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Example sentences for "derogation"

Lexicographically close words:
dernieres; derniers; derogate; derogates; derogating; derogative; derogatory; derricks; derriere; derring
  1. The monopoly of the East India Company was a derogation from the general freedom of trade belonging to his Majesty's people.

  2. Spurn it as a derogation from the rights of legislature?

  3. Which report being thus made to the said commons, they were greatly disturbed at it, saying and asserting it to be much to the prejudice and derogation of their liberties.

  4. Appointments in derogation of these rules will not render the individual an official of the Inquisition and no competencias will be entertained for him.

  5. Clement yielded, but was careful to insert a derogation of the apostolic constitutions and especially of the Clementine Nolentes.

  6. It is further contended that the stationing of police officers is but a corollary to the right of exterritoriality, and that it is in no way a derogation of Chinese sovereignty.

  7. It was easy for Phineas to proclaim that he found no derogation to his dignity as a man of birth and a university graduate in identifying himself with his fellow privates.

  8. She might have told the story to any man in the company without derogation from her womanly dignity.

  9. In New York, the rule that a statute in derogation of the common law is strictly construed does not apply to the Code of Civil Procedure.

  10. It is to escape this derogation of the general laws of mechanics that we have invented the ether.

  11. Then again it will serve to account for any derogation whatever to Mayer's principle; it answers in advance not only the objection of Curie, but all the objections that future experimenters might accumulate.

  12. For one who does not yet know geometry, this translates itself simply by a derogation of the law stated above.

  13. There are those who will see in this conception of the outcome of a four-hundred-year discussion concerning the nature and possibility of knowledge a derogation from the high estate of philosophy.

  14. A provision of this treaty excited reprobation, that permitting a slave to buy his freedom, a recognition of slavery in derogation of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

  15. If he had a blemish, it was too much pride; but its quality was inoffensive; it was not of that sort which hardens the heart, and serves to keep inferiors at a distance; it only sought to ward off derogation from itself.

  16. Mothers' scruples are more easily got over; for this reason, I suppose, that the protection transferred to a husband is less a derogation and a loss to their authority than to the paternal.

  17. No manager in those days would have dreamed of giving it to Mr. Baddeley, or Mr. Parsons: when Bensley was occasionally absent from the theatre, John Kemble thought it no derogation to succeed to the part.

  18. The Senate, stung by this charge, solemnly resolved that Jackson had "assumed upon himself authority and power not conferred by the Constitution and laws, but in derogation of both.

  19. It denounced the practice of allowing national banks to issue notes intended to circulate as money on the ground that it was "in derogation of the Constitution," recalling Jackson's famous attack on the Bank in 1832.

  20. This policy was stoutly opposed on the ground that it was in derogation of that "right to petition" which in all free lands is held to be inherent in the citizen.

  21. But the archbishop would none of that, alleging how it should be a derogation to the sée apostolike and his metropoliticall dignitie, to stand before the king in iudgement, or anie other temporall magistrate.

  22. But it is a derogation and an absolute contradiction to that human spirituality in which Carlyle believed that a man should be owned like a tool for someone else's good, as if he had no personal destiny in the Cosmos.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "derogation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    attrition; belittling; curtailment; cut; cutting; decadence; declension; declination; decline; decrease; decrement; degeneration; degradation; depletion; depravation; depreciation; derogation; descent; deterioration; diminution; dip; disapproval; disgrace; dishonor; disparagement; downturn; drop; dying; ebb; extraction; fading; failing; failure; fall; humiliation; impairment; indignity; involution; lapse; lessening; libel; reduction; reflection; regression; remission; retraction; retrenchment; retrogression; shame; shrinkage; slump; wane