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Example sentences for "billfold"

Lexicographically close words:
billet; billeted; billeting; billets; billetted; billhook; billiard; billiards; billies; billing
  1. He transferred his belongings to the new clothes, and opened his billfold to audit his dwindling resources.

  2. In Martin's billfold was the child's picture, no more.

  3. In the morning, roosters woke him and he slipped out of bed before Suzanne woke; as soon as he was dressed he pulled out his billfold and left her 220 francs, on the food tray, between cheese and bread .

  4. Slipping it into his billfold he called her his pinup.

  5. In the inside pocket of my coat I had my billfold containing about one hundred dollars, all the money I had, and also my valuable papers.

  6. When I went to reach for my money my billfold was gone.

  7. Not at all," said Candron, taking a billfold from his inside coat pocket.

  8. He opened the billfold and spread the papers for the clerk's inspection.

  9. Karnes accepted his weapon and billfold from the guard and led them back down the stairway.

  10. Karnes, keeping his hands high, said: "Take my billfold out of my hip pocket.

  11. He took out his billfold and extracted the check, handing it to Mr. Browne.

  12. Folding the check neatly, he stuck it in his billfold and then started to read a book that interested him.

  13. I fear we’ll never see the billfold again,” responded Miss Gordon.

  14. Just as he stole Miss Gordon’s billfold and the Brownie money,” supplied Jane.

  15. Detective Gregg had tried without success to force the pickpocket to admit he had taken Miss Gordon’s billfold as well as her watch.

  16. Miss Gordon’s billfold was not to be found.

  17. Surely two watches and a billfold can’t belong to you,” replied the one who had found the articles.

  18. You might tell him about losing your billfold and the watch.

  19. I distinctly recall placing the billfold in my inside suit pocket,” she said.

  20. Carefully they searched the sawdust for the missing billfold and watch.

  21. Connie and Veve told her how the pickpocket had stolen Miss Gordon’s billfold and the organization’s money.

  22. I suppose you dropped the watch and billfold when you ran,” said the detective to Pickpocket Joe.

  23. Besides, the billfold contained five dollars of my own and our circus tickets.

  24. We can’t see it,” said Connie, and she explained how Miss Gordon’s billfold had been taken by the pickpocket.

  25. Guess I will," Penny decided, replacing the card in the billfold and wrapping them both in her handkerchief.

  26. I do hope you turn this billfold over to police and forget about suspicious characters.

  27. I understand now why Burt acted so queer about that billfold he lost along the river," Penny commented.

  28. Unable to talk to any of the detectives connected with the dynamiting case, she left the billfold with a desk sergeant.

  29. Now please take that billfold to the authorities and let them do the worrying.

  30. You don't suppose this billfold was dropped by the saboteur?

  31. We picked up the billfold along the river and it undoubtedly was his.

  32. Penny showed her the billfold and explained where she had found it.

  33. When he got his billfold out, I just wondered how in the world, if he ever sat down he didn't lose the thing.

  34. They sagged and the pockets just leaned back and you could have just walked up and reached in there and got his billfold and never touched him.

  35. In his billfold the police had found a draft registration card in the name of A.

  36. He had his billfold and in it he had the identification of "A.

  37. I never did have the billfold in my possession, but the name Lee Oswald was called out by Bentley from the back seat, and said this identification, I believe, was on the library card.

  38. And the contents of the billfold supposedly were before you?

  39. He drew out his billfold and handed the nearest man his identification card.

  40. Reaching inside his coat he pulled out the billfold and drew out the identification badge which had been given to him by the federal chief.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "billfold" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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