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Example sentences for "sloops"

Lexicographically close words:
slogging; sloka; slokas; sloo; sloop; slop; slope; sloped; slopes; sloping
  1. We'll tow their sloops out into the lake and cast them adrift.

  2. The others joined in, and in a few minutes all were some distance away from where they had left the sloops and their clothing.

  3. Hello, I see two sloops in the Cove," remarked Roy Bock.

  4. On the arrival at the Hall the two sloops were tied up at the dock, and the boys drifted down to the gymnasium, where Andy did some wonderful "stunts" on the rings and bars.

  5. Side by side the two sloops kept on the course until Cat Point was rounded.

  6. Farther along, before you reach the first portage, you will be apt to see several of the sloops used by the natives for the Lake Superior fishing.

  7. Below them, but again without any clear differentiation, came the unrated sloops representing the flotilla.

  8. The minor or interior defence against local privateers was to a large extent local; that is, the great part of the flotilla was furnished by sloops built or hired on the spot, as being best adapted for the service.

  9. Finally, after a very distinct gap, came the unrated sloops and smaller craft, which formed the flotilla for coastwise and inshore work, despatch service, and kindred duties.

  10. Why, there are no less than twenty-two coasting steamers engaged in trade from here, to say nothing about scores of sloops and schooners darting in and out among the islands and channels that run far up the Pacific coast.

  11. In memory of her the Americans gave the same name to one of the new sloops they were building.

  12. They were laid shallow enough to have bumped both sloops and destroyers, and the exploding of a mine against the bows of one or the other of these may well have been the first warning we had of Fritz's little joke.

  13. Ordering the sloops and trawlers to stand-off-and-on at a safe distance, I went with the Flash to have a look at a number of fragments that were floating a couple of cables' lengths away from the buoy.

  14. As I stated before, our naval force amounted to but nine frigates and a few sloops of war, while Great Britain had a hundred ships of the line in commission, and more than a thousand vessels in all, bearing the royal flag.

  15. The British, by capturing two American sloops that ventured into a narrow part of the lake, near the garrison of Aux Noix, obtained command of this water communication, which they held the remainder of the season.

  16. Already stones were flying; and the Indians who were in shallow water surrounded the sloops for a distance of at least two hundred yards.

  17. Rewards were offered to the natives if they saved any one; but the return of the sloops destroyed all hope.

  18. The principal place for ship-building is Rambang, where the free burgesses of Batavia usually go to build their small vessels, as sloops and brigs.

  19. After coming in sight of Batavia, and more especially after some sloops or small vessels had been aboard of us, I found that I was quite a stranger to the dispositions and humours of our people, though I had sailed so long with them.

  20. A few years ago there were no such restrictions, but when Puritan was built to meet Genesta it was mutually decided by the Englishmen and the Americans that the sloops should not exceed ninety feet on the water-line.

  21. But the builders have to a certain extent neutralized this rule by giving their yachts such an overhang fore and aft that they can stand much more sail than other sloops of larger dimensions.

  22. But before he reached his chief a louder cheer from the attacking sloops made him turn.

  23. With the fresh supply of lumber thus secured, the work of repair went forward undelayed, and within a few weeks the sloops were almost ready for sea again.

  24. As darkness deepened the three sloops set out westward under shortened canvas, keeping so close that the steersmen hailed each other frequently through the night.

  25. All three of the sloops were leaky and needed a thorough overhauling in various ways.

  26. This done, and the two sloops holding on southward at about an even gait, the Captain took a turn below, where he looked at each of the guns, gave a few sharp orders and ran back to his station on the after deck.

  27. For nearly half an hour the sloops ran along almost neck and neck and perhaps half a mile apart.

  28. Thanks to these lieutenants, the two attacking sloops were let off the wind at exactly the right time, and filled away down the river close together off the pirate's starboard bow.

  29. But even before the two Carolina sloops were under way there was an excited chorus of "Here he comes!

  30. The wind which had shifted a little to the north was still blowing stiffly, heeling both sloops over at a sharp angle.

  31. The two sloops were less than three hundred yards apart and the James had drawn nearly abeam when a third shot came from her rival's deck gun.

  32. The sails were run down on both sloops and their hulls were quickly lashed together with ropes.

  33. As it was, even the lighter sloops ran aground fifteen minutes later and were not launched again till nearly dawn.

  34. On the 28th of the month, two British sloops of war, the Thais and Clypso, came into port, and were immediately sent back to England with the British wounded.

  35. They are tidy-looking sloops of war, sir!

  36. The great Atlantic had made the entrance, and the same force had closed it, seemingly, forever, though small sloops still slipped in and out over the bar until 1821, when it was entirely closed.

  37. Down at the foot of the knoll the silver waves of the creek rippled softly against the shore; on its waters the sloops of the planters from the settlements nearby; here and there on its bosom, an Indian canoe moored close to its shores.

  38. Several regiments of King's troops ascended the Hudson, most of the sloops on the river, of which there could not have been fewer than thirty or forty, having been employed in transporting them and their stores.

  39. The next point for consideration was the possibility of obtaining destroyers or sloops from other sources with which to increase the forces for trade protection.

  40. The escort of the convoys through the submarine zone imposed very heavy work upon the destroyers, sloops and other screening vessels.

  41. This total of forty destroyers and sloops represented the whole available force at the end of February.

  42. He was informed that the position could not be considered satisfactory until the number of trawlers and sloops available for patrol and escort duty was greatly increased and that a total of at least another hundred destroyers was required.

  43. It was accordingly decided to put it into operation at once, and to extend it as rapidly as the increase in the numbers of our destroyers and sloops permitted.

  44. At this stage it was considered that a total of thirty-three more destroyers or sloops was needed to complete the homeward convoy system.

  45. The two sloops rolled till the muzzles of their guns dipped in the sea; but both crews cheered heartily and fought on till, as the Wasp rubbed across the bow of the Frolic, her jib boom came in between the masts of the Wasp.

  46. From New York wares and merchandise for the West went in sloops up the Hudson to Albany, were wagoned to the falls of the Mohawk, where they were put into "Schenectady boats," which were pushed by poles up the Mohawk to Utica.

  47. I want ten more than I have in order to watch that the French should not escape me, and ten sloops besides, to do all duties.

  48. They stopped for a moment to watch the sloops in the fish market loaded almost to the point of foundering with live fish.

  49. The boat, to begin with, was one of those large and heavy sloops of bygone times which the sailors of the last century knew by the name of "Dutch Belly Boats.

  50. He had never seen a real ship, or those schooners and sloops would have had less attraction for him.

  51. James found his way to the wharves, and his eye lighted up as he saw the sloops and schooners which were engaged in inland trade.

  52. Of the sloops one only, the "Preble," appears to have been serviceable.

  53. It would not in the least have been necessary had these been sloops of war--were they fourteen or forty.

  54. The town was considerably injured, 2 persons killed and a loaded schooner and two sloops carried off.

  55. Action in the bay of Chaleur, between the British and French fleets, in which the latter were defeated with the loss of 3 large ships of war and 20 sail of schooners, sloops and small privateers.

  56. Below is the village, with its sloops and fishing-boats at the wharves, and its crescent of white houses mirrored in the water.

  57. They expressed a great deal of satisfaction at the honors done them; so they were discharged and sent in one of Colonel Goreham's sloops to St. John River with presents to the rest of their tribe.

  58. Twenty-four, including store ships and transports, suffered more or less injury, and a brig, a transport and one or two sloops sank and were totally lost.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sloops" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.