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Example sentences for "franklins"

Lexicographically close words:
franker; frankest; frankfurters; frankincense; franking; frankly; frankness; frankpledge; frantic; frantically
  1. Few indeed were the nooks and corners outside of merry England where such men flourished as the yeomen and franklins who founded democratic New England.

  2. It has often been remarked how the most illustrious of Franklins exemplified the typical virtues of his class.

  3. The Franklins were going to help her to escape from Penn Rhyn.

  4. When the Franklins and their travelling chests were safely in their rooms, Sarah opened her chamber door and went in to her father.

  5. A few hours before the Franklins began their digression on Betsey Shewell's fate a dark-coated figure stood before the Shewell house and threw tiny pebbles at the third-story chamber window where the girl slept.

  6. When he came to the Faroes he summoned the franklins to a Thing in Stromo,[3] and much folk came.

  7. Thrond answered this speech and said that it was right the franklins should talk over this hard matter among themselves.

  8. Sigmund sat at home that winter, and was right ill-pleased that the franklins had cowed him, although he did not let his mind be known.

  9. Moreover, he said that the king had laid all the island under his lordship, and most of the franklins took this very well.

  10. Then at either end of the hall were cross tables, where the thanes and their ladies had their places in due order, above the franklins whose cross tables were next to those of the house-carles.

  11. But he viewed the matter from his own standpoint, as the Franklins were wont to do, and the paper was started.

  12. We infer, from the foregoing, that useful conversation was characteristic of the Franklins of each generation, indicating a good degree of intelligence and talents of high order.

  13. He had been absent scarcely half an hour when he reappeared, blowing his whistle lustily as he entered the house, as if he expected to astonish the whole race of Franklins by the shrillness, if not by the sweetness, of his music.

  14. That is good," answered one of the neighbors; "we must have one of the Franklins with us to be well equipped.

  15. In talking about these early days, my wife impressed on my mind the debt she felt that she owed to the Miss Franklins for their excellent instruction, and she had also the very highest respect for their moral qualities.

  16. Then the court was set, and with the earl were many men whom I knew by sight, honest thanes and franklins enough, and of that I was glad.

  17. Dad, why not look into this claim the Franklins own?

  18. But little did he or his cousins dream of the still queerer meeting with the Franklins that was to come in the future.

  19. There was something about the Franklins which had pleased him ever since he had first known them.

  20. A few words more passed, and then the Franklins hurried up the river in the direction of the lumber camp from which they had come.

  21. Of course, the Franklins were as anxious as any one to see how matters would turn out.

  22. Then you could be quite close to the Franklins while you stay here.

  23. Never was there such clear and fragrant coffee, and the rich cream that the Franklins had brought made it "equal to the nectar of Olympus," said Bronson; he was addicted to airy speech.

  24. The next day, shortly before noon, the Franklins were awaiting their friends on the Oakleigh boat-landing.

  25. Continuing their journey, father and son reached Ecton, where so many successive Franklins had plied the blacksmith's hammer.

  26. Live for influences--live for the things that live, and let the best influences of the Peter Folgers and Benjamin Franklins of your family live on in you, and live after you.

  27. The Franklins belonged to a few families who hoped to find in the province freedom of thought.

  28. The Franklins were men of the farm, forge, and fire.

  29. He reached home and hurried into the house, blowing his whistle lustily as he went, as if he expected to astonish the whole race of Franklins by the shrillness, if not by the sweetness, of his music.

  30. This house stood about a hundred years after the Franklins left it, and was finally destroyed by fire, on Saturday, Dec.

  31. The Franklins had always dined at the close of the day, for the elder Jared Franklin, having been the editor of a daily paper, had found that hour the most convenient one.

  32. Everything was the same as when he had paid his former visit there during the excursion which he had made over the Great Smoky Mountains with the Franklins and poor Jared.

  33. She is weak enough to be proud of the fact that there have been six Jared Franklins in the direct line, from eldest son to father, going back to colonial days.

  34. At that date the Franklins were still enjoying their prosperity, and this legacy of the two ramshackle L'Hommedieu abodes, far away in the South, was a good deal laughed at by Jared Franklin, who laughed often.

  35. The Franklins were not extravagant; but they lived generously, and they all had what they wanted.

  36. Affectionate greetings followed, for all the Franklins were warmly attached to each other.

  37. Oh yes, I remember; Anthony Etheridge told me that the Franklins had a place with that name (Huguenot, isn't it?

  38. There are some things which the Dolly Franklins of the world are incapable, with all their cleverness, of comprehending; one of them is the attraction of a sweet fool.

  39. They took a pride in one another as old compositors who had risen in the world; and Smith had no doubt heard of, and perhaps from, the Franklins in some of Strahan's previous letters.

  40. The two weeks in Washington finally came to an end, and the Franklins bade farewell to the beautiful city with its parks and circles, its magnificent avenues, its public buildings, and towering Monument.

  41. Each of the three Franklins felt a slight pang of disappointment when they heard that Miss Trinkett intended to join them; it would have been just a little nicer to go alone.

  42. The house where the Franklins lived was in one of those remote old-world half-forgotten squares which are to be found at the back of Bloomsbury.

  43. Your uncle Benjamin made inquiry of one skilled in heraldry, who told him there is two coats of armor, one belonging to the Franklins of the North, and one to the Franklins of the west.

  44. To the earlier Franklins Religion meant either all or much that it meant to men in the ages when not Calculating Skill, but, as Emerson tells us, Love and Terror laid the tiles of cathedrals.

  45. All was to the outward eye just as it had always been, summer after summer, since the Franklins could remember, and yet how different it really was.

  46. It was a warm June day, and the Franklins were on the piazza when this was shouted to them from the carriage in their aunt's shrill voice.

  47. But the Franklins were not superstitious, and if little Ben ever prayed that another would be born, just for luck, we know nothing of it.

  48. She's so taken up with you Franklins nowadays.

  49. The Franklins all talked, but Miss Betsey was unusually silent.

  50. No time was to be lost, and at the dawn Harold and all his army were marching southward, sending a summons to the thanes and franklins of each county as he passed, to gather to the defence of the country.

  51. The towns had little or no cause of complaint, and the lesser Saxon gentry, with the Franklins and the Earls, were unmolested, unless they happened to have vicious neighbors.

  52. Even then those who engaged in it were chiefly Norman knights and their vassals, and not the Saxon franklins and population, who no doubt thought, in their sorrow, as many wise men have thought since, that charity should begin at home.

  53. The franklins in the neighbourhood were all hostile to Sir Rudolph, whom they regarded as a cruel tyrant, and did their utmost in the way of supplies for those in the forest.

  54. He had provided two tiring maids for her by ordering two of the franklins to send in their daughters for that purpose, and these mingled their tears with Margaret's at the situation in which they were placed.

  55. That though the 'nobiles' and franklins shall be bound to do military service at their own expense, it shall not be legal to force them to cross the frontier of their country.

  56. Bela now assembled the nobles and franklins of Hungary, and, supported by them, demanded the restoration of the ancient constitution.

  57. The rest of the knightly company we entertained in the abbey as best we could, and lodged them for that night, the good franklins having brought us in some clean straw and rushes for that purpose.

  58. Ay, franklins who had been rich men, and who had kept good house and been bountiful to the poor and to mother church, were seen begging alms on the road.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "franklins" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.