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Example sentences for "apostate"

Lexicographically close words:
apoplexy; aposiopesis; apostacy; apostasies; apostasy; apostates; apostatize; apostatized; apostatizing; apostel
  1. These are the apostate angels, and their chief is the devil.

  2. For after the apostate angels fell, these were established in the continuance of eternal blessedness.

  3. Later on his brother monk, Johann Nathin, went so far as to assert that “an apostate spirit had mastered him,” i.

  4. The apostate monk’s object in all those statements regarding his interior or exterior experiences in the monastery was to strike at the Catholic Church.

  5. A woman is the symbol of the church; a lewd woman representing a corrupt or apostate church, as in Eze.

  6. For the patronage of Russia he caused a child of three to become an apostate from the faith in which he had been baptized, and broke the heart of his gentle Princess.

  7. St Basil waited on the apostate Julian, made his obeisance to him, and presented him with three barley-loaves.

  8. When making this charge, he spoke of an apostate monk and several sorcerers, in whom my late lord of Orleans put confidence, according to his allegations.

  9. As to the tyrant and apostate James," continued Garnet, "he is excommunicated, and his subjects released from their allegiance.

  10. Would that it had stricken the tyrant and apostate prince by whom our church is persecuted!

  11. An infidel, a profligate, a deserter from his home, an apostate from his God!

  12. In various ways God hath made use of apostate spirits to effect his holy and merciful designs.

  13. The subjection of evil spirits to Christ shows the universality of his dominion: For even apostate spirits have not, in every respect, broken from under his government.

  14. Apostate spirits if they ever gave responses to those who consulted them, commonly flattered them in their crimes, or gave ambiguous answers to their inquiries; but not so the ghost which appeared on this occasion.

  15. Could an apostate spirit have done these things?

  16. Such is probably the state of apostate spirits.

  17. The great Supreme needed only to sit at helm, superintend and overrule the lulls of apostate creatures, to effect the purposes of his grace!

  18. It implies being given up to the power of apostate spirits, and consigned to the same dreary dungeon of despair and horror, which is prepared for them!

  19. God has been the judge of apostate Christendom, Joseph Smith but His messenger, to herald that judgment to the world.

  20. It is a terrible arraignment which Gibbon draws against apostate Christendom in the concluding paragraph of his review of the persecutions which had been endured by the followers of Christ in the Christian centuries preceding Constantine.

  21. In Germany, accordingly, the marriage of apostate monks and priests was among the foremost measures of the more ardent Reformers.

  22. The apostate must be made to feel that he is of a lower type, since he has become a deserter from the army of the battlers for the Lord, the Only One God of Israel.

  23. The Jew is born into it and cannot extricate himself from it even by the renunciation of his faith, which would but render him an apostate Jew.

  24. From this point of view the Jew who seeks forgiveness of sins by baptism "into the name of Jesus" must be considered an apostate from the Law.

  25. The suppression of her schools was one of the first means resorted to by Julian the Apostate when he undertook to restore paganism.

  26. In Germany, apostate ecclesiastical and secular electors were seeking their own aggrandizement.

  27. Never since the days of Julian the Apostate has any war been waged against Christianity more malign, more insidious.

  28. Could you find a better, more accurate delineation of the apostate Church of Rome--a Church which borrows the priesthood of Judaism and the idolatry and image worship of Paganism?

  29. He had returned there again, said mass on the Sunday morning, and preached afterwards, from a chair set before the altar, a sermon on the tears of the Saviour over apostate Jerusalem.

  30. For Lady Maxwell they passed with recurring gusts of heart-broken sorrow and of agonies of prayer for her apostate son.

  31. We have already seen how impossible it is to think of Judas otherwise than as the Church has always regarded him, an apostate and a traitor in the darkest sense.

  32. It is because good itself has become the food and fuel of its wickedness, stirring up its opposition, calling out its rage, that the apostate cannot be renewed again unto repentance.

  33. Except once, in a Psalm which tells of the return of apostate Israel to the Most High God (lxxviii.

  34. Here is one upon whom the bigot scowls more darkly still than upon Jesus Himself, by whom the Roman yoke is pressed upon Hebrew necks, an apostate in men's judgment from the national faith and hope.

  35. If he lay still, all men would call him an unnatural father, all Protestants would declare him an apostate to his religion.

  36. He said "he believed him still that grand apostate to the commonwealth, who must not expect to be pardoned in this world till he be despatched to the other;" but he pleaded that on the ground of law he should have his life spared.

  37. He then sent a deputation to Rome, offering, on condition that the Pope should give him the support of his sanction, to defend Ireland against an apostate prince, and to pay a handsome annual tribute to the Holy See.

  38. If," the cruel apostate wrote, "if the King is forced to pardon, let it be as few rogues as he can.

  39. Whether Cartwright could long have continued to be a favourite without being an apostate may be doubted.

  40. If a name be found where it ought not to be, the apostate is certain to be reminded in sharp language of the promises which he has broken and of the professions which he has belied.

  41. They too, when they read his letters, knew, what he did not know when the letters were written, that he had been duped by the confident boasts and promises of the apostate Whigs.

  42. It is true that by indulging in sin they would lose the Spirit; that could be plainly seen; but I never saw that bitter apostate feeling among them which is so common among white men who apostatize.

  43. He was an apostate in his heart and feelings before he left San Francisco.

  44. Any other tenure by which the west can hold this essential advantage, whether derived from its own separate strength, or from an apostate and unnatural connexion with any foreign power, must be intrinsically precarious.

  45. During all this time "the virgin Church was enduring the hardships of the wilderness; while the apostate Church sat on the throne of her royal paramour.

  46. In the Door, in the very place of Christ, Manasseh, type of the devil, and an apostate clergy set up an idol, an image of the Devil himself.

  47. What can be done with such an organization as apostate ecclesiasticism?

  48. But God will have regard for the prestige of His reputation for justice, power, love and wisdom, which the apostate of Christendom shall impugn during the revolutionary order of things.

  49. The secret place is the condition of consecration, which an apostate clergy pollute by misrepresentations, such as that bravery in battle, suffering in the trenches, devotion to a falling order of things (Hab.

  50. And so the apostate Josephus passed on, and was gradually lost to view.

  51. Therefore, the Holy Father has justly named him 'the apostate and lost son, the blaspheming usurper of the holy Church.

  52. You will do well in that, my lady; for he is an apostate and perjurer; an unfaithful son of the Church.

  53. Because the Holy Father would not dissolve his marriage, King Henry became an apostate and atheist.

  54. Then are they right, those men who are bound to yonder stakes, when they brand you with the name of tyrant; then is the Bishop of Rome right when he upbraids you as an apostate and degenerate son, and hurls his anathemas against you!

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apostate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apostate; atheist; atheistic; backsliding; blasphemous; collaborator; convert; degenerate; demurrer; deserter; disloyal; dissenter; dissident; faithless; fallen; false; heretic; heretical; impious; irreligious; irreverent; lapsed; mugwump; objector; profane; proselyte; rat; rebel; recreant; regressive; renegade; sacrilegious; schismatic; secessionist; sectarian; sectary; separatist; traitor; traitorous; treasonable; turncoat; unbeliever; undutiful