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Example sentences for "robbery"

Lexicographically close words:
robbed; robber; robberie; robberies; robbers; robbeth; robbing; robbs; robd; robe
  1. First he went to two men who usually worked with him, and were in this robbery to a certain extent, and commissioned them to back The Pirate and lay against Kildare; then he tried to find Crotty, whom he intended to make his chief victim.

  2. Believed Lazarus would not enter Induna because he said he was not going to, why he would sell his brother to please his friend Sir Harry; besides, he is not above a robbery on his own account.

  3. You're infernally silent--what robbery are you hatching now?

  4. When he came to again he would know what the robbery was that he had been hatching.

  5. He answered with the cool audacity of conviction: "The inference to me is that there was no robbery at all.

  6. If robbery were their purpose, they seem to have worked with marvellous inefficiency.

  7. If you can rig up any kind of simple robbery out of these facts you are a clever man.

  8. My man and Jemmy's maid had disappeared by this time: they always do when there's a robbery or a row going on.

  9. The Jews and Christians naturally did not escape the communistic plague, and although only the rich suffered from the legalized robbery of the Zendiks, the community of women struck a terrible blow at all classes.

  10. An event which for a time put Frank under a cloud, because it looked as though he were involved in the robbery of a paymaster's clerk, ended in showing that Nick Rabig was the real culprit.

  11. There had been a good deal of looting of shops and robbery of the homes of the well-to-do.

  12. McKee had already ventured to use some of his share of the robbery in gambling.

  13. Finding that he was listened to, Buck made the direct charge that Payson had killed the station-agent, and with the proceeds of the robbery was paying off his old debts.

  14. The motive for the robbery would be evident.

  15. To ascertain just when the money came into the agent's hands, and to act as a cover in the robbery itself, an accomplice was needed.

  16. The robbery of the gold service has been prevented, the criminals unmasked, and--that's all.

  17. Did he expect a murder or robbery beforehand?

  18. Robbery is supposed to have been the motive, and suspicion points in half-a-dozen directions.

  19. Ireland, yet at no period has it been regarded otherwise than as a system of legalized robbery by seven eighths of the people.

  20. It stood only upon its own execrable foundation of robbery and wrong.

  21. For my own part, I know no difference between robbery in Africa and robbery at home.

  22. Outbreaks of Indian ferocity and revenge, incited by wrong and robbery on the part of the whites, will increasingly be made the pretext of indiscriminate massacres.

  23. During those years of sinful compromise the crime of man-robbery less atrocious than at present?

  24. Shall such a priesthood barter truth away, And in Thy name, for robbery and wrong At Thy own altars pray?

  25. It legalized the most abhorrent system of robbery which ever cursed the family of man.

  26. It is said that the Italian bandit never plans a robbery without invoking a divine blessing upon his undertaking, doubtless believing that the God of David, of Moses, and of Joshua still reigns.

  27. Yet again, the smell of opium led to the detection of a robbery in the Punjaub, where a train of bullock carts laden with the drug was plundered by dacoits.

  28. The ineffaceable odour of musk and other strong scents has more than once brought home robbery and murder to their perpetrators.

  29. Fifteen of their captives were murderers, a hundred and eight were burglars, five were addicted to robbery with violence, and there were some two hundred and fifty thieves of other descriptions.

  30. Robbery and theft from houses and on the highway had been reduced to a regular system.

  31. In this difficulty they appealed to Mr. Denovan, well known as an officer and agent of the Scottish courts, and sent him to collect evidence showing that Mackoull was implicated in the original robbery in 1811.

  32. One of the worst of the lot was a plate robbery from a jeweller's in Queen Street.

  33. The gendarmes actually came to search the chateau and to investigate the robbery next day, although at that time the diamonds were safe in her possession, entrusted to her by Madame de Leautaud.

  34. A strong suspicion was entertained that Sayer, a Bow Street runner already mentioned, had feathered his nest finely with a portion of the proceeds of the Paisley Bank robbery at Glasgow.

  35. After the robbery Goesser confessed to his wife, who, overcome with fear, implored her husband to return the money.

  36. Now a fresh witness volunteered information--a merchant who lived in Madame Andrecht's neighbourhood, and who had left home about the time that the robbery had been perpetrated.

  37. I received instructions to proceed to St. Mary Axe to inquire into a robbery that had taken place there.

  38. My position is that I did not commit this robbery and that I know nothing whatever about it or about the thumb-print that was found in the safe.

  39. The robbery took place a fortnight ago, so there has been time for a small cut or scratch to heal and disappear entirely.

  40. It was from Mr. John Hornby, and stated that a robbery had occurred at his premises in St. Mary Axe.

  41. You remember I said that four hypotheses were possible: that the robbery was committed either by Reuben, by Walter, by John Hornby, or by some other person.

  42. Without the thumb-print, the robbery might have been committed by anybody; there is no clue whatever.

  43. Then you consider my theory of John Hornby as the perpetrator of the robbery as quite a tenable one?

  44. I closed and locked the safe, and sent a note to the police station saying that a robbery had been committed on my premises.

  45. The inspector was convinced that the robbery was the work of the same man who had got away with Mrs. Comminge's jewels, and he was impatient with anyone who did not share this view.

  46. He then left the place and, to suggest robbery as a motive for the crime, he took with him the professor's gold watch, which he threw away.

  47. And for preventing the robbery McCurdy has the peg-post cop made a captain; thus enabling him to wear diamonds of his own and raising him above the need of taking them from others.

  48. At the time of the robbery Rueff was outside the Presidio, in uniform, at a moving-picture show in San Francisco.

  49. Moreover, the news of the robbery of the merchants might well have reached Byblos overland.

  50. Before Wenamon had detected the robbery the sailor had disappeared for ever amidst the houses of Dor.

  51. This brings to mind the scripture of Paul, where he says, speaking of Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.

  52. There may be some of you, however, who have never heard of the mysterious robbery of Gaffany & Co.

  53. Tattersby had supposed them to be employés of the estate, and never gave the matter another thought until three days later, when the news of the robbery was published to the world.

  54. Thus, a successful robbery affects, primarily, a number of assignable persons, and secondarily, all persons in a like situation of risk.

  55. Robbery and murder are legalized in whole nations.

  56. The scene of the robbery and the movements of the robbers may be easily understood from the accompanying cut.

  57. Their first project was the robbery of one or more of the banks of Mankato, a thriving town at the great bend of the Minnesota River.

  58. When a robbery is to be effected, the plans are laid with sound generalship, but there is no unnecessary violence or loss of good manners.

  59. Robbery under Arms not only contains Boldrewood's most dramatic plot, but his most skilful and sympathetic treatment of character.

  60. Cattle-stealing and highway robbery as supervised by Starlight are allowable, and even meritorious, in so far as they afford him opportunities to practise some facetious deception on the police.

  61. The personal observation strongly marked in all Boldrewood's novels has in Robbery under Arms its fullest, as well as most skilful, expression.

  62. The narrative method adopted in Robbery under Arms has so much contributed to the success of the story as to be worthy of some comparison with the ordinary style of the author.

  63. The best argument against Boldrewood's usual treatment of character is furnished by the great bushranger chief who is the central figure in Robbery under Arms.

  64. Very pathetic, and marked by some distinctively Antipodean traits, is the sister of the bushrangers in Robbery under Arms.

  65. It is hardly possible to suppose any lack of ability in a writer who has produced the bright and suggestive dialogue scattered through the pages of Robbery under Arms and The Miner's Right.

  66. That the spirited opening chapters of Robbery under Arms should have been thought lightly of by Australian editors when the serial rights of the story were offered to them is somewhat astonishing.

  67. This was the horse that brought about his downfall, and he was actually killed on the Queensland border in the way I have described in Robbery under Arms.

  68. Nevertheless an extraordinarily clever robbery took place in a hut exactly opposite the Mission gateway.

  69. The robbery of the lands of Father O'Hart was a kind of robbery which occurred but rarely during the penal laws.

  70. German barons, for instance, often with only a few florins a year income, could not supplement it by trade; all they could do was to rob the traders, robbery being a thoroughly genteel occupation.

  71. For some of these imports England paid by her services as carrier; and so far as India was concerned it was a case of robbery rather than exchange.

  72. The robbery afterwards had been a hurried business, bunglingly done.

  73. Laking went into the other rooms on the ground floor, and switched on the light in all of them, while the constable and myself made a careful examination in order to see whether any robbery had taken place.

  74. Winsloe, who has been traced to Buenos Ayres, has not yet been arrested, although Pickering is still confident of success, but Parham and Vickers are now awaiting trial on the very serious charges of blackmail, robbery and murder.

  75. She has some secret from her husband--and she fears that through this robbery he may learn the truth.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "robbery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    banditry; bereavement; burglary; caper; cost; damage; debit; denial; depredation; deprivation; destruction; detriment; dispossession; expense; extortion; forfeit; forfeiture; grab; holdup; injury; job; lift; perdition; pillage; pinch; plunder; privation; robbery; ruin; sacrifice; spoliation; steal; stealing; theft