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Example sentences for "addle"

Lexicographically close words:
addition; additional; additionally; additions; additive; addled; address; addresse; addressed; addressee
  1. Why, he esteems her no more than I esteem an addle egg.

  2. If you love an addle egg as well as you love an idle head, you would eat chickens i' th' shell.

  3. Thy head is as full of quarrels as an egg is full of meat; and yet thy head hath been beaten as addle as an egg for quarrelling.

  4. Comfort your addle spouses with them at home, and stop the mouths of your brawling brats with such Olla Podridas; they have need of them.

  5. Elly Crittenden had meant to go straight home from school as usual with the other children, Paul and Mark, and Addle and Ralph Powers.

  6. It's enough to addle your brains, to try to start to follow back all the ways things happen .

  7. They might as well have all died addle As die when they began to paddle!

  8. He say he don't want nobody, not nobody, knowin' 'bout Miss Addle Mae.

  9. Miss Addle Mae, she come home the day after Christmas, and Mister Wes and Miss Lida Belle, they makes her hide in the smokehouse so's nobody'd see her.

  10. Papa wanted to know if Miss Lida Belle had mentioned Addle Mae.

  11. Looks to me like Wes and Lida Belle would've had Addle Mae come home for Christmas.

  12. Anyway, all the Baileys, except Addle Mae, are here tonight, and I'm glad.

  13. It is this principle which, communicated to an egg, enables it to resist for a certain period the powers of heat, cold, and putrefaction; a principle of which the addle or barren egg is entirely devoid.

  14. Hunter's experiments, that an impregnated egg is longer in freezing than an addle egg, and every one knows that the former remains sweet or free from putrefaction much longer.

  15. Addle be the true French for a bloomy cheek--Sherry Minshull telled me so hisself.

  16. Mistress Addle be a goodly maid, nesh as a ripe apple; but her be French; that you cannet deny; and French and English be like oil and vinegar.

  17. I put in a destructive charge to addle the circuit as a preventive measure against capture or use by unauthorized persons," he replied.

  18. Brennan also envisioned a self-destructive device that would addle the heart of the machine at the touch of a button, perhaps booby-traps fitted like burglar alarms that would ruin the machine at the first touch of an untrained hand.

  19. Lower down in Wood street is Addle street, out of the which runneth Phillip lane down to London wall.

  20. In Addle street, or lane, I find no monuments.

  21. I tellee once again you've an addle pate o' your own!

  22. Diddee ever addle half an ounce in your life without being well ribb rostit?

  23. Whereby an honest man's son may become to be bamboozild, and addle brained, and foistee fubbd, belike, as finely as his neighbours.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "addle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    addle; amaze; baffle; bamboozle; beat; becloud; bewilder; boggle; bother; buffalo; bug; cloud; confound; confuse; daze; dazzle; discomfit; discompose; disconcert; disorganize; distract; disturb; dizzy; embarrass; entangle; floor; flurry; fluster; flutter; fog; fuddle; fuss; get; inebriate; intoxicate; lick; maze; mist; muddle; mystify; perplex; perturb; pother; puzzle; rattle; ruffle; stick; stump; stupefy; throw; turn; unsettle; upset