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Example sentences for "respectful"

Lexicographically close words:
respected; respecter; respecters; respectes; respecteth; respectfully; respectfulness; respecting; respective; respectively
  1. This, however, he seemed indisposed to do; eyeing the bait longingly, but keeping at a respectful distance.

  2. All made way for her with respectful deference; and she knelt beside him and looked in his face.

  3. If it be the privilege of a divinity to receive the homage of worshippers, why should a beautiful and kind-hearted woman reject the respectful adoration of a man contented with worship alone?

  4. Even in the eleventh century we see in the southern part of Europe a respectful enthusiasm for woman coeval with the birth of chivalry.

  5. All were bowed in respectful reverence except Jake--he was gazing nowhere, the smile a little more expansive.

  6. Connie reached the man's side and proceeded to scrape away the snow, while 'Merican Joe stood at a respectful distance, his rifle at full cock.

  7. The wolves followed at a respectful distance and as they disappeared over the crest Connie wriggled from his place of concealment and crawling to the top, peered down the slope.

  8. This self-mastery, this graceful lucidity of utterance combined with a personal presence distinctive and dignified, reduced even his enemies to respectful silence.

  9. May be I could manage cows if I tried hard," answered Ben, endeavoring to be meek and respectful when scorn filled his soul at the idea of not being able to drive a cow.

  10. Here's a pretty kettle of fish," said the War Lord, acknowledging Buelow's respectful greetings by a wave of the hand.

  11. Wilhelm merely extended his hand; he was too full of his subject to reply to Buelow's respectful greetings and inquiries after his health.

  12. Sophy followed the teacher at a respectful distance.

  13. She did not walk with the rest, but at a proper and respectful distance from the last mourner.

  14. He advanced up the avenue on foot and without any escort; his prime minister, the commanders in chief of the army and navy, and a few members of the council of the Court of Yeddo, walked at a respectful distance behind him.

  15. The crowd, when they see a man go by with a book under his arm, regard him with respectful curiosity.

  16. His majesty was also surrounded at respectful distance by a crowd of courtiers, humbly cringing on their knees.

  17. Layton arose and opened the door with a respectful air.

  18. This was the footman's respectful manner as he took the hat from his hand, and threw wide the door for him to pass onward.

  19. You 've served already, I suspect," said the sergeant, in a more respectful tone.

  20. Our readers cannot fail to have remarked and appreciated the delicate reserve we have unvaryingly observed towards this lady,--a respectful courtesy that no amount of our curiosity could endanger.

  21. If this book should wing its way across the Alps, it will prove to you the lively gratitude and respectful friendship of Your devoted servant, De Balzac.

  22. With Mr. Punch's respectful congratulations to their Majesties of Spain.

  23. This was not exactly respectful treatment, but it was not so frank as Punch's heading "Thank Goodness!

  24. City of London; and shortly afterwards "a Mr. Williams offered respectful apologies to Satan for mentioning him in the same breath with Lord Kitchener.

  25. Susan remained in an attitude of respectful expectation.

  26. The man on her right was very nice, gently voluble, and evidently quite deaf, so that she had merely to make kind respectful faces at him.

  27. The furry-eyed boy fumbled with the sticks and umbrellas in the background and wondered if he too would ever climb to these levels of respectful gilt-tipped friendliness.

  28. And he talked about sin and what suffering does for people, how it makes 'em humble before God, and respectful and at last saves 'em if they will heed the lessons and turn to God.

  29. I've been respectful to you, and I don't deserve this here treatment.

  30. Anyway, I can swear she never looks at me, and goodness knows I have done all that respectful adoration can do.

  31. I'll trouble you," she said, "to be a little more respectful in your language.

  32. Make their task easier through fair payment of the men who support the children, through good public schools for their children, through respectful treatment of ALL women.

  33. Out rushed the obsequious host, more leisurely followed by the debonair but still respectful Conway.

  34. Now there is no class of men in the world more respectful to clergy, of any denomination, than the up-country man, be he miner, farmer or trooper.

  35. That isn't a respectful way to speak of the clergy.

  36. It's as respectful as I feel," he responded, lighting a pipe.

  37. They were kept in a state of marked but respectful admiration.

  38. Five minutes later Curly lifted himself on one elbow in the corral dust, and looked up with respectful admiration to the quiet man who stood waiting for him to rise.

  39. Phil turned to his grinning but respectful helpers.

  40. If they succeeded in taking him alive, they were not to ill-use him, but to show him every courtesy, and to secure his person in the most respectful manner possible.

  41. They presented themselves to Sandoval with a most respectful demeanour, who received them most courteously, and gave them some glass beads.

  42. When Cortes and Leon met on the causeway, they greeted each other in the most respectful manner imaginable.

  43. I suppose there was nothing in this respectful salutation that struck the spectators as very much out of the way, foreigners having foreign customs, but I saw a flush in my venerable grandmother's cheek, as the carriage moved off.

  44. Prairiefire waited a respectful time for him to continue his address, but perceiving that he rose not, he stood up himself, to request a further explanation.

  45. Seeing an indication of the approaching separation, Jaap held out his hat to me, in a respectful manner, when I magnificently dropped my shilling into it, in a way to attract attention, and passed it around among the males of the party.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "respectful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accommodating; affable; agreeable; appreciative; attentive; ceremonious; civil; complaisant; complimentary; conscientious; considerate; courteous; deferential; duteous; dutiful; ethical; fair; flattering; graceful; gracious; honorific; humble; moral; obedient; obliging; observant; panegyric; polite; regardful; respectful; scrupulous; solicitous; tactful; thoughtful; urbane