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Example sentences for "candidly"

Lexicographically close words:
candid; candidacy; candidate; candidates; candidature; candidum; candidus; candied; candies; candle
  1. I reserve the discussion of these matters till we meet, but I must candidly say that my own affairs begin to prosper.

  2. I must also candidly say that I should arrive in Salzburg with a lighter heart were it not for my official capacity there, for this thought is to me the most intolerable of all.

  3. Weber, "Learn the air by yourself, sing it according to your own taste, then let me hear it, and I will afterwards tell you candidly what pleases and what displeases me.

  4. Blaney, who admitted the difficulty it involved, and candidly acknowledged his inability to solve it; nor while Christ is considered the speaker, as he and Lowth suppose, does the removal of it appear practicable.

  5. But then Agur candidly admitted that he was more brutish than any man, and had not the understanding of a man.

  6. Meanwhile, to show there was no bad feeling, she went and sat candidly on the fossil's knee, and attended to his old whiskers and moustache.

  7. He would candidly avow, however, that he despaired of seeing the question brought to a speedy and satisfactory settlement.

  8. Lord North, indeed, candidly admitted that some of his plans had miscarried; arguing, in extenuation of their failure, that it was impossible to foresee every event.

  9. Please believe that if I could candidly embrace that chance I should feel all the joy in the world in repaying you.

  10. Some would openly and candidly meet the questions of their followers; others would prefer not to unsettle the large number who never ask questions.

  11. I am glad," said the captain, "that you candidly acknowledge your offence, instead of disrespectfully endeavouring to justify it.

  12. I told my reasons most candidly to the jury, and they found me to be the most sensible man that they had ever heard of, placed in a similar position.

  13. The next day Eleanore came to her voluntarily, and told her quite candidly of her relation to Eberhard von Auffenberg.

  14. But when he felt that he had gained the confidence of his auditor, and she his, he spoke quite candidly, so candidly in truth that Sylvia came to look upon his action as one of inner liberation.

  15. We make little doubt that any one who coolly and candidly considers the preceding account of the manner in which the order was suppressed will readily concede that the guilt of its members was anything but proved.

  16. He however candidly acknowledged, that the new order would be stronger than the old one, and so more zealous to combat the infidels, and that many commanderies might be suppressed, and some saving effected thereby.

  17. The benevolent count shrank from the proposal, and candidly avowed that no Christian prince could presume to look for such obedience from his subjects.

  18. Upon which Friedrich candidly drew bridle; hastened back, and, with a loss of four days, was at his Potsdam Affairs again.

  19. Let us take the scathe and the scorn candidly home to us;--and try to prepare for doing better.

  20. But, candidly speaking, I do think these two poems the most defective of any I ever saw of yours, which, usually, have been remarkably free from all angles on which the race of snarlers can lay hold.

  21. Fleury, at the conclusion of his excellent third discourse, justly and candidly apologises for these five ages, as not wholly destitute of learning, and far less of virtue.

  22. As you speak so simply and feelingly I will tell you candidly exactly what is in my mind.

  23. Now you know everything that I know, and I beg you to talk as candidly to me, so that we may avoid as much unhappiness as possible.

  24. I will then tell you candidly how I am situated; and if after that you do not withdraw your proposal, I shall be most happy to be yours as soon as we can go to James Town to be married.

  25. There, Sir, I have written to please you; but I candidly state that I consider it a useless attempt.

  26. Let me tell you quite candidly that if some one told him my name and occupation and added the information that I kept a close eye on the Sans Souci between the hours of 5.

  27. The row that was going on here stopped them from hearing the engines, or I must candidly confess that if they had been ready for us they might have sunk the flotilla before we came within striking distance.

  28. I candidly confess you would inspire me with an ambition to raise my poor countrymen in your opinion, if I were not restrained by the sacred sentiment of friendship, which forbids me to rival Leonora even in a husband's opinion.

  29. I candidly confessed to my husband, that my love was extinguished.

  30. Of course; answer me as candidly as if it were some one else's affair instead of your own, my poor Saint-Aignan; is he right or wrong?

  31. This was candidly avowed to me by the Ministers and foreigners of rank whom I saw in Hamburg.

  32. Men chosen by the people for the particular purpose, will discuss the subject more candidly than members of the Legislature who are to lose the power which is to be given up to the Gen^l Gov^t.

  33. Gen^l Pinkney thought himself bound to declare candidly that he did not think S.

  34. Candidly acknowledging or artfully assuming that he had been the innocent victim of craft and misrepresentation, he succeeded in obtaining the king's pardon.

  35. For my part, I candidly own I felt more inclined to sympathise with the wife than with her husband; but the music-hall is bound to stand up for drinking, for it is by drinking that it lives.

  36. How should puny scribblers be abashed and disappointed, when they find him displaying a perfect theory of lexicographical excellence, yet at the same time candidly and modestly allowing that he 'had not satisfied his own expectations[850].

  37. Johnson, by candidly admitting the faults of his poet, had the more credit in bestowing on him deserved and indisputable praise; and doubtless none of all his panegyrists have done him half so much honour.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "candidly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    broadly; directly; face; frankly; freely; genuinely; honestly; naturally; openly; outright; plainly; roundly; seriously; shoulder; straight; true