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Example sentences for "douches"

Lexicographically close words:
douce; doucement; douces; douceur; douche; douching; doue; dough; doughboy; doughboys
  1. He will advise you what to do, because it is not wise for you to begin taking vaginal douches or injections without his knowledge, and at a time when they may do you serious harm.

  2. Douches are not necessary in the convalescence of ordinary uncomplicated confinement cases.

  3. Hot vaginal douches of lysol solution (ʒj to a quart) should be given night and morning, and the parts freely smeared with vaseline to protect them from the action of the irritating urine.

  4. The preparatory treatment consists in regular gentle purgation daily for a week, dieting, rest in bed for three days, and antiseptic vaginal douches of lysol (1 drachm to the quart).

  5. Douches and external irritations had not served to wake him up, but a soldier told him upon this day that his brother was not dead, as he believed, but was alive and he then began to speak, opened his eyes, and began to talk.

  6. More important than this preliminary treatment is the cooling off process by means of tepid douches or partial baths.

  7. Rest in bed, hot douches of a one-half per cent.

  8. In leucorrhea depending on endocervicitis, hot astringent douches once daily should be given.

  9. Certain suppositories and douches are also employed in some cases.

  10. In some cases, however, douches work better, and the two best things for douching are: tincture of iodine and lactic acid.

  11. The use of the proper douches are also advised by the best practitioners.

  12. Witch-hazel in hot water douches or a weak solution of hot salt water is a wonderful tonic in some cases.

  13. The tampon soaked in glycerine and alum, and the douches of hot water, in which a little alum is dissolved, are both of great service in controlling the flooding which so frequently accompanies change of life and miscarriages.

  14. There were two douches at Sudbrook: one, of a somewhat milder nature, being intended for the lady patients.

  15. This is erroneous, for douches are necessary in the treatment of this condition and, except in very rare cases, a douche can be taken with an especially small douche point without injury to the parts.

  16. Another delusion is that these girls should not take douches for fear they might injure the hymen.

  17. The virtue of douches (except when taken for medicinal purposes) lies in their cleansing properties and warm water cleanses even better than cold.

  18. Occasional vaginal douches also are necessary, for the various secretions often are retained in the folds of the vagina and cause irritation.

  19. Many women produce grave disorders by the use of cold douches under the mistaken notion that they are of greater value than hot ones.

  20. Three common douches are the ear (aural), the vaginal and the rectal.

  21. Hot douches can be given to married women.

  22. Nasal douches are injurious and impair the protective ability of the mucous membrane.

  23. Sidenote: Nasal Toilet] The regular use of nasal douches is not advisable.

  24. Sudation is repeatedly interrupted by cold douches at the will of the bathers, and after the bath they are satisfied with a short stay in the cooling-room, where they have only a simple sheet rolled round them.

  25. The shower bath may be regarded as a union of an immense number of fine douches projected on the head and shoulders.

  26. Furthermore, at no time should the use of douches be begun without consulting a physician.

  27. Consequently douches are not now used in a routine way.

  28. Under extraordinary circumstances, it may be permissible to use douches in the early part of pregnancy, but it is practically never advisable to do so during the month preceding the expected date of confinement.

  29. The advice to abstain from douches will not be adopted by every prospective mother without protest, for, as I have said, many women regard them as necessary to cleanliness.

  30. Late in the puerperium vaginal douches are unobjectionable, and patients may take them unassisted, for then the fluid will not penetrate the womb so long as it has a free escape from the outlet of the vagina.

  31. During convalescence he was treated with iron, strychnia, and preparations of cinchona, and by cold douches and frictions to the paralyzed arm.

  32. In the event of inability to procure ice, douches of cold water, followed by frictions with coarse towels, may be substituted.

  33. Vaginal douches of hot water, of a temperature of 104 degrees F.

  34. Directions for administering vaginal douches will be given elsewhere.

  35. The only treatment required is rest, with vaginal douches of warm unirritating lotions such as boracic acid or subacetate of lead.

  36. The essential treatment here is to at once ascertain and remove the cause; aids in the treatment are vaginal douches and cooling lotions.

  37. For a woman who has never taken douches it is well to begin with a temperature of 110° F.

  38. In some cases, however, douches work better and the two best things for douching are: tincture of iodine and lactic acid.

  39. This is not heredity; this is simple infection, and can be avoided by keeping the mother's birth canal clean by antiseptic douches before childbirth.

  40. Warm baths, and cold douches to the abdomen, compresses of cold water or of alcohol, the cold douche to the spine while in the hot bath, are all beneficial.

  41. Such insufflations should be preceded by douches or sprays of sodium borate or bicarbonate, to rid the parts of mucus and detritus.

  42. After cauterization the parts are dressed with antiseptic lotions, and antiseptic injections or douches are to be used frequently during day and night to wash out the mouth and keep it as clear as possible from detritus.

  43. For antiseptic purposes, however, sprays and douches may be used of solutions of potassium permanganate, boric acid, carbolic acid, or salicylic acid.

  44. Sometimes the primary cause of a miscarriage is to be found in some hygienic act, such as a hot bath, too prolonged or too many hot douches near the menstrual periods.

  45. Another mistaken idea is that girls should not take douches for fear of injuring the hymen.

  46. Warm fomentations and douches with cold water will often promote permanent recovery, and liberty in a box stall or in the field will in many cases insure constant relief.

  47. Cold-water douches should be used once or twice a day, followed by cold-water bandages, until the fever has subsided and the soreness is largely removed, when a blister is to be applied.

  48. Vaginal douches are not to be used in pregnancy except in certain diseased conditions, under the direction of a competent physician.

  49. In the morning the officers use the baths or douches fitted up close to the barracks, and separated from each other by woven grass partitions.

  50. There is an ad libitum supply for douches and baths in every camp.

  51. Water for washing purposes is abundantly distributed to the lavatories, douches and bathing-places.

  52. Besides the toilet lavatories, there are 4 bathrooms supplied with hot water and cold douches always available.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "douches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.