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Example sentences for "unwashed"

Lexicographically close words:
unwarped; unwarrantable; unwarrantably; unwarranted; unwary; unwashen; unwasted; unwatched; unwatered; unwavering
  1. Here the sunshine only served to reveal more plainly the dirty, unwashed appearance which everything, including the natives, presented.

  2. The unwashed proofs were moved about in this solution at least ten minutes, in order to convert all the free silver nitrate into acetate of silver.

  3. We have an unwashed silver print here in a twenty per cent.

  4. No uncleanness in meat, nor any dirt contracted by eating it with unwashed hands, can defile the soul: but sin alone; or a disobedience of the heart to the ordinance and will of God.

  5. And when they had seen some of his disciples eat bread with common, that is, with unwashed hands, they found fault.

  6. But to eat with unwashed hands doth not defile a man.

  7. All people visit the dainty little tea-rooms, and often workingmen come dressed in their working-clothes, with unwashed hands.

  8. Unlike most Arabs, they were both huge, stout men, and were dressed in rough brown camel-hair cloaks over unwashed white under-garments.

  9. It was held in the county court room; and the crowd gathering to listen and hear somehow gave her a different impression from the unwashed rabble that usually infests public courts to feast on the carrion of criminal proceedings.

  10. And Uncle Pomp emerged from his hiding-place, presenting a very ludicrous spectacle, with his unwashed face and uncombed hair, and the dirty cotton sticking to his clothes.

  11. A table, littered with unwashed dishes, stood in the middle of the floor, and one or two rude split-bottomed chairs completed the furniture.

  12. Everything is so different, from the dapper stationmaster with gold-laced cap of German build down to the porters in clean white linen blouses, which pleasantly contrast with the malodorous sheepskins of unwashed Russia.

  13. After my head had been shaved until it looked like a door-knob, I was taken to a sheetless, dirty-blanketed bed, in an overcrowded ward that reeked of unwashed flesh.

  14. Already, before we arrived, unwashed and unkempt peasants had crowded into it; so that our party of eleven was able to occupy seven seats only.

  15. His long, untrimmed hair hung over an unwashed neck, his cheeks were sunken, his hands were clasped over the bedclothes that covered his shins.

  16. He will never say that an unwashed man has as good chance for godliness as a washed man, because he will not believe it.

  17. She gave a significant glance at the unwashed breakfast dishes, only part of which had been removed to the kitchen.

  18. Not a thought of Ellen poking through her half-cleared house, finding unswept hearth and unmade beds and unwashed dishes, came to trouble her joy.

  19. The children seem to have been unwashed from birth.

  20. I think the poorer classes of Glasgow excel even those in Liverpool in the bad eminence of filth, uncombed and unwashed children, drunkenness, disorderly deportment, evil smell, and all that makes city poverty disgusting.

  21. But Aristotle says that it is an unseemly thing for a man to come unwashed and covered with dust to a banquet.

  22. So that radishes appear to have been particularly called unwashed radishes; being probably the same as those called Thasian.

  23. Though it be a black foot and an unwashed foot, it shall be exalted.

  24. Like worn and unwashed linen appear the remains of that spotless robe with which he clothed the world as his bride.

  25. Above them the naphtha lamps hissed and spluttered and smelt, the dim, sickly light showed the unwashed and unshaven faces beneath, and the eager eyes that sparkled brightly, seeing nothing but the movements of the game.

  26. Usually three men lay in each bunk, and sometimes it happened that four unwashed dirty humans were huddled together under the one evil-smelling, flea-covered blanket.

  27. Against the wall, between the beds and the fire-place, stood a small pine table, and on it was a large wooden bowl, from whose mouth protruded the handles of several unwashed pewter spoons.

  28. The bare unwashed boards were rotting away, and at one spot the leg of the bed had gone through the floor, to the considerable alarm of its dormant occupant.

  29. Then there was a bibulous Welshman who at times would startle the unwashed denizens of the neighbouring slums by appearing in a tall hat and irreproachable shirt front.

  30. The unwashed boards were bare, the room unattractive to a degree, still an awkward attempt at order was noticeable.

  31. What at first sight appeared to be a surging mass of unwashed and unkempt humanity filled it with their persons, their voices, and their gestures.

  32. They were mostly foreigners, of the shaggy though not unwashed persuasion, but two English faces especially attracted notice.

  33. So Caroline already counted on my having outgrown Anarchy and unwashed philosophy, as she phrased it, and grown into drawing-room etiquette!

  34. His coarse red hair peeped from under one end of the greasy patchwork quilt, made up of coloured rags, while his big unwashed feet stuck out from the other.

  35. On the stove was sitting a white-headed girl of eight, unwashed and apathetic; she did not even glance at them as they came in.

  36. On the floor was a heap of unwashed clothes, and Nikifor, kicking up his little red legs, had been put down on a bench near them, so that if he fell he should not hurt himself.

  37. I think one can best describe him as a greasy, unwashed bully, oily physically and morally, cruel to anyone in his power, cringing to those he fears.

  38. It consisted of a little band-box, and some unwashed shirts and cravats tied up in an old silk handkerchief.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unwashed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    base; baseborn; contaminated; dirty; dregs; filthy; humble; ignoble; impure; infected; low; lowly; mass; mean; mob; plebeian; polluted; rabble; riffraff; scum; trash; unclean; unwashed