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Example sentences for "cheeriness"

Lexicographically close words:
cheerfulness; cheerie; cheerier; cheeriest; cheerily; cheering; cheerless; cheerlessness; cheerly; cheers
  1. After this auspicious beginning, the cheeriness of the midday meal was in pleasing contrast to the gloom of breakfast.

  2. It was a relief to him to know that his refusal had not detracted from the pleasure of the company, and yet he was inconsistent enough to resent the gay chatter and the unclouded cheeriness of the smiling faces.

  3. Ruth's tone did not reflect the cheeriness of Peggy's greeting.

  4. What cheeriness there was in the ring of Henri's axe as he chopped away at the stove-wood!

  5. When she came into the room, she seemed to bring the outdoors with her, there was such sunshine and fresh air in the cheeriness of her greeting.

  6. And as Mrs. Beebe was a great authority in sickness, the old, sunny cheeriness began to creep into the brown house once more, and to bubble over as of yore.

  7. She was on the verge of tears, but Mollie's matter-of-fact cheeriness had the usual bracing effect.

  8. An invincible cheeriness of heart carried her gallantly over the quicksands in which Ruth was submerged by reason of her moodiness, and Trix by her quick temper, and made it a physical impossibility to repine over the inevitable.

  9. His old cheeriness was gone, though he summoned it back now and again with piteous, spasmodic effort.

  10. The old brave cheeriness had given place to a certain curious wistfulness.

  11. But Ethel could not answer to his cheeriness just yet.

  12. They were gay from spontaneity of pleasure, and Hal would have been surprised at the cheeriness of het grave brother, had she seen how he responded to Doris's playful mood.

  13. And his cheeriness was vocalized in a high, piping, falsetto voice, generally gay and nearly always soft and kindly.

  14. But what was more important, his distinction had a certain cheeriness about it.

  15. He had grown to love this youth whose cheeriness and amiability never left him.

  16. That his constant cheeriness had its effect there is no doubt; for before they came within sight of the château madame had smiled twice.

  17. Victor de Saumaise, his friend, his comrade in arms, Victor the gay and careless, who was without any influence save that which his cheeriness and honesty and wit gave him!

  18. A great deal of valour and cheeriness had to be sustained on 1/2 lb.

  19. A singular cheeriness prevailed; the sniff of battle exhilarated, intoxicated them; they swore to protect Mafeking or die in the attempt!

  20. It was a grand night of rest and plenty and cheeriness at the thought of work accomplished, and of plans which promised to end in triumph over the enemy.

  21. He admired him for his bravery and the cheeriness and sweetness of his disposition under trials and suffering.

  22. All his cheeriness of the day had departed, leaving him glum and silent.

  23. And like the odor of pine about the cottage, an aura of cheeriness hovered about the owner.

  24. It bore the title "Songs of Cheer" and with a smile at the eternal cheeriness of this chance shelter of hers, the girl opened it.

  25. The building itself, an ancient royal palace, had been enlarged by means of sun-parlours and porches which gave it an air of wonderful cheeriness and brightness.

  26. The cheeriness of the men was by no means allied to mirth.

  27. As we went on our journey we spoke of the sturdiness and cheeriness of our chief carrier, who had told us that he was seventy.

  28. The endurance and cheeriness of the kurumaya were surprising.

  29. Byng is getting everything in order and has infected all around him with his own energy and cheeriness and has quickly grasped the whole situation.

  30. There is nothing to distract him; he has made his last will and testament; his affairs are quite in order; he has said au revoir to his friends with what cheeriness he can muster.

  31. All his cheeriness had deserted him and a decided frown marred the open frankness of his face.

  32. Broncho-busting was the order of the next day at Mosquito Bend, and all hands were agog, and an element of general cheeriness pervaded the bunkhouse whilst breakfast was in preparation.

  33. Then he seemed to sidle round southward, not slanting wholly out his morning cheeriness until the noonday glory slanted in.

  34. There was something in the fair, open, sunshiny roominess and cosey connection of these apartments, hers and her daughters', in harmony with the largeness and cheeriness and clearness in which her love and her wish for them held them always.

  35. And to all this the rule of smile and cheeriness is helpful, if not essential.

  36. Then, too, a quiet cheeriness of heart makes you treat your fellow man better; and this is important in your dealings with other human male animals.

  37. So far as there could be, or ought to be, comfort and cheeriness on so sad an occasion, comfort and cheeriness were here.

  38. There was usually a certain element of cheeriness in his nagging; but the cheeriness was quite secondary to the insistence.

  39. It seemed unduly lonely at home during Christmas week compared with the noisy cheeriness of school.

  40. They show such wonderful cheeriness in the face of adversity, such love for their friends and wives, such an interest in literature and in life.

  41. A few old pictures were pannelled in the oaken wainscot; and here and there the horns of the mighty stag adorned the walls, and united with the cheeriness of comfort associations of that of enterprise.

  42. Then he swung Indian clubs for a quarter of an hour, jumped into a cold plunge, and went rosy to his breakfast and the day's work, with the cheeriness of the fire in his heart.

  43. A few old pictures were paneled in the oaken wainscot; and here and there the horns of the mighty stag adorned the walls, and united with the cheeriness of comfort associations of that of enterprise.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheeriness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    beneficence; benevolence; benignity; brightness; cheer; cheerfulness; gaiety; geniality; gladness; happiness; optimism; pleasantness; radiance