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Example sentences for "phantasms"

Lexicographically close words:
phantasm; phantasma; phantasmagoria; phantasmagoric; phantasmal; phantastic; phantastical; phantasy; phantom; phantoms
  1. Like other phantasms seen at dark, they show 'by their own light,' i.

  2. Such Phantasms of the Living have been discussed in the monumental work of Mr. Myers and the late Mr. E.

  3. The evidence relating to this dream will be found in "Phantasms of the Living," vol.

  4. Ever too the strong inward longing shaped Phantasms for itself: towards these, one after the other, must I fruitlessly wander.

  5. The longer these phantasms continued to visit me, the more frequently did they return, while at the same time they increased in number about four weeks after they had first appeared.

  6. All evidences of mortal life are only as the phantasms of hallucination.

  7. But the phantasms of sleep do commonly walk in the great road of natural and animal dreams, wherein the thoughts or actions of the day are acted over and echoed in the night.

  8. It is from Phantasms of the Living, and the agent, Mr. E.

  9. It is from Mr. Gurney's collection in Phantasms of the Living.

  10. They were carefully examined by the editors of Phantasms of the Living, and especially by Mr. Gurney.

  11. It remains to show the interesting relations which these subjects bear to hallucinations in general, and especially to phantasms and apparitions.

  12. If this statement were to stand unqualified, by so much would the reality and respectability of phantasms be discredited.

  13. Long ago such phantasms ceased to haunt my nerves, because I discovered their unreality; I am now venturing to believe that their mythologic forms cease to haunt my studies, because I have found out their reality.

  14. The plaudits which welcomed the first railway train that sped beneath the Alps, echoing amid their crags and gorges, struck with death the old phantasms which had so long held sway in the imagination of the Southern peasantry.

  15. The old phantasms have shrunk to puppets.

  16. But little need be said here of demons of the Dark, for they are closely related to the phantasms of Delusion, of Winter, and others already described.

  17. The most horrible superstitions, if tracked in their popular development, reveal with special impressiveness the progressive emancipation of man from the phantasms of ferocity which represented his primal helplessness.

  18. All the nightmares and phantasms that ever haunted the human imagination have been packed upon him unto this day, when it is almost as common to hear his name in India and China as in Europe and America.

  19. Phantasms of the Living" is his enduring memorial.

  20. Yet it was precisely the desire to give reality to these transparent phantasms that led Spenser to endow them with a rustic speech.

  21. Phantasms of the Living" is now out of print but much of its material is obtainable in Journal I and the Reports of the Literary Committee in the early volumes of the Proceedings.

  22. Gurney died while preparing a work on Phantasms of the Dead.

  23. Edmund Gurney, author of "Phantasms of the Living," and a very active member of the S.

  24. In 1886 the Society published a collection of "Phantasms of the Living" compiled by Gurney, Myers and Podmore.

  25. For the relation of phantasms to the intellect is like the relation of colors to the sense of sight, as he says De Anima iii, 5,7.

  26. Therefore, from the fact that the species of phantasms are in the possible intellect, it does not follow that Socrates, in whom are the phantasms, understands, but that he or his phantasms are understood.

  27. The Commentator held that this union is through the intelligible species, as having a double subject, in the possible intellect, and in the phantasms which are in the corporeal organs.

  28. Secondly, anyone can experience this of himself, that when he tries to understand something, he forms certain phantasms to serve him by way of examples, in which as it were he examines what he is desirous of understanding.

  29. Now the actions of the intellect, by which knowledge is here acquired, are performed by the mind turning to the phantasms in the aforesaid sensitive powers.

  30. But the operations of the intellect, which does not act through the body, do not need a body as their instrument, except to supply phantasms through the senses.

  31. The former we understand by a process of abstraction, which is impossible in the case of the latter, for there are no phantasms of what is immaterial.

  32. Therefore they are subject to the command of reason, which can not only incite or modify the affections of the appetitive power, but can also form the phantasms of the imagination.

  33. The intellect, for example, makes use of the phantasms derived from the bodily senses, and thus far is dependent on the body, although capable of existing apart from it.

  34. Therefore, as the species of colors are in the sight, so are the species of phantasms in the possible intellect.

  35. It is all according to the order of nature; and phantasms riding with huge clatter along the streets, from end to end of our existence, astonish nobody.

  36. Fifty phantasms out of the whole occurred during anxiety or presumable anxiety.

  37. They arise in an age that knew not death, and had not reflected on phantasms nor evolved ghosts.

  38. But, while it is easy enough to produce evidence to recognised phantasms of the dead in civilised life, it would be very difficult indeed to discover many good examples in what we know about savages.

  39. Footnote 10: Gurney and Myers, 'Phantasms of the Living,' vol.

  40. If such phantasms are seen by savages when awake, they will doubtless greatly corroborate that belief in the endurance of the soul after death, which is undeniably suggested to the early reasoner by the phenomena of dreaming.

  41. At this theory early man arrived by speculations on the nature of life, and on the causes of phantasms of the dead or living beheld in 'dreams and visions.

  42. They see phantasms of the dead, and coincidental hallucinations.

  43. Our evidence, therefore, for recognised phantasms of the savage dead is very meagre, so it is unnecessary to examine the much more copious civilised evidence.

  44. A wizard, in fact, is a person susceptible (or feigning to be susceptible) when awake to hallucinatory perceptions of phantasms of the dead.

  45. Gurney and Myers's two large volumes, 'Phantasms of the Living,' and to the S.

  46. There is no suggestion to make here other than the manifestations may have been the phantasms of a man, dog, and horses that at some former date had been killed, either accidentally or purposely, in or near that spot.

  47. Hauntings by the Phantasms of Birds One of the most curious cases of hauntings by the phantasms of birds happened towards the end of the eighteenth century in a church not twenty miles from London.

  48. Dead magpies were once hung over the doorways of haunted houses to keep away ghosts; it being almost universally believed that all phantasms shared the same dread of this bird.

  49. Brief Summary After a little consideration I am inclined to think there are quite as many authentic cases of hauntings by the phantasms of horses as by the phantasms of cats and dogs.

  50. It can, for example, readily detect the whereabouts of phantasms haunting localities, but not so easily those haunting people.

  51. But what were the phantasms of the ape and cat?

  52. Yet another case of haunting by the phantasms of a horse comes to me from a gentleman in Marseilles, who told it me thus:-- "It was 9 p.

  53. And some attempt will be made to determine roughly how far the process of dissolving these substantial beliefs of mankind into airy phantasms may venture to go.

  54. In the same sense the Doctrine of Devils, signifieth not the Words of any Devill, but the Doctrine of Heathen men concerning Daemons, and those Phantasms which they worshipped as Gods.

  55. Do not be afraid,--the phantasms will not hurt you if you do your duty.

  56. I don't want to sail under false colours and I wish to state positively that there are no ghosts or phantasms or any such things.

  57. Many of the faces we see around us every day are, I believe, attendant spirits, and phantasms of every species, that have adopted physical form for some specific purpose.

  58. There are numerous instances of hauntings by phenomena of this kind, in some cases the phantasms being wholly animal, and in other cases semi-animal.

  59. Surely only the phantasms of the very silliest of servant girls, of incurable idiots, and of advanced imbeciles.

  60. I was somewhat shocked, as indeed I always am after an encounter with the superphysical, but not so much shocked as I should have been had the phantasms been bigger.

  61. It is, by the way, an error to think that different types of phantasms can only appear in certain colours--colours that are peculiar to them.

  62. Some types of phantasms apparently prefer manifesting themselves to the spiritual or psychic-minded person, whilst other types do not discriminate, but appear to the spiritual and carnal-minded alike.

  63. The phantasms of vegetable life are everywhere, though discernible only to the few of us.

  64. Whenever I see a barrow, tumulus or druidical, circle, I scent the probability of phantasms--phantasms of a peculiar sort.

  65. Sirens But by far the most fascinating of all the phantasms of the water are the sirens that haunted (and still occasionally haunt) rivers and waterfalls, particularly those of Germany and Austria.

  66. I have already alluded to the stores of individual memory which this mind retains, thus differentiating it from others; and I have alluded to the intensely individual phantasms which it projects.

  67. And it may be appropriate here to notice that in quite a number of the cases of wraiths or phantasms projected (in forty cases out of three hundred and sixteen as given by Edmund Gurney in Proceedings S.

  68. In morbid states of mind and body certain functions, certain passions, take on an independent vitality to such a degree that at last they endue a kind of personality and give rise to strings of phantasms which we believe to be real.

  69. It struck into strange devious tracks, and often was deluded by phantasms of old superstition glorified by a new spirit.

  70. A pantheon of dim phantasms or abstractions will not promise more than a numb spectral future to the human shade.

  71. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "phantasms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.