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Example sentences for "storehouses"

Lexicographically close words:
storage; storax; store; stored; storehouse; storekeeper; storekeepers; storekeeping; storeman; storeroom
  1. But I made such a tour of the block of buildings as convinced me of the futility of any attempt to get arms from them; for such as were storehouses had iron doors and heavy locks upon them, and elsewhere there was scarce so much as a pistol.

  2. Then followed the destruction of the Algerine frigates and other shipping in the port, which were set on fire by bombs and shells and burned together with the storehouses and the arsenal.

  3. A branch from the railroad was so arranged that it passed the storehouses and stone piles, while the sand was piled close to the concrete mixing board.

  4. For the storage of some of the materials, two small portable storehouses were set up--one 8×10×7 ft.

  5. The number was, therefore, cut to 16 divisional cantonments, and the National Guard was mobilized in camps for the most part under canvas, with only certain divisional storehouses and quarters for special uses constructed of wood.

  6. Doctrines, indeed, are not the beginnings of things; they are, at the best, storehouses of past and blessed experiences.

  7. In this part of the grounds were the king's storehouses in endless rows, while behind the centre building, in which the Pharaoh resided, stood the barracks for his body guard and the treasuries.

  8. Then followed the seven years of famine, and nothing grew at all, and the people were very hungry, and they came to Joseph, and he opened the storehouses and sold them food to eat.

  9. And Joseph said, “The thing to do is this: Let food be laid up in storehouses during the good years to feed the people during the bad years.

  10. Airboats and airships flocked to Sickle Mountain; some of them hastened back to Port Carpenter for loads of food, for there was none in the storehouses at the embarkation camp.

  11. The world is full of mystery, but before honest, earnest purpose of any kind the storehouses of mystery will eventually open.

  12. And the love that leads to high endeavor and unlocks the storehouses of human progress crowned their efforts with success, and humanity was better and nobler for their deeds and example.

  13. The Construction Division built 789 of these small storehouses at the National Army cantonments alone.

  14. The 22 buildings of an abandoned distillery on the ground were remodeled to serve as permanent storehouses for the millions of dollars' worth of tools and motor-vehicle parts which the Government acquired in the war.

  15. There were required at all the camps and cantonments numerous storehouses for materials to be used immediately by the troops.

  16. For the Spaniards before their departure, had every one set fire to his own house, excepting only the storehouses and stables belonging to the King.

  17. When Lee abandoned Petersburg there was a panic in Richmond, with riot and pillage; the bridges, storehouses and mills were fired, and nearly one-third of the city burnt.

  18. The storehouses of Rome were of the most extensive character, there being no fewer than 290 public horrea at the time of Constantine.

  19. Those who enter storehouses are known by all men to be thieves, but those who rob lands and steal men are not looked upon with suspicion.

  20. And he marched resolutely toward the harbor, passing over railroad tracks outlining the walls of long storehouses and winding in and out among mountains of merchandise.

  21. A well seven hundred feet deep supplies the fortress with water, and there are storehouses sufficient to hold supplies for many years.

  22. As the passengers in this cabin furnish their own provisions, we made ourselves acquainted with the contents of certain storehouses on Pine St. wharf, and purchased a large box of provisions, which was stowed away under our narrow berth.

  23. The crops were growing on all the fields nearby; the drained storehouses were being replenished.

  24. They both had some skill at rummaging the old storehouses of the ancients, and there was still food and other commodities to be found.

  25. Moreover, we have built storehouses and a powder magazine.

  26. Forty-eight carloads of supplies were dispatched to the scene from storehouses in France.

  27. He was the only trader at Gingerbread Cove; his storehouses and shop was fair jammed with the things the folk of Gingerbread Cove couldn't do without and wasn't able to get nowhere else.

  28. When the seven years of plenty were passed, and the famine was over all the land, there was grain and to spare in all Egypt, because Joseph had gathered the storehouses full.

  29. Then Joseph went throughout all Egypt and commanded the people to build great storehouses and barns, and to gather in the corn and grain, and fill them full, against the seven years of famine which were to come.

  30. Johnson’s storehouses were now well stocked with imported Indian goods.

  31. Here and there were queer-looking storehouses which belonged to the nomadic Lapps.

  32. The storehouses stand about six feet above the level of the ground, and are generally on four, six, or eight piles.

  33. Storehouses are thatched like all other houses.

  34. At Poronai, which consisted of only eight huts, the Ainu had adopted an architecture for their storehouses different to that of other tribes.

  35. Indeed, the character of Ainu buildings is peculiar to the Ainu themselves, and, far from constructing their dwellings over pits, they go to the other extreme, and perch their storehouses on piles or posts.

  36. A peculiarity of the Ainu of the Upper Tokachi River is, that they frequently cover their dwellings and storehouses with the bark of trees, instead of with reeds, as is the custom among the Ainu of the Saru River and Volcano Bay.

  37. A Shinto temple is erected on the high level; and from this is obtained a fine bird's-eye view of the harbour and town, with the numerous storehouses overlooking the sea.

  38. When I went out to sketch the houses and storehouses in the village Benry and another man followed me everywhere; but neither he nor his fellow-shadow seemed to take any interest in the sketching.

  39. The Shari Ainu build their storehouses with cylindrical roofs, similar to those of their brethren on the Kutcharo Lake.

  40. Joseph built these storehouses near the fields of every city, according to the size of the city and the number of its inhabitants.

  41. He had to build storehouses that would contain all the fifth part of the produce of the plenteous years of the fertile land of Egypt that were gathered up during the seven years.

  42. This was a grand model, and that he followed it is evident from what we see in the Pyramids, or Storehouses of the King, in this, the nineteenth century of our Lord.

  43. When the Temple at Jerusalem was about to be built by Solomon, he must have read how the storehouses were built, and he must have been aware for what use they were intended, as well as by whom they were built.

  44. The French Government gained nothing, and its attention was diverted from the Storehouses of the King.

  45. When Joseph heard the words of the people and learned the result of their want of care, he opened the storehouses of the King and sold food unto the hungry people.

  46. The storehouses or granaries now in use in Mexico, Peru, and other empires, are not the Pyramids which were built and used in the time of Joseph and Moses.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "storehouses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.