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Example sentences for "governors"

Lexicographically close words:
governments; governmint; governo; governor; governorates; governorship; governorships; governs; govierno; govment
  1. Secretaries of the Territory who served as governors in the interims of gubernatorial terms or when the governor was absent from the Territory.

  2. The Governors exercised an absolute power, which to progressive minds appeared to be an indifferent and unnecessary despotism.

  3. Alexander supposed that Diogenes would of course come with the officers and governors of cities, and philosophers, who waited upon him immediately to congratulate him upon his election.

  4. They yielded one after another, and Alexander appointed governors of his own to rule over them.

  5. The governors take their orders from the imperial government, but they are under the eye of French residents.

  6. Governors who now-a-days have nothing to do, have plenty of leisure to write, and their sufferings are such, their pens are inadequate to the task.

  7. The native governors were also ordered to pay it to Cleomenes.

  8. This last was ordered to allow the governors to rule their respective districts according to the ancient custom; but to collect from them the tribute due to him.

  9. The civil governors are in charge of the fulfillment of this decree, and against their resolutions, which must be always well founded, the interested parties may appeal within twenty-four hours following their notification.

  10. The successive governors appointed varied in character, it is true, but several of them were liberal minded, public spirited men who gave to the colony far better administration that it had been accustomed to.

  11. In 1812 a negro conspiracy broke out and attained considerable success, and as a result of it the Spanish governors began to be more and more severe in their administrations.

  12. It was on Monday, the 25th of April, that the national authorities notified the governors of each state that they would be expected to furnish volunteers for our war with Spain.

  13. Fortresses at all the fortified harbors were improved, and the power of the military officials increased as their importance increased, and that of the civil governors diminished.

  14. The early records of the island were kept in so imperfect a manner that it is not possible to give an accurate account of the early governors and their lieutenants.

  15. It was just after the middle of the seventeenth century and during the rule of Oliver Cromwell in England, that the Spanish governors of Cuba began to fear an attack by a British fleet.

  16. This method of appointing provincial governors became, as we shall see, the rule for all provinces under the republican regime.

  17. The governors of the senatorial provinces were entitled proconsuls, even if they were of pretorian rank.

  18. It was from the exactions of the imperial fiscal procurators rather than those of the governors that the provinces suffered under the principate.

  19. The title praeses (plural praesides) which was used in the second century for the imperial governors of senatorial rank, came to designate the equestrian governors when these supplanted the legati in the latter half of the third century.

  20. All the governors now received fixed salaries and thus one of their chief temptations to abuse their power was removed.

  21. As long as he continued to hold the consulship, the imperium of Octavian was senior (maius) to that of the governors of the other provinces which remained under the control of the Senate.

  22. Especially aggravating to the senators was the use of the court established for the trial of cases of extortion to force the provincial governors to administer the provinces in the interest of the Roman financiers.

  23. As under the republic, the governors exercised administrative, judicial, and, in the imperial provinces, military authority.

  24. In connection therewith the method of appointing provincial governors was regulated.

  25. The imperial governors were of two classes, legati Augusti and procurators.

  26. The governors as royal favorites regarded their appointments as easy roads to quick wealth, and they plundered not only the inhabitants but their royal master.

  27. When Kharezm Shah took Bokhara he permitted governors appointed from Sandjar to direct matters, and to destroy the citadel.

  28. At Annapolis he met the governors of the other colonies, and was interested and attracted by this association with distinguished public men.

  29. Every effort he made was in this direction, beginning, as has been said, by his appeals to the New England governors in March.

  30. It is the burden of all his letters to the governors of States, and to his officers everywhere.

  31. To all the governors went urgent letters, calling on the States to fill their lines in the continental army, and to have their militia in readiness.

  32. He had to deal with various governors and various colonies, each with its prejudices, jealousies, and shortcomings.

  33. They wrangled with their governors over appropriations, but they lived on good terms with those eminent persons, and attended state balls at what they called the palace, and danced and made merry with much stateliness and grace.

  34. Successive governors of Milan had industriously fomented the religious quarrel between the Protestant Grisons and the Catholics of the Valtellina, and these intrigues at length bore fruit.

  35. That the soldiers shall not be servants of the governors or others.

  36. In this city the governors who have gone to the Felipinas since their discovery have, as a rule, resided.

  37. This evil cannot be remedied among the alcaldes-mayor or other Spaniards who are concerned in the matter; nor do even the governors care greatly about it, or remedy it.

  38. If this be done, it is the surest means to keep the governors in the path of rectitude, and make them perform their duties as they should.

  39. And in order that this land should meet the high hopes which your Majesty has for it, it would seem of the utmost importance to restrain not only the governors from trading, but the soldiers as well.

  40. Saladin wrote to all the governors of the Moslem provinces, requiring them to join him without delay, and directed his army to concentrate at Sepphoris.

  41. The forfeited estates of the clergy were restored, many of the civil functionaries of Balliol were retained in office, and the governors of districts in most cases were permitted to exercise authority as before.

  42. No opposition was made to him in that neighbourhood, and the Governor of Chinon, as well as the Governors of other strongholds, opened their gates at his bidding.

  43. The successive Governors of the State, during the war, its Senators and Representatives in Congress, and its prominent citizens at home, all contributed their full share toward keeping up the fervor of the brave soldiers in the field.

  44. Failing in her attempts to get them rapidly removed to the North, through correspondence with the Governors of Ohio and Illinois, she went North for the purpose of obtaining interviews with these gentlemen.

  45. Will he come again to look to the consuls or governors of the state?

  46. We were to ride before the President, governors of loyal States and other dignitaries, and we were anxious to do honor to the event--the event of a lifetime.

  47. His lordship was one of the governors of that famous old collegiate institution called the Whitefriars.

  48. It was originally intended for the sons of poor and deserving clerics and laics, but many of the noble governors of the Institution, with an enlarged and rather capricious benevolence, selected all sorts of objects for their bounty.

  49. He had a humorous way of saying things that pleased those rough-and-ready western people.

  50. At present, this depends entirely upon the discretion of the Honorable Governors and officers charged with the Imperial Government.

  51. The cruelties and misgovernment of the governors sent from Venice would be incredible if not recorded by Venetian historians and official records.

  52. The Janissaries even ruled the governors sent by the Sultan, and deposed or assassinated them when they did not please.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "governors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.