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Example sentences for "bedside"

Lexicographically close words:
bedrock; bedroll; bedroom; bedrooms; beds; bedspread; bedstead; bedsteads; bedstraw; bedtime
  1. The case which I had placed to serve as a bedside table had likewise disappeared.

  2. Here are some extracts from a bedside book which all girls are supposed to study before making their own homes.

  3. If he had chosen to sit by the bedside of any prima donna in Italy night after night, it would only have been supposed that he was giving her possets for the improvement of her voice.

  4. Mary's scrupulous conscience was distressed at having thus led to the omission of all evening orisons; but if her own simple-hearted loving supplications at the orphan's bedside could compensate for their absence, she did her utmost.

  5. Spencer was standing by the bedside of his old patient, Aubrey, who had been always left to his management.

  6. And the child sat by the bedside and read from the Book of Him who suffered death upon the cross to save men, and even those who were not yet born.

  7. But I know where it blooms," said a happy mother, who came with her pretty child to the bedside of the dying queen.

  8. Lily turned to the bedside once more before leaving the room, and Kit smiled in answer to her.

  9. Only the night before she had thought with extraordinary vividness in her sleep that her maid had come to her bedside with a note containing a royal command to sing duets with the Queen quite quietly at 11.

  10. At the bedside stood Tim with a scowl on his face as he glared, first, on the noisy mourners, and then looked down on the white face on the pillow.

  11. Miss Kit kneeled at the bedside and held her hand.

  12. Just before his death, he desired his children to sing at his bedside that touching song of Lover's, The Angel's Whisper.

  13. Alyosha went to his father’s bedroom and sat by his bedside behind the screen for about an hour.

  14. By Ilusha’s Bedside The room inhabited by the family of the retired captain Snegiryov is already familiar to the reader.

  15. You come, you and your mother, who was like you, a pale, sickly creature, and stand by my bedside in the night.

  16. Into the prayers breathed by the bedside comes the beloved name, comes infinite worship, come sacred visions, comes gratitude for life and life's blessings.

  17. He had sat by the bedside at home till the last minute, and when he kissed his little one, had whispered, "Wish father good luck, my dear!

  18. All the time she was speaking she was either at the bedside or doing unobtrusively something housewifely about the room, which made her presence there like an angel's visit.

  19. And when Seth fell asleep forever, Abner kissed his brother's lips and knelt at the bedside and said the prayer his mother had taught him.

  20. Sit here by my bedside and talk with me," said he, "and let us speak of the Hampshire hills.

  21. When I essayed to rise the old man was at my bedside to lend me aid, and when I had risen he brought me water wherewith to wash myself.

  22. She came to my bedside and, carefully removing the flowers from the stool, sat down upon it, and looked at me.

  23. Such a man as this once stood by the bedside of his dying wife, while his children knelt around, and mingled loud bursts of grief with their innocent prayers.

  24. He wanted her to stay by his bedside and hold his hand.

  25. Louisa and Christophe sat by his bedside and took it in turns to watch by him.

  26. And he sat by her bedside and read the play, going back to the beginning again.

  27. At the bedside stood four solemn-faced men, patiently watching for the end.

  28. I do not regret, because I still love you as fervently as I did on that memorable evening when my father called me to his bedside and urged me to give up all thought of you.

  29. But while a number of the relatives were gathered at the bedside bewailing their bereavement, the supposed corpse startled them by suddenly rising up in bed and asking what was the matter.

  30. The venerable bishop, in whose cathedral the young priest was preaching when he was seized with the fit, came to his bedside to recite the “De Profundis.

  31. Naturally Régine goes to his bedside and pardons him.

  32. She only leaves the bedside when the doctor pronounces his patient out of danger.

  33. At the bedside of a patient who was a noted humorist, five doctors were in consultation as to the best means of producing a perspiration.

  34. A Highlander was summoned to the bedside of his dying father.

  35. But she never left her husband's bedside for a moment, and had the obedience and devotion of a dog.

  36. She threw herself on her knees at the bedside and clung passionately to the sheets, while the room re-echoed with her piteous shrieks.

  37. But she ever and ever returned, drawn to the bedside by the physical craving to see.

  38. They had offered to watch by the bedside in succession, but she sent them away when ten o'clock struck; she would have no one in the bedroom during the night.

  39. For eight days she had remained at the bedside of the dying man, hearing the rumble of Paris beneath her window, feeling she was alone, deserted, lost, as though plunged in the depths of an abyss.

  40. By his bedside the mother called their three sons, of the ages of thirteen, fifteen, and seventeen.

  41. The wife, on whom every labor for the household devolved, was sleepless in care and tenderness by the bedside of her suffering husband.

  42. While they were standing together by the bedside of the aged and suffering, she saw her companion in a new and still more attractive guise.

  43. For nine days he came, sitting by the bedside and whiling away many a weary hour for the sufferer, until the tenth morning.

  44. I walked to the bedside of the first, who was an officer, a lieutenant, if I remember right, from North Carolina.

  45. I sit by his bedside and look at him as one would at a sleeping man, the idea of death only now and then flashing across my mind.

  46. I say it not in vain praise, but whatever I have heard at your bedside and from your sofa manet mansurumque est in animis.

  47. On a cold night in January 1856, she was by the bedside of a dying patient; whose feet she found to be stone cold.

  48. The wig, the gaiters, the gold pince-nez, and the bedside manner, they have risen up to bid you choose your future path.

  49. And above all things, be just your natural self in dealing with them, forgetting, if you can, that you have ever even heard of such an attribute as a good bedside manner.

  50. But I don't seem to have told you very much about my bedside books.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bedside" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.