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Example sentences for "plutocracy"

Lexicographically close words:
plusieurs; pluspart; plusquam; plustost; plute; plutocrat; plutocratic; plutocrats; plutonic; plutonium
  1. If there is not that effort, if things go on as they are going now, the coming of a Plutocracy is inevitable.

  2. There can be no denying the promises of colour and eventfulness a Plutocracy holds out, and though they do not attract me, I can quite understand their appeal to the more ductile and appreciative mind of Mr. Mallock.

  3. No doubt to many minds a Plutocracy presents many attractions.

  4. The latter was the fate of the Roman Republic, and may perhaps be the destiny of the budding young Plutocracy of America.

  5. In which case these things will necessarily become that basis of monopolistic property on which the coming plutocracy will establish itself.

  6. Which will give the best social atmosphere for one's children to breathe--a Plutocracy or a Socialism?

  7. The alternatives are Plutocracy or Socialism, and between these the middle-class man remains weakly undecided and ineffectual, lending no weight to and getting small consideration therefore from either side.

  8. But before the progress of modern plutocracy had reached this stage, there was a predetermining cause for which there was a much better case.

  9. If they had been inns, it would have been far harder even for the power of modern plutocracy to root them out.

  10. If the pure Church has been corrupted in the course of two thousand years, what about the pure Republic that has rotted into a filthy plutocracy in less than a hundred?

  11. In other words, we hear nothing of the democracy of the Middle West, but everything of the plutocracy of the middleman, who is probably as unpopular in the Middle West as the miller in the Middle Ages.

  12. It is the American plutocracy and not the American press.

  13. The only difference was that French democracy was allowed to develop its café, or multiply its tables, while English plutocracy prevented any such popular growth.

  14. Vulgar plutocracy is almost omnipotent in both countries; but I think there is now more kick of reaction against it in America than in England.

  15. First, one has to ask: How far is the American plutocracy likely to be merely a wasteful and chaotic class, and how far is it likely to become consciously aristocratic and constructive?

  16. Let us begin by considering what constructive forces may exist in this new plutocracy which already so largely sways American economic and political development.

  17. The coming together of the sudden plutocracy with true aristocrats had good effects--broadening and strengthening--on both.

  18. Geoffrey enjoyed watching the plutocracy at play, and sharing their wildness.

  19. You will now understand why Carthage was bound to fear such a clever and powerful enemy and why the plutocracy of Carthage was only too willing to pick a quarrel that they might destroy the dangerous rival before it was too late.

  20. Among the tradesmen who supply that plutocracy with its meals, a husband who is not jealous, and refrains from assailing his rival with his fists, is regarded as a ridiculous, contemptible and cowardly cuckold.

  21. As for the so-called Progressive convention, it is sufficient to say that there is no attempt to conceal the fact that it was financed and controlled by three conspicuous representatives of the plutocracy which largely owns and rules the land.

  22. It was the acme of plutocracy because it was not private property.

  23. The war upon Dickens was part of the general war on all democrats, about the eighties and nineties, which ushered in the brazen plutocracy of to-day.

  24. But this strange poetry of plutocracy prevails over people against their very senses.

  25. The plutocracy can recruit measurably more respectable janissaries, if only because it can make self-interest less obviously costly to amour propre.

  26. It found resistance suddenly slackened by civil war within the plutocracy itself--one gang of traders falling upon another gang, to the tune of vast hymn-singing and yells to God.

  27. The face of democracy, suddenly seen hideously close, has scared the guardians of the reigning plutocracy half to death, and they have gone to the devil himself for aid.

  28. But this combat between proletariat and plutocracy is, after all, itself a civil war.

  29. On the Continent, the day is saved by the fact that the plutocracy tends to become more and more Jewish.

  30. If he is destined to lead the plutocracy of the world out of Little Bethel he will fail, of course, to turn it into an aristocracy--i.

  31. It was easy to see that she was not a member of his own world, the world of plutocracy mingled into aristocracy by judicious intermarriage.

  32. Most of the officers were members of the aristocracy, a few of the plutocracy, that portion of the plutocracy which on account of its wealth had been adopted into a superior world by marriage with its aristocratic daughters.

  33. The snobbish plutocracy of Blankfield had beaten us, made up of retired shopkeepers and merchants.

  34. Plutocracy was beginning to usurp the temper, as well as the place, of aristocracy.

  35. The dangers once expected from extensions of the franchise had receded from the view of a plutocracy and a middle class, which had contemplated for twenty years a common people dazzled by visions of national greatness.

  36. To prevent such an occurrence the plutocracy was obliged to keep the business of the town going at full speed.

  37. To achieve this he must, in some measure, compel the party of Plutocracy to help him.

  38. If the spheres in which Plutocracy made most of its money had been Democratic, then the Democratic Party would have served the Plutocracy.

  39. He idealized the crude and gross plutocracy of Rome into a world of fine gentlemen upon the eighteenth-century model, and told how it fell before the Barbarian from without because of the decay through Christianity within.

  40. Her dead mother's relatives were among the plutocracy of New York, but even the memory of the dead Eleanor seemed to have faded utterly out of their minds.

  41. Plutocracy might jostle aristocracy into the background, but the line must be drawn somewhere, and the daughter of a London soap-boiler they would not receive.

  42. The answer is this: The masses of the citizens of Switzerland found it necessary to revolt against their plutocracy and the corrupt politicians who were exploiting the country through the representative system.

  43. Hence, no pauperism to be compared with that of England; no plutocracy such as we have in America.

  44. The main factor which led up to these divisions was class dislike, embittered by the remembrance that both plutocracy and democracy started in life on an equal footing.

  45. The plutocracy of New South Wales have risen to wealth less rapidly than in Victoria, and have lived much more quietly and with little display.

  46. It is our duty to strike a blow at Plutocracy that shall destroy it for all time.

  47. There are some causes that do not need money to make them successful, and the people's fight against Plutocracy is one of this kind.

  48. I have quoted Mr. Conant at length because he is so largely typical of the state of mind of the American plutocracy in the year 1898.

  49. It is likely to become even more dangerous if turned over to an American plutocracy for its elucidation.

  50. The regime under which we are now living is that of a Plutocracy which has gradually replaced the old Aristocratic tradition of England.

  51. Side by side with what I have called "the Official Press" in our top-heavy plutocracy there has arisen a certain force for which I have a difficulty in finding a name, but which I will call for lack of a better name "the Free Press.

  52. The one thing that it is important to remember is that a monarchy or an oligarchy is not necessarily an antithesis of democracy--only absolutism in the form of a monarchy or oligarchy or plutocracy is an antithesis to democratic principles.

  53. Nowhere in the world is the danger of plutocracy as formidable as it is here.

  54. Jobbery is the vice of plutocracy, and it is the especial form under which plutocracy corrupts a democratic and republican form of government.

  55. So far the most successful limitation on plutocracy has come from aristocracy, for the prestige of rank is still great wherever it exists.

  56. In the United States the opponent of plutocracy is democracy.

  57. A plutocracy might be even far worse than an aristocracy.

  58. A plutocracy would be a civil organization in which the power resides in wealth, in which a man might have whatever he could buy, in which the rights, interests, and feelings of those who could not pay would be overridden.

  59. The Commons became, what they remained until the nineteenth century, a plutocracy representing either landed or commercial wealth.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plutocracy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.