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Example sentences for "britches"

Lexicographically close words:
bristled; bristlelike; bristles; bristling; bristly; brite; brith; brither; brithers; brittle
  1. I told you once, Rose Mamie, that Tobe fell on a polecat under a fence he was a-chasing, and he smells so awful Uncle Tuck have burned his britches and shirt on the end of a stick and have got him buried in dirt up to jest his nose.

  2. He says if it was Aunt Viney he'd rather the devil would get him right now than tell her, but if you'll come lend him some of my britches he will come in and tell Aunt Amandy about it.

  3. Albert come home and tride to go into the house the bull dog grabed him by the hine leg and nearly toar his britches off and he slamed the door on his hed before he wood let go and J.

  4. Tilton sum day when he was bending over a sawhorse and his britches were tite but Pewt sed it wood be a good thing to scair him to deth with the snaping tirtle ferst.

  5. Beanys father is kind of thin and wear awful tite britches and a blew coat and dresses elegant and so we done it and when Beany come out with his donuts we set down and et them and he dident notise ennything.

  6. Charlie Lane, the feller whitch was in the boat, had on sum white britches and we had got enuf and was going back when one of the wimmen sed oh see that splended one we must have that one.

  7. Tilton gump out of his britches when he sees that old tirtle hanging to his doorgnob.

  8. Albert had on his second best close and it wasent his best lavender britches that the dog toar.

  9. Should thee like to clap thysen into britches as cowd as a tub o' water?

  10. All he'll do is to wear his britches behind out an' earn nowt.

  11. Wall at first I didn't know whether to go in or not, but finally I mustered up my courage, and I went up and rang some new fangled door bell, when a feller with knee britches on cum out and wanted to know who it wuz I wanted to see.

  12. Tom seemed as dumb as th' peanner an' dived his hands into his britches pockets varry near up to th' elbows.

  13. Are yo laffin becoss mi britches knees is brussen or becose th' drum end's brussen, aw'd like to know?

  14. I wore shirt tail till I's fourteen, den de homespun britches and shirt.

  15. Us jus' go in de woods and git wild lettuce and mustard and leather-britches and polk salad and watercress, all us want to eat.

  16. Dey gimme some britches befo' freedom come, and den I t'ought I's 'bout as big as anybody.

  17. There was as many as one loafer leaning up against every awning-post, and he most always had his hands in his britches pockets, except when he fetched them out to lend a chaw of tobacco or scratch.

  18. Then the first dark night that comes steal the key out of the old man's britches after he goes to bed, and shove off down the river on the raft with Jim, hiding daytimes and running nights, the way me and Jim used to do before.

  19. Nevuh had no trouble wid 'im, 'cept to dust 'is britches wunst in a w'ile.

  20. I recken I wo long britches when de war started cause when I pulled off dresses I woe long britches.

  21. They didn' know nothin bout no britches till they was great big, jus' wen' roun' in dey shirttails.

  22. It was ugliest picture of me in a boat an' a big fish holt my britches leg pullin' me over out the boat.

  23. He wo white britches wid red stripes down the sides and a white shad tail coat all trimmed round de edges wid red and a tall beaver hat.

  24. They put on britches when they big nough to help at the field.

  25. My britches were copperus colored and I had on a home wove shirt with a pleated bosom.

  26. The Camp Britches boys were not the only ones who joined in that sorrowful little procession to the dogwood grove.

  27. Grandpa thought Wiley's tearing the back end of his britches on the yard fence was all right.

  28. He slit his britches leg, clear up above his knee!

  29. Here, I couldn't see a thing but shoes and britches legs and Captain Jones's walking stick.

  30. When we hitched, Ike took good britches hold, and lifted me up and down a few times like I was a child.

  31. Ike always believed he would hav throwd me if britches holt hadent broke, and I rekon may be he would.

  32. Well, Jerry he'll drive up and come in to the paper counter, his eyes shinin' and his nerves all keyed up and one hand shoved down into his britches pocket.

  33. In his britches pockets, and he don't scurcely speak a word for hours at a stretch.

  34. Does ta know aw've noa stockins on, an mi britches is hung ovver th' bed fooit; an this shirt is a quarter ov a yard to short!

  35. Gie me mi britches if tha'll do nowt else, an then aw'll see what aw can do.

  36. Let me see them britches legs 'fore you put 'em down.

  37. The Deacon's britches is one pressing thing.

  38. If just blue jeans britches could be made to do we might make out to get the top of them rigged out in a white shirt apiece; couldn't we, Bettie?

  39. I slid on the lean-to and tored all the back of my britches out.

  40. It's a heap more important to carpet the Deacon with britches than the church floor right now.

  41. Somebody came backstage and said, 'How can you split your britches at exactly the same time every night?

  42. At one performance, I was playing in britches and split them, and I managed to make up a rhymed couplet.

  43. Put them beside you, Dick, and lay hold of this pair of britches by the ends of em'--stritch them.

  44. But britches ain't whut's a troublin' me at the present writin'.

  45. No, no; twenty thousand pounds in good French bank-notes—a cool twenty thousand in my britches pocket.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "britches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.