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Example sentences for "heaters"

Lexicographically close words:
heat; heate; heated; heatedly; heater; heath; heathen; heathendom; heathenish; heathenism
  1. There were lights in the buildings, now, and a picked group of men came out of one of them, swinging in single file; the heaters chopped them to pieces before they had much of a chance.

  2. Our boys weren't playing with heaters too much; instead, the dynamite started to fly.

  3. The boys were yelling, swarming over the wire fence and through it, firing heaters wildly.

  4. The big boys from the armaments tower charred holes in their line, and the noise got worse; men were screaming and cursing and dying and the heaters were still going off.

  5. More heaters went off from the jungle, and then they started to come in.

  6. The steam separator worked in connection with these heaters economizes about 8 per cent.

  7. Doubt if our suits would be able to keep us warm, even with the heaters at max.

  8. Once outside, they stood on the icy ground for several minutes to make sure their heaters were working capably enough to keep them--and especially their feet--warm.

  9. We'll wear our suits, of course, with the heaters on.

  10. Remembering the open doors and the bitter outside cold, he glanced to see that the automatic heaters were taking care of the inside temperature, then ran back toward the lock.

  11. Heaters turned toward the gate without a word.

  12. Dock Heaters has been a-blowin' hit aroun' that he has beat my time with you.

  13. Heaters turned to fly, but strong hands seized and disarmed him.

  14. A Member: What kind of heaters do you use?

  15. Mr. Cashman: Have you had any experience in using orchard heaters to save plums in cold nights?

  16. This is especially true of pipe to heaters in damp cellars.

  17. Manufacturers of heating equipment usually specify certain requirements in chimney construction and will not guarantee the performance of their heaters unless these requirements are met.

  18. Table 1 gives the sizes of fire-clay flue linings ordinarily provided for boilers, furnaces, stoves, or convection heaters burning soft coal.

  19. From the reservoir tanks the water is conducted to the feed-water pumps, by which it is discharged through feed-water heaters where it is further heated by the exhaust steam from the condensing and feed-water pumps.

  20. The heaters are placed beneath the seats, and special precautions have been taken to insure uniform distribution of the heat.

  21. From the feed-water heaters the water will be carried direct to the boilers; or through the economizer system to be further heated by the waste gases from the boilers.

  22. The burners should be cared for in the same way as on other heaters using the same fuel.

  23. These heaters are used with manufactured gas.

  24. Electric heaters are usually incased in a waterproof covering and put in the center of the tank.

  25. Gas logs are a type of gas heaters used in fireplaces (Fig.

  26. Acetylene heaters are similar to the Bunsen burner and asbestos-back gas heaters.

  27. Most of these heaters are fitted with thermostats.

  28. Small electric heaters are in use for heating a glass or other small amount of water.

  29. All oven heaters on the automatic ranges are further controlled and mastered by the circuit-breakers.

  30. The part S shows the switches attached to the heaters of the stove top, which is raised to show the connecting wires.

  31. Gas ranges and all other heaters using gas as a fuel are constructed to utilize the principle of the Bunsen burner.

  32. It is then further cooled by passing over cold surfaces that take the place of the heaters used in cold weather.

  33. The flow pipes from the top of the heaters enter the tank at separate places, the lower heater sending its water into the side of the tank at c, and the upper heater flowing into the pipe d, at the top of the tank.

  34. Under such conditions one or both heaters may be used.

  35. Instantaneous water heaters should not be used in bathrooms unless the products of combustion from the heater are carried away by a chimney.

  36. The heaters are usually so divided as to permit either all of the heaters to be used at the same time to quickly produce a high temperature, or only a portion of the heat to be used in keeping up the temperature lost by radiation.

  37. The resistance is such as will permit the voltage of the circuit to send through the coils current sufficient to raise the heaters to a red heat.

  38. Two heaters are sometimes connected to one range boiler, each circuit being independent of the other.

  39. The heaters H are coils of flat resistance wire that are wound on wedge-shaped pieces of mica.

  40. Hot-water heaters are quite generally in the form of internally fired boilers.

  41. In such combinations the heaters are sometimes piped tandem, the water flowing through each of the heaters in turn.

  42. The gas from these plants may readily be used in kitchen ranges, water heaters and other domestic purposes.

  43. The iron heaters tossed a hot iron each to Red and Johnny and the eight were marked in short order, making about two hundred and fifty they had branded in three hours.

  44. Attend to heaters early and late; be sure at all times that they are in good working order.

  45. The simplest type of heaters are those which do not have a complete system of extending radiation through the home but depend upon circulation of the air within the house to equalize the temperature.

  46. All gas heaters must be connected with a flue to carry off the products of combustion.

  47. Gas coil heaters are connected with hot water storage tank, also gas coil instantaneous heaters are connected with the piping direct.

  48. The hot air flues leading from the furnaces under the bath basins were already built, and above them openings were left for semi-cylindrical heaters like that in the women's caldarium of the Stabian Baths.

  49. Hot water was often preferred for mixing with wine, and small heaters of ornamental design were sometimes used upon the table.

  50. Dowsing, one of the pioneers of electric cooking, exhibited electric cookers and heaters at the Crystal Palace Electrical Exposition in London, was much interest manifested.

  51. There must also be heaters under each plate, and currant jelly on both sides of the table, to mix with the gravy, on your plate; claret or port wine also, for those who prefer it as an improvement to the gravy.

  52. Eat the stewed duck on hot plates with heaters under them.

  53. Protected however by the heavy suits, warm clothing and the heaters the divers were fairly comfortable.

  54. The heaters were made of coils of fine wires, and the electric current, meeting with much resistance in passing through them, heated the coils, so there was considerable warmth.

  55. They did so, and even through the almost perfect insulation, and in spite of the powerful heaters of their suits, they felt a touch of frightful cold.

  56. The heaters of the Forlorn Hope were shut off, and as soon as the outer shell had cooled to Titanian temperature, a corps of mechanics set to work.

  57. In most of the cantonments, particularly those in the South, the heating of quarters in winter was accomplished by means of room heaters and cannon stoves.

  58. There had to be electric heaters for the gun mechanisms to prevent the oil which lubricated them from becoming congealed in the cold of high altitudes.

  59. We also bought an adequate number of small electric heaters to keep the gun oil from congealing in the cold of high altitudes.

  60. Heaters are almost universally used in connection with steam fire engines to keep the water hot, and in many cases to keep a few pounds pressure to shorten the time of going to work should the fire be close at hand.

  61. Feed-water heaters generally serve also as purifiers, and their effectiveness is increased in proportion as the water can pass quietly through them, and has a large area on which the impurities can settle.

  62. Horizontal heaters have the advantage that they have a large settling area, and a less distance for the impurities to fall through.

  63. Such heaters are frequently used with a reagent for precipitating permanent hardness in the combined heat and chemical treatment of feed water.

  64. Cleaning such heaters is costly and the efficiency drops off rapidly as scale forms.

  65. High pressure drains should be trapped to both feed heaters and waste headers.

  66. In closed heaters the feed water and the exhaust steam do not come into actual contact with each other.

  67. Heaters are used sometimes in cold dressing rooms, in box offices and in other small spaces where other adequate heating arrangements have not been made.

  68. The fire hazard incident to the use of electric heaters is considerable and they should be carefully installed according to the rules given below.

  69. Circulating tank heaters which are attached to the kitchen boiler have to be lighted every time they are used.

  70. These heaters are made in various capacities from 2 to 8 gallons per minute.

  71. The automatic water heaters are made to heat water instantly and automatically upon opening any hot water faucet in the system.

  72. For this purpose heaters or chafing-dishes must be provided for each plate.

  73. Send currant jelly to table with them, and have heaters to place under the plates.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heaters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.