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Example sentences for "ravish"

Lexicographically close words:
ravin; ravine; ravines; raving; ravings; ravished; ravisher; ravishers; ravishes; ravishing
  1. The only fear she felt was that some one might steal them from her, ravish them from her grasp as suddenly and mysteriously as they had come.

  2. Only the radiant fire of diamonds could charm her heart and ravish her imagination.

  3. Here's nought but whispering with us; like a calme Before a tempest, when the silent ayre 110 Layes her soft eare close to the earth to hearken For that she feares steales on to ravish her; Some fate doth joyne our eares to heare it comming.

  4. I cannot stay; a fate doth ravish me; Ile meet thee in the chamber of thy love.

  5. Should he permit another to profit by his toils, to discover the great South Sea, and to ravish from him the wealth and glory which were almost within his grasp?

  6. I could tell you Of Archimides glass to fire your coals with, And of the Philosophers turf that nere goes out; And Gilbert Butler, I could ravish thee, With two rare inventions.

  7. Never durst poet touch a pen to write Until his ink were temp'red with Love's sighs; O, then his lines would ravish savage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility.

  8. O, if in black my lady's brows be deckt, It mourns that painting and usurping hair Should ravish doters with a false aspect; And therefore is she born to make black fair.

  9. Nor would he ravish fame; but left men free To their owne Vote and Ingenuity.

  10. There every man his owne desires enioyes; Fair Lucrese lies by lusty Tarquins side, And woes him now againe to ravish her.

  11. Peace, sorcerous slave: Sirra, take hence this Witch and ravish her.

  12. This creature; she has beauty to intice you And enough to feast you all; seize her all three And ravish her by turnes.

  13. Lift up the slave; Though he has lost his sight, his feeling is not; He dyes unlesse he ravish her.

  14. I would fain see one impudent Rogue ravish Madamoiselle: Ouy, je le voudrois.

  15. He may intend to ravish me, for aught I know.

  16. She is slily stolen from thence, Yet none knows whither save one Sentinell, Who doth report he heard a wretched Lady Exclaime false Ferdinand would ravish her.

  17. O peace good Lady, I come not to ravish you to any thing.

  18. Such lovely sights do not only please, entice, but ravish and amaze.

  19. She then inflicted several cuts on herself, and, as soon as her husband returned home, complained that the Jangam had stolen her necklace, and attempted to ravish her.

  20. The Kappiliyans say that they migrated with the Urumikkarans from the banks of the Tungabadra river, because the Tottiyans tried to ravish their women.

  21. And should the battle ravish our sweet lives, Late time shall give, an ample monument, And bid her worthies, emulate our fame.

  22. Mean time the harmony and thrilling sound Of mellow lutes, sweet viols, and guitars, Dwell on the soul and ravish ev'ry nerve.

  23. Wherefore," will say the unfortunate, from whom his destiny has rigorously withheld those benefits which have been lavished on so many others; "wherefore ravish from me an error that is dear to me?

  24. Wert thou to empire, by my baseness, brought, And wouldst thou ravish what so dear I bought?

  25. To dispatch her immediately; could you be so senseless to ravish her, and let her live?

  26. Mon vieux, what wonders are going to ravish your eyes!

  27. You turn my head, you ravish my heart, and you put joy into my soul.

  28. Tear me from quiet, ravish me from night, And make a thankless present of thy light?

  29. No former race, With strong embrace, This theme to ravish durst aspire; With virgin charms My soul it warms, And melts melodious on my lyre.

  30. They like to Zeuxes grapes beguile the sense, But thine do ravish the intelligence, Like the rare banquet of Apelles, drawn, And covered over with most curious lawn.

  31. Quintius, if you'l endear Catullus eyes, Or what he dearer then his eyes doth prize, Ravish not what is dearer then his eyes, Or what he dearer then his eyes doth prize.

  32. But as we cut the rugged deepe, I feare The green god stops his fell Chariot of shell, And smooths the maine to ravish her.

  33. But with his words the men; So in your twisted numbers now you thus Not only stocks perswade, but ravish us.

  34. The history of the two angels whom the Sodomites wanted to ravish is perhaps the most extraordinary which antiquity has produced.

  35. Nay, I should be in as horrible a fright as your la'ship; for to be certain, they would ravish us both.

  36. For he lieth waiting secretly, even as a lion lurketh he in his den: that he may ravish the poor.

  37. He doth ravish the poor: when he getteth him into his net.

  38. It mourns, that painting, and usurping hair, Should ravish doters with a false aspect; And therefore is she born to make black fair.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ravish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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