him, to that end of the island where we had landed, and I found the colony of boobies in a state of great perturbation.

  11. The puzzle of the flying boobies was solved in the startling realization that the mother had returned from the sea with a fish in her stomach and had disgorged it into the gullet of her offspring.

  12. I had raised a tremendous row; so, leaving the boobies to quiet down, I made my way toward the flocks of rabihorcados.

  13. Then the two boobies stood locked in amazing convulsions.

  14. Many were sitting on nests, and all around in the sand were nests with eggs, and little boobies just hatched, and others in every stage of growth, up to big babies of birds like huge balls of pure white wool.

  15. Here and there in the thick growth of green weed were boobies squatting on isolated nests.

  16. Thousands of boobies were returning from deep-sea fishing, and as they neared the island they were met and set upon by a swarming army of rabihorcados.

  17. Then I turned my back on sea and beach where this bee-swarm confused my vision, and looked to see single boobies whirling here and there with two or three black demons in pursuit.

  18. It is somewhat singular that, though we saw no birds in the forenoon, yet toward evening we had again a number of boobies and man-of-war birds about us.

  19. In the evening, several boobies flying very near to us, we had the good fortune to catch one of them.

  20. This afternoon we had many birds about us which are never seen far from land, such as boobies and noddies.

  21. Several varieties of boobies and terns were found, some brown with green-blue eyes, others ivory-white.

  22. Previous to this visit the ornithologists had never known to what islands the boobies and frigate birds came to nest, although the scientists had long been searching for the place, so the expedition was well worth while.

  23. While we hung over the bulwarks watching the bonitos and the whales, the diggers threw "bolas" at the boobies that flew out to us from the blazing rocks, and brought them down screaming upon the decks.

  24. We are coasting again, gliding through calm blue waters, watching the dolphins as they play, and the boobies as they fly stroke and stroke with the paddles of the ship.

  25. In the afternoon we had many birds about us, which are never seen far from land, such as boobies and noddies.

  26. But the little circumstance of catching two boobies in the evening, trifling as it may appear, had the effect of raising their spirits.

  27. But though they were scattered, the boobies wasn't destroyed.

  28. The following day there were drizzling showers, and two boobies flew on board the Santa Maria, birds which seldom wander more than twenty leagues from land.

  29. Here fresh water was obtained, and one of the canoes brought on board as many boobies and man-of-war birds as was sufficient for all the ship's company.

  30. Boobies and Noddies taken by Bligh, mutiny of the Bounty, i.

  31. Noddies and boobies taken by Bligh: mutiny of the Bounty, i.

  32. Saw many boobies and noddies, a sign of being in the neighbourhood of land.

  33. We were so fortunate as to catch two boobies in the evening: their stomachs contained several flying-fish and small cuttlefish, all of which I saved to be divided for dinner the next day.

  34. In the evening several boobies flying very near to us we had the good fortune to catch one of them.

  35. A small island was seen bearing west, at which we arrived before dark and found that it was only a rock where boobies resort, for which reason I called it Booby Island.

  36. In the evening a few boobies came about us, one of which I caught with my hand.

  37. Would to Heaven that I had not to go down to my boobies at Cleve!

  38. Let's allow that the main purpose of the great Public Schools is to breed brave average boobies by means of rocker, sticker and mucker and the rest of it.

  39. There was but one more sent away that Day; this was a Gentleman who is reckoned by some Persons one of the greatest Wits, and by others one of the greatest Boobies about Town.

  40. Catesby and Dampier have both observed and described these habits, and it seems from their account that the plunderer may either commit highway robbery in the air, or lie in wait for the boobies as they return to rest.

  41. The frigate pelican is likewise a professional thief, and attacks the boobies not only to make them drop the fish which they have newly caught, but also to disgorge those which are actually in their stomachs.

  42. After the boobies had left us, we saw no more birds till we got nearly abreast of Madagascar, where, in latitude 27° 3/4 S.

  43. The two keys to the east are covered with guano; white boobies hold the larger one, and black boobies the other; neither intermingles.

  44. After the Boobies above mentioned left us we saw no more birds till we got nearly abreast of Madagascar, where, in the Latitude of 27 3/4 degrees, we saw an Albatross.

  45. Some few days after we left Java we saw, for 3 or 4 evenings succeeding one another, boobies fly about the ship.

  46. A small island was now seen bearing W, at which I arrived before dark, and found that it was only a rock, where boobies resort, for which reason I called it Booby Island.

  47. This afternoon we had many birds about us, which are never seen far from land, such as boobies and noddies.

  48. In the evening we saw several boobies flying so near to us, that we caught one of them by hand.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boobies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.