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Example sentences for "barged"

Lexicographically close words:
bargaining; bargainings; bargains; bargayne; barge; bargee; bargees; bargello; bargeman; bargemen
  1. As a matter of fact, my last year at Oxford, playing soccer for the college in a friendly game, some blighter barged into me and I came down on my wrist.

  2. But she barged in and savaged poor old Derek till she absolutely made him break off the engagement.

  3. Willie must have barged up there and arrested him, she realized.

  4. If I barged in on something, I'll come back," Tesno said.

  5. But to a mere amateur in crime it looks as though you had barged into a pretty good mystery, no kidding.

  6. She was in the woods when the gang jumped us--barged off in a huff later, because the Doc wouldn't let her croak me then and there.

  7. An hour later he was still laughing to himself over the trick he'd played on Whiskers when his own sawed-off doors flapped open and Whiskers barged in, followed by his own mob of moochers.

  8. That gal could sing like a flock of larks and after the service the preacher barged up to me and said he wanted to meet Betty and would I introduce him.

  9. So MacLauren barged around in the Thames estuary, happening upon a good deal of shipping, and finally found himself over the coast.

  10. Two days before Christmas, Tiny and Moody barged into two Fritzes, apparently in a great hurry to get home before the 25th.

  11. The officer stared at him as Stan turned and barged out of the little office where the Navy had left him.

  12. Stan and O'Malley barged over to his table.

  13. Eagerly they scrambled into their outfits, then barged out into the night.

  14. Things were pretty normal before you and your band of thugs barged in.

  15. We were doing just fine before you barged in.

  16. For the first time since he had barged in, he seemed momentarily at a loss for words.

  17. It was one of the European hoods who had barged into Command the fateful evening now half a lifetime away.

  18. One of the nurses just told me that a deranged woman with a gun barged into the lobby looking for Dr.

  19. My God," Elise blurted out "Did we have to wait till some crazy person with a gun barged in here before you got around to telling us that clinical-trial data had been fiddled with?

  20. One man barged into the counter, swore and ran on, limping.

  21. By the time I barged into his office, I was spoiling for a fight.

  22. No one else said anything and the men of Red Flight barged toward the door.

  23. The Irishman barged cheerfully across the room and ordered a pie.

  24. They barged out of the mess close upon Allison's heels.

  25. Stan barged into the room and reported as a part of Moon Flight.

  26. He barged over to O'Malley and shoved out his hand.

  27. Dragging the gun between them, the three members of Red Flight stamped across the field and barged past a startled sentry who was walking post outside headquarters.

  28. I've barged in, as you call it, because my telegrams seemed to produce no effect.

  29. And it was while I was still massaging the coconut and wondering what the next move was that something barged up against the door like the delivery of a ton of coals.

  30. Traffic was a little congested round the ruined cathedral, and we barged right up against a panting Ford, which had one lung completely gone and the other seemingly a little porous.

  31. If you had done your duty as a pillar of the state and a landed proprietress you ought to have summoned me for trespass when I barged through your woods the other day.

  32. I remember Pyecroft's bending back, the surge of the driven dinghy, a knot of amazed faces as we skimmed the Cryptic's ram, and the dropped jaw of the midshipman in her whaler when we barged fairly into him.

  33. And each time you've made that little speech we've barged straight into bad business.

  34. Freddy Farmer scowled and hesitated, but finally decided that any questions would only fall on deaf ears, and went tagging along after Dawson as the Yank barged out through the office door.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.