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Example sentences for "take this"

  • At last he took up a small cup, and said as he gave it to the father- "Take this cup to your daughter, and let her empty the sea with it, so that it shall become like a dry field.

  • Take this dough, cook it quickly, and stop their mouths with food.

  • Whoso prevaileth to take this dress, 'tis his.

  • He entered and taking the saddle-bags off the ass's back set up the rod and hung to it the charger wherein were the clothes proclaiming aloud, "Where be the clever ones of all quarters who may avail to take this dress?

  • Take this purse, and, when you make use of its contents, remember that I gave it as a token of my gratitude for your fidelity and friendship.

  • Since it appears that they have no intention of coming," replied the prince, "we must e'en take this matter of defence in our own hands.

  • Take this note, and swear that you will not open it before ten minutes.

  • Take this bracelet; your husband can sell it, and, with the money, buy you a pretty farm.

  • Why ever did you force me to take this girl?

  • Take this to the chemist and get him to make up some of these cachets quick, and bring them back yourself.

  • Take this note to the Mayor with my compliments, and don't bring back an answer.

  • I take this opportunity of saying that justice in this town is a travesty.

  • Amongst other things, the secretary was to take this opportunity of fulfilling an old undertaking, which was the introduction of certain women to the polemarchs.

  • Agesilaus: "For my part, as you have proved so good a friend to us, I should like to advise you to take this girl to wife.

  • Our belief is that the gods will bid you yet more emphatically than we to take this step.

  • I'll take this," she said, laying the rest on the seat.

  • Take this wedding-gift, and cherish it as a faithful monitor.

  • I take this title, so graciously bestowed, not because it will confer splendor upon my own name, but because it will prove to the world that those who serve Maria Theresa with fidelity, she delights to honor.

  • Take this, then," said the emperor, laying several gold pieces on the table.

  • Here, take this piece of gold and give the some directly.

  • But first I must get my house built and things in shape, then I hope to take this up.

  • Here, take this in the meantime," she said.

  • Come now, own up, you are beginning to take this thing as a matter of course.

  • But when we take this in connection with the fire {p.

  • I take this to mean that the affliction which has fallen upon men comes not out of the ground, but from above.

  • Hardenberg, take this glass; Pauline shall present it to you.

  • Take this ring as a souvenir from me," she said.

  • Take this dispatch to the second courier and tell him to carry it immediately to the French embassy.

  • My dear count, for my part I take this Bonaparte to be a very long- headed man, and I am sure we must be greatly on our guard to be able to wrest a few concessions from him.

  • Take this," said Madame de Villefort, giving her smelling-bottle to Valentine.

  • Who, then, has counselled you to take this step, one for which the court is deeply indebted to you, and which is perfectly natural, considering your birth and your misfortunes?

  • Do you, Mr. This or That, take this LADY?

  • Take this as an example:-- "Men and mind are my studies.

  • I take this opportunity of correcting a statement now going the rounds of the medical and probably other periodicals.

  • Quoth Joseph to his brethren), 'Take this my inner garment and throw it on my father's face and he shall recover his sight.

  • Then he continued, 'Take this monkey I bought for thee and carry him home and wait till I come to thee.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "take this" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    but although; naked skin; take account; take care; take cover; take flight; take food; take good; take his; take hold; take note; take observations; take offense; take part; take pictures; take pleasure; take possession; take root; take shelter; take their; take you; taken alive; taken down from the; taken for; went downstairs; your son