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Example sentences for "banana"

Lexicographically close words:
bambu; ban; banal; banalities; banality; bananas; banc; banca; bancas; bancs
  1. As he bit into the banana the part remaining trembled and hung as on a thread; another moment and it would drop.

  2. Chewing frantically and waving the remainder of banana menacingly like a club, the baffled hero uttered some incomprehensible, imploring jumble of suffocated words while the postman moved away a step or two, repressing a fiendish smile.

  3. The question of removing the letter from the banana and getting rid of the banana (in the proper way) now presented itself to him.

  4. Stick the letter in the banana," he said, holding the banana down.

  5. Steadying himself with one hand (he could not let go the trunk for so much as a moment), he brought the banana to his lips, held it between his teeth and took the letter in his unoccupied hand.

  6. Slowly, but surely and steadily, the remainder of the banana broke away and fell--into the hand that held the letter.

  7. Holding both letter and banana in the one perspiring palm, Pee-Wee devoured first the one and then the other.

  8. It had one advantage over the banana, for he could only devour the banana once, whereas he devoured the contents of the letter several times.

  9. He had ascended to this leafy throne with the banana in his pocket but he could not restore it to his pocket now even if he wished to.

  10. I saw a banana up there and I thought maybe you were behind it," the postman called, as he looked among the pack of letters he held in his hand.

  11. But again he picked himself up, and this time he didn't wait a moment--just poked the banana skin off into the gutter where it could do no more harm.

  12. Some careless youngster had thrown a banana skin on the walk.

  13. Among the Washambala the owner of a field sometimes puts a stick wound round with a banana leaf on the road to it, believing that anybody who without permission enters the field "will be subject to the curse of this charm.

  14. The Wadshagga protect a doorless hut against burglars by placing a banana leaf over the threshold, and any maliciously inclined person who dares to step over it is supposed to get ill or die.

  15. If a pregnant woman were stupid enough to eat a double banana she would infallibly give birth to twins whose fingers would be knotted together.

  16. Cigarettes are made by rolling up tobacco in the dried leaves of the banana tree.

  17. During pregnancy the women take the greatest care to avoid a certain kind of Javanese banana for fear of giving birth to a monster which will one day turn and torment them.

  18. The nutritious properties of the banana are far in excess of any other known vegetable food.

  19. Anna would conceal a bit of banana peel in her muff and, dropping in upon a station platform, would put her heel upon it and fall prostrate, uttering a groan of pain.

  20. In this catalogue of clients I must not forget "Banana Anna," who recently, I am sad to say, met her Waterloo.

  21. Thus "Banana Anna" was able to live in comfort if not in luxury; and an infirmity that might under other circumstances have been a curse became, in fact, a blessing.

  22. There was no cream and there was banana and there was cream later and there was orange mixture.

  23. A lime is in labor, a lemon is cooler, a citron is larger, a currant is redder, a strawberry is more vexed, a banana is straighter.

  24. A warm banana is warm naturally and this makes an ingredient in a mixture which has banana in it.

  25. Gorgonzola and Banana Salad Slice bananas lengthwise, as for a banana split.

  26. It smells so much like a ripe banana we often eat them together, plain or with the crumbly formaggio lightly forked into the fruit, split lengthwise.

  27. Sluice with French dressing made with lemon juice in place of vinegar, to help bring out the natural banana flavor of ripe Gorgonzola.

  28. When I produced the banana they laughed vociferously and invited me to their "hole.

  29. We tax a banana vendor a few dollars a year for the use of the streets," I said, "then why should a rich corporation be given an infinitely larger use of them for nothing?

  30. There has been considerable discussion as to whether the banana was growing in America before the discovery of the New World.

  31. A remarkable natural phenomenon is that of the so-called "banana holes," which frequently occur in the limestone.

  32. In recent years the cultivation of the banana in Jamaica for the American and also for the English market has been greatly developed.

  33. The men's work is mainly the yam and banana and sugar-cane planting, each in its season, and the cutting down of big trees and making fences, if they happen to be opening out new garden land.

  34. A banana will generally begin to bear fruit about twelve months after planting, though some sorts of banana take as long as two years.

  35. But as regards the sugar cane and banana each man works in his own time without waiting for, or being waited for by, the others.

  36. The body is now wrapped up by the special woman attendant, helped by the female relatives of the deceased, in leaves, especially banana leaves, and bark of trees, and remains so wrapped up in the house.

  37. When a crop is exhausted, they may possibly use the same garden for some other purpose; but as a rule they do not do so, except as regards the use of old potato gardens for banana and sugar-cane.

  38. No platform of sticks is placed on the grave, the grave in this case not being underground; but the banana leaves are placed around (not under) the supports of the burial platform, or around the trunk of the burial tree.

  39. The pigs are killed upon these banana leaves by the pig-killer and his helpers, and the killed pigs are then placed in circles around the platform or tree, and are there cut up.

  40. A number of sticks are laid upon the ground over the grave, the sticks crossing each other so as to form a rude ground platform (this is not done by any particular person), and these sticks are covered with banana leaves.

  41. The pieces of each pig are placed on banana leaves, by the side of the spot where the body had lain, and all the pieces are distributed among the male guests.

  42. The plant from which is made what is called Manila hemp belongs to the same family as the banana and the plantain.

  43. Some say it is the very fruit that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, while others think that she and Adam made their first clothing of banana leaves.

  44. On low herbage, on hibiscus at night, and in banana bunch (Princis and Kevan, 1955).

  45. Taken from banana boat Annetta at Philadelphia (Rehn and Hebard, 1927).

  46. Neoblattella detersa, Jamaica (Rehn and Hebard, 1927): From under the bracts of banana blossoms.

  47. All specimens taken from under drying bracts of banana blossoms (Rehn and Hebard, 1927).

  48. As Pycnosceloides aporus, in jungle under decaying banana stem in which were boring individuals of Litopeltis bispinosa (Hebard, 1920).

  49. Haskell One orange cut in quarters; one banana cut in small oblong pieces; one small can of pineapple cut in small pieces; one-half cup chopped English walnuts.

  50. The houses were thatched clay huts with gardens around them crowded with banana palms, and trees hung with long beans, which broke into masses of crimson flowers.

  51. You damned banana trader," he shrieked, "you'll lose your license for this.

  52. The choice green parcels were now laid on a cloth of banana leaves, and with a cocoa-nut shell we drank the cool water of the running stream; and thus we enjoyed our rustic meal.

  53. By the aid of strips of bark for rope, the stems of bamboos for rafters, and the large leaf of the banana for a thatch, the Tahitians in a few minutes built us an excellent house; and with withered leaves made a soft bed.

  54. He leaped on the table, scratched a banana from the basket, threw it to the floor, and pulled it to his den near the wardrobe.

  55. Immediately below the leaves were yams and feis and under them a layer of banana leaves.

  56. Barrels of white and red wine had been decanted into bottles, and with American and German beer stood in phalanges beside the milky banana columns, and from these all replenished their polished beakers of the dark nuts.

  57. Roast Lamb: May be accompanied by Banana Croquettes or Bananas baked, by Currant Jelly, Mint Sauce, Mint Jelly or Mint Sherbet.

  58. Cut one banana in pieces over bottom of crust.

  59. But Banana River and Mosquito Inlet are separated from it only by Merritt's Island, so that these bodies of water overlap each other.

  60. But orange groves were nothing new to me now, and I was familiar with banana and palm trees.

  61. Lilac plumbago, red hybiscus, and golden allemanda mingle with pink and purple lantana, yellow daisies, and hedges of scarlet tassels, enclosing wicker huts in patches of banana and cocoanut.

  62. Wayside fruit-stalls make gay patches of colour among green piles of banana leaves, and thin yellow strips of bamboo, the approved paper and string of the tropics, in which every parcel is packed.

  63. Villages of woven basket-work cluster beneath green curtains of banana and spreading canopies of palm, the central mosque surmounting the tiny huts with many-tiered roofs, and walls inlaid with gleaming tiles of white and blue.

  64. Fewer statements have found wider publicity than that the banana contains more nutriment than meat.

  65. As a matter of fact, out-rigger canoes were not known in this locality, though but 20 miles to the north hollowed logs with out-riggers of the stems of banana plants were common.

  66. Where the banana grows the papaw flourishes.

  67. We have had fair crops of English potatoes, and have grown strawberries of fine flavour, though of deficient size, among the banana plants.

  68. No one need starve or pine for lack of wholesome appetising and nutritious food while the banana grows as it does in North Queensland, and common as it is, the banana is one of the curiosities of the vegetable world.

  69. The papaw and the banana in conjunction form an absolutely perfect diet.

  70. It must not be thought that the banana defertilises the soil.

  71. One palm tree is a coconut palm, another is a date palm, and the third is a banana palm.

  72. The hot rodder, seeing the Coconut has a Banana for a buddy, veers off.

  73. For example, there are coconut palms, and there are date palms, and there are also banana palms.

  74. I'll leave now in Banana and meet you where the space lanes join.

  75. We sat under the banana palm, and Roger told the next story.

  76. Dunes,' gasped Roger, leaning against the trunk of the banana palm.

  77. Coconut and Banana are fast, but the distance each must fly is so great that it will take at least an hour to reach the junction.

  78. Leaping to the top of the ledge the monkey paused for a second to place the banana between his teeth, then without so much as a backward look, lowered himself over the precipice and was gone.

  79. He stared wistfully at the banana held high.

  80. Now he peered out from behind a clump of young banana plants.

  81. Having explored the half ruined house and found its roof sound, he brought in dry banana leaves to make a bed on the shelf beneath the rafters.

  82. Came a snatching at his hand, then monkey and banana were gone--gone not up but down.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "banana" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    banana; berry; caricaturist; clown; comedian; comic; fruit; humorist; jester; joker; madcap; orange; punster; satirist; wag; wit; witling; zany