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Example sentences for "gotra"

Lexicographically close words:
gote; goten; goth; gothe; gothique; gotras; gotta; gotte; gotten; gotter
  1. A Brahmanical gotra adopted by Bhatrazus, Khatris, and Tontis.

  2. A man cannot marry within his own gotra or family.

  3. It is also a gotra of Janappans, who have a legend that, when some of their family were fishing, they caught a haul of big frogs instead of fish.

  4. Katta or Katte, meaning a bund, dam, or embankment, has been recorded as an exogamous sept or gotra of Devanga and Kurni.

  5. In some places, the Pallis who have settled in the Telugu country call themselves Palle Kapulu, and give as their gotra Jambumaha Rishi, which is the gotra of the Pallis.

  6. On the third day, the gotra puja is performed.

  7. This is known as kulacharam, kuladharmam, or gotra puja (custom of the caste, or worship of the gotras).

  8. A gotra of Gollas, the members of which may not use kommi fuel.

  9. Kadu also occurs as an exogamous sept or gotra of the Kurnis.

  10. A Brahmanical gotra adopted by Razus and Bhatrazus.

  11. Consequently, members of this gotra will not injure frogs.

  12. A gotra of Tsakalas and Panta Reddis, by whom the products of the tree may not be touched.

  13. An exogamous sept or gotra of Vakkaliga and Kurni.

  14. In like manner, Besthas of the Malle gotra may not touch it.

  15. The Panta Reddi women of this gotra will not, like those of other castes, use the flower-bracts for the purpose of adorning themselves.

  16. The gotra and sutra of the natural family have to be the same as those of the adoptive family.

  17. The gods of the gotra should be worshipped at the commencement of any auspicious ceremony.

  18. An exogamous sept of Kuruba, and gotra of Kurni.

  19. A gotra of Gollas, who are not allowed to erect palavili, or small booths inside the house for the purpose of worship.

  20. An exogamous sept or gotra of Bhondari and Gaudo, Moksham (heaven).

  21. Nag, Naga, Nagasa, or Nageswara, occurs in the name of a sept or gotra of various classes in Ganjam and Vizagapatam, e.

  22. Similar gifts are also made first to two Nambudris of any gotra considered as representing the deities called Visvadvas, and then to two others of different gotras representing the deceased ancestors or Pitris.

  23. These animals are revered by the members of the gotra named after them, but as they are of semi-divine nature, the practice may be distinguished from true totemism.

  24. In some cases, however, members of the Bharadwaj gotra venerate the blue-jay, and of the Parasar gotra, a pigeon.

  25. To have the same gotra is no bar to marriage.

  26. Marriage within the same gotra or section is prohibited, but with one or two exceptions there are no other restrictions on intermarriage between relatives.

  27. A man must not marry within his own gotra or in that to which his mother belonged.

  28. Members of the Bachhas gotra must not yoke a young bullock to the plough for the first time, but must get this done by somebody else.

  29. A man cannot marry in his own gotra nor in the families of his grandmother, paternal uncle or maternal aunt to three degrees of consanguinity.

  30. The resemblance of the gotra or clan and the subcaste to the Greek phratry and phule and the Roman gens and curia or tribe has been pointed out by M.

  31. A gotra or exogamous sept of Agasa, Kurni, Kuruba, and Odde.

  32. In like manner, a Brahman orphan, whose gotra cannot be traced, is made to adopt the Vathsa gotra.

  33. Thus, a man, whose gotra is Goru and title Podhano, may marry a girl of a family of which the gotra is Goru, but title other than Podhano.

  34. Akshathayya is the name of a gotra of Gollas, who avoid rice coloured with turmeric and other materials.

  35. The two last names occur among their Pravara and Gotra Rishis.

  36. On the fourth day (chauti), the bride is received into the gotra of the bridegroom.

  37. There is a saying that a Balija who has no gotra must take the name of the Pasuleti, or Pasupuleti gotra.

  38. Members of the Vamma gotra of the Janappans abstain from eating this fish, because, when some of their ancestors went to fetch water in a marriage pot, they found a number of this fish in the water collected in the pot.

  39. Every Brahman belongs to one or other of the numerous gotras mentioned in Pravara and Gotra Kandams.

  40. He then requests permission of the three nagara people, seven gotra people, and the relatives of the bride and bridegroom to proceed with the dhare ceremony.

  41. The equivalent bile occurs as a gotra of Kurni.

  42. Naga, Nagasa, or Nageswara, occurs as the name of a totemistic exogamous sept or gotra of various classes in Ganjam and Vizagapatam.

  43. Consequently, members of this gotra do not injure frogs.

  44. Those who belong to the Raghindala (Ficus religiosa) gotra are not allowed to use the leaves of the sacred fig or pipal tree as plates for their food.

  45. In the Nellore district, the toddy-drawers style themselves Gamandla or Gavandlavandlu, and say that they have one gotra Kaumandlapu or Gaumandlapu.

  46. Kudire, also meaning horse, occurs as a gotra or exogamous sept of Kurni and Vakkaliga.

  47. Those who belong to the Akshathayya gotra are said to avoid rice coloured with turmeric or other powder (akshantalu).

  48. They must marry within the caste, but not within the same gotra or family.

  49. Members of the Ippala gotra of the Besthas may not touch or use the ippa (or ippi) tree.

  50. Gauda or Gaudu further occurs as a title of Idiga, Kuruba, and Vakkaliga, an exogamous sept and gotra of Kuruba and Kurni, and a sub-division of Golla.

  51. In like manner, members of the Viranollu and Viththanollu gotras are forbidden to cut Feronia elephantum, and those of the Vedanollu gotra to cut Nyctanthes arbor-tristis.

  52. Thus, members of the Kappala (frog) gotra owe their name to a tradition that on one occasion, when some of the family were fishing, they caught a haul of big frogs instead of fish.

  53. Though they are Tamil-speaking people, the Chakkiliyans, like the Telugu Madigas, have exogamous septs called gotra in the north, and kilai in the south.

  54. Members of the Palavili gotra never construct palavili, or small booths, inside the house for the purpose of worship.

  55. A Brahmanical gotra adopted by Bhatrazus, Khatris, and Kondaiyamkottai Maravans.

  56. The Telugu Dommaras give as their gotra Salava patchi, the name of a mythological bird.

  57. Members of the Thonda or Thonda Maha Rishi gotra abstain from using the fruit or leaves of the thonda plant (Cephalandra indica).

  58. A gotra of Janappans, the members of which abstain from eating the fish called bombadai, because, when some of their ancestors went to fetch water in the marriage pot, they found a number of this fish in the water contained in the pot.

  59. Nallia Mutthan of the Nandidarma gotra died on Thursday in the month Thai in the year Subakruthu.

  60. The gotra of the latter is Sidambara Sayichya Ayyamgar.

  61. An exogamous sept of Musu Kamma, and gotra of Janappans, members of which abstain from using the fruit or leaves of the thonda plant.

  62. A sub-division of Velama, and gotra of Komati.

  63. A synonym for the elephant god Ganesa, which occurs as a gotra of Nagaralu.

  64. Members of the gummadi sept do not cultivate, or eat the fruit of Cucurbita maxima (gummadi), and those of the magili pula gotra avoid the fruit of Pandanus fascicularis.

  65. The equivalent Vinayaka is a gotra of Medara.

  66. This sasana is written to acquaint the descendants of the Mahapurusha Agni Banniraya with the origin, doings, and gotra of their ancestor Banniraya.

  67. All Tontis belong to a single gotra named after Kasyapa, one of the seven important rishis, and the priest of Parasurama.

  68. A Brahmanical gotra adopted by Khatris and Toreyas.

  69. A gotra of Ganigas, members of which may not cut Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis.

  70. An exogamous sept or gotra of Gamalla and Komati.

  71. Recorded as an exogamous sept or gotra of Balija, Golla, Kamma, and Medara.

  72. The Razus of Rajapalaiyam have Razu as the agnomen, and, like other Telugu classes, take the gotra for the first name, e.

  73. A gotra of Gollas, the members of which are not allowed to use the leaves of this tree as food-plates.

  74. The equivalent Sukra occurs as a gotra of Oriya Kalinjis.

  75. Puccha or Puchcha Kaya (fruit of Citrullus Colocynthis) is the name of a gotra or sept of Boyas, Komatis, and Viramushtis, who are a class of mendicants attached to the Komatis.

  76. On it the name of the gotra of the bridegroom is written.

  77. The Hindoo rule appears to go still farther, and to prohibit marriage as far as the common gotra name seems merely to indicate relationship.

  78. A Hindoo may not marry a woman belonging to the same gotra, all members of the gotra being theoretically supposed to have descended from the same ancestor.

  79. I do not know whether thou belongest to my own gotra or dost not belong to it.

  80. The fact is, as the Commentator explains, that Kundarika is a name derived from that of the Gotra or race to which the person belonged, Panchala is the same person as Galava of the Vabhravya race.

  81. Nor should a woman (for cooking the rice to be offered in the Sraddha) be brought from a Gotra other than that of the person who is performing the Sraddha.

  82. One should wed that girl who is not a Sapinda of one's mother or of the same Gotra with one's father.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gotra" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.