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Example sentences for "erectile"

Lexicographically close words:
erden; erds; ere; erect; erected; erecting; erection; erections; erectness; erector
  1. There is a layer of erectile tissue between the muscular coat and mucous lining.

  2. He had arrived at puberty, but from the early age of ten had been accustomed to indulge in indecent familiarities with young girls, who had gratified him by lascivious manipulations; the consequence was an entire loss of the erectile power.

  3. MacKenzie calls attention particularly to the erectile character of the tissues mainly involved in all these forms of dust catarrh and dwells on the role that mental influence always plays in the phenomena noted in such tissues.

  4. The former have perforated, erectile fangs situated in the front part of the upper jaw, and are without ordinary teeth behind the fangs; the latter have permanently erect and grooved fangs, with ordinary maxillary teeth behind them.

  5. It has a yellow throat, yellow local streaks, a black crescent on its breast, a black streak below each eye, and two small black erectile ear tufts.

  6. A suborder of serpents including those which have tubular erectile fangs, as the viper and rattlesnake.

  7. The state of a part which, from having been soft, has become hard and swollen by the accumulation of blood in the erectile tissue.

  8. The males during the breeding season have a large ruff of erectile feathers, variable in their colors, on the neck, and yellowish naked tubercles on the face.

  9. It sometimes attains a length of thirty feet, and is remarkable for the prolongation of the nose of the adult male into an erectile elastic proboscis, about a foot in length.

  10. Some species have erectile tufts of feathers on the head.

  11. Men do not generally understand that these old men, who have lead a dissolute and vicious life, are often mental sex perverts even years after they are sterile and, have become impotent through loss of erectile power.

  12. The tubular fangs of the Viperidae are inserted on the posterior extremity of the much abbreviated and erectile maxillary bone, which bears no other teeth.

  13. The fangs in all this group are small and are fixed in the extreme front of the upper jaw, not being erectile like the long fangs of the rattlesnakes and vipers.

  14. They are remarkable for the erectile scale-like feathers of the sides and shoulders, which form large fan-shaped tufts, standing out from the body in a very striking manner.

  15. There is no evidence that these erectile plates are real limbs.

  16. They seem to be rather jointed appendages of the head-plate, erectile on a hinge like a pectoral spine.

  17. In both cases the rump patches are composed of long, erectile white hairs which are raised when the animal is alarmed.

  18. Two conspicuous white bands under the neck, and the large white rump patch of erectile hairs are unlike the markings of any other native animal.

  19. Each bird is presented both in repose, with plumage all folded smoothly back, and in excitement, with every fan and ruff and erectile ornament fully spread.

  20. All are erectile and movable in several ways, and a bird that is at one moment like our common crow in shape, may in the next show a dazzling array of waving plumes or vibrating fans, and be utterly unrecognizable for the same creature.

  21. The Red Mullets (family Mullidae) may be distinguished from the grey mullets previously described by the two long erectile barbules on the lower jaw.

  22. Deprived of spurs, they have a large tuft upon the head, formed of distorted and erectile feathers.

  23. The analogy is indeed very close: the erectile nipple corresponds to the erectile penis, the eager watery mouth of the infant to the moist and throbbing vagina, the vitally albuminous milk to the vitally albuminous semen.

  24. In man we have the more or less spontaneously erectile penis, which needs but very simple conditions to secure the ejaculation which brings relief.

  25. But he also believes that the love passion would have asserted itself early in any case, since he inherits a warm temperament, had erectile power long before puberty, and has considerable seminal capacity.

  26. The two California species have two round, black plumes falling gracefully over the back of the neck, but erectile when excited.

  27. Its throat is a very faint buff, and instead of the plume of the genus Lophortyx it has a broad erectile crest with the feathers tipped with white.

  28. Amongst the former may be noted as the more common, erectile swelling and hypertrophy of the mucous membrane covering the inferior turbinated bones, and nasal polypi growing from the middle turbinal and middle meatal region.

  29. These characters, and the fact that the probe can be passed round the greater part of the polypus, serve to differentiate this affection from the erectile swelling.

  30. Erectile swelling of the inferior turbinated bodies is due to engorgement of the venous spaces contained in the mucous membrane.

  31. When it is of a clear, watery nature, it is usually associated with erectile swelling of the inferior turbinated bodies.

  32. The genital corpuscles of Krause and the corpuscles of Finger (Wollustkörperchen), the terminals of the nerves passing to the erectile tissue of the clitoris, undergo at this time a marked increase in size.

  33. These consist of what is known as erectile tissue, a spongy mass within whose lacunar spaces a large quantity of blood can, in certain conditions, be retained.

  34. Posteriorly to the clitoris, and beneath the mucous membrane on either side, is an additional mass of erectile tissue, known as the vaginal bulb, or bulb of the vestibule.

  35. The erectile tissue surrounding the spinal cord and origin of the spinal nerves in the Cetacea did not extend into the interior of the cranium.

  36. It is, as is well known, a sort of erectile tissue, of whose functions we are wholly ignorant.

  37. With the exception of the spasmodic fall in the evening, the diurnal curve shows an erectile movement during lowering of temperature, and a movement of fall during rise of temperature.

  38. It was shown that the effect of indirect stimulus induced at first an erectile movement of the leaf, and that this was followed by a fall of the leaf on account of transverse transmission of excitation.

  39. It is to be borne in mind that increase of torsion indicates increase of geotropic action, just as the erectile movement of the leaf in the normal position indicates the enhanced geotropic effect.

  40. Superposition of the positive reaction of indirect stimulus induces erectile up-response followed by down movement due to transmitted excitatory impulse (Mimosa).

  41. The leaf of Cassia exhibits as in the leaf of Mimosa a slight erectile movement after the thermal-noon at 2 p.

  42. In the present case the positive reached the responding pulvinus after 30 seconds and induced an erectile movement of the leaf; the excitatory negative impulse reached the organ 4 minutes later and caused a rapid fall of the leaf.

  43. In Cassia, as in Mimosa, light acting from above induces at first an erectile movement which reaches a maximum; after this there is a neutralisation and reversal.

  44. If the leaf-stalk of a plant be restricted in its rise the erectile movement at night will reach a limit, and the top of the curve will remain flat.

  45. Stimulation by light caused a positive or erectile movement within 20 seconds of application.

  46. The diurnal record exhibits an erectile movement from thermal-noon to thermal-dawn, and a movement of fall from thermal-dawn to thermal-noon.

  47. Indirect stimulus, on the other hand, gives rise to a positive or erectile response, indicative of increase of turgor and expansion (p.

  48. The erectile movement of the leaflet by the positive impulse must be due to an increase of turgor, brought on evidently, by the forcing in of water.

  49. But Indirect stimulus induces the positive or erectile response.

  50. On supplying water, the leaf, after a short period, exhibited a positive or erectile movement (Expt.

  51. The erectile movement began, as stated before, at about 9 P.

  52. Reversal of normal rhythm: Erectile response Basella to gradual fall of temperature.

  53. Erectile response of Basella to gradual fall of temperature 28 9.

  54. In condition of sub-tonicity the pulvinus of Mimosa responds to stimulus by an abnormal positive or erectile response.

  55. A feeble stimulus applied at a distance was found to induce an erectile movement or positive response of the leaf of Mimosa or of the leaflet of Averrhoa.

  56. Increased turgor by application of water at point marked with vertical arrow induced erectile movement.

  57. In certain specimens, however, the erectile movement commenced as early as 6 P.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "erectile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.