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Example sentences for "elects"

Lexicographically close words:
electrostatics; electrotype; electrotypes; electrotyping; electrum; electuaries; electuarium; electuary; electus; eleemosynary
  1. In exercising that power the assembly elects the Constitutional Commission, which functions for the duration of the legislative term.

  2. Each party committee sets up its own bureau and elects a secretariat.

  3. The senate elects one of its own members as president pro tempore to preside over its deliberations during the absence of the Vice President or in case there is no Vice President, as has often happened.

  4. The officers suggested by this committee are usually elected, though sometimes the convention elects a different ticket.

  5. Usually the party having the majority in the district elects two candidates and the minority party one, the voters of the latter party concentrating all their votes on the one candidate.

  6. A majority of the people elects the House of Representatives, but it does not elect the Senate.

  7. This week, she elects her members to the next Congress.

  8. Why, the squire lent me the money ez started me, an' I calkerlate he kin stay on here jus' about ez long ez he elects tew.

  9. Is a man foolish who elects to stick to the winning side?

  10. Then it elects Washington President, and sets up government shop in New York.

  11. It usually elects the assessor, the city attorney, the street commissioner, and a city surveyor, and in some states other officers.

  12. In some cases the states are divided into senatorial and representative districts in such a way that each elects one senator and one representative, the senate districts being of course the larger.

  13. Each of these districts elects one senator and three representatives.

  14. The council also elects at its first meeting, a village assessor, who shall hold his office one year.

  15. Even in that case, the senate elects in case of a vacancy, the person so elected being chosen from among their own number and receiving usually the title of president pro tempore.

  16. It is thus obvious that the cuckoo who elects to victimise a king-crow is undertaking a "big thing," yet this is what Surniculus does.

  17. It would therefore appear that it is the oriole which elects to build near the king-crow.

  18. This Congress decides upon the policies which are to govern the country for six months, and then elects a Central Executive Committee of two hundred, which is to carry out these policies.

  19. For the peasants, each village has its local Soviet, which sends delegates to the Township Soviet, which in turn elects to the County Soviet, and this to the Provincial Soviet.

  20. The city Workers' Soviet is made up as follows: Each factory elects one delegate for a certain number of workers, and each local union also elects delegates.

  21. Cities are divided into districts called wards, and each ward elects a certain number of councilmen.

  22. There are thirty-nine districts in Virginia, and each of them elects one senator, except the district formed of Richmond and the County of Henrico, which elects two.

  23. Elects its own Speaker and all other officers; impeaches State officers, and prosecutes them before the Senate.

  24. In the State of New York each township elects a representative, who has a share in the administration of the county as well as in that of the township.

  25. The American institutions are democratic, not only in their principle but in all their consequences; and the people elects its representatives directly, and for the most part annually, in order to ensure their dependence.

  26. Elects President of the United but bills relating to the imposition States if the regular election fails.

  27. The National Assembly also elects the President of the republic.

  28. Elects officer, who is called the Speaker, its own presiding officer, who is salary twelve thousand dollars per called the Speaker, who has a resi- year.

  29. His people are our people; his troops our troops; discreet messengers may induce many to join us at the critical moment, if he elects to give us battle.

  30. The government of the provinces is conducted by a provincial chosen every four years by the provincial chapter, assisted by four advisory definitores, and each cloister elects its own prior.

  31. He elects the counsellors and inspectors of the dykes of Rhynland, of Delfland, and of Schieland, &c.

  32. In some cities, the Stadtholder elects only the sheriffs, in others the burgomasters and sheriffs, and in some, the counsellors of the cities also.

  33. Reverend Mother again elects to spend the night in prayer and fasting.

  34. If she elects to leave me, you will see the cross upon her breast, my lord.

  35. If she elects to stay, you shall receive it by swift messenger.

  36. The government Soviets together elect delegates to the All-Russian Soviet, which elects commissionaires (who correspond to our Cabinet, or to a European minority).

  37. It is said, that God, out of his mere sovereignty, without any thing in the creature to move him thereto, elects sinners to everlasting life.

  38. It is an absolute act of sovereignty--God elects them for no other reason or condition than because he chooses.

  39. This college exists to elect him; it meets, elects him, and disperses.

  40. In the United States this college which elects the President is elected on the same register of voters as that which elects the Senate and Congress, and at the same time.

  41. If he adopts either of the former alternatives, the next player has a similar option, and so on till some one elects to "take the widow.

  42. The Joker remains the master card of the pack; if it is led, the leader names the suit which he elects it to represent, and the other players must follow suit accordingly.

  43. If C still elects to go in, he must pay seven counters, in addition to the two he has already paid.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elects" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.