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Example sentences for "blindly"

Lexicographically close words:
blindfold; blindfolded; blindfolding; blinding; blindingly; blindman; blindness; blinds; bline; bling
  1. Cutty stood there, staring blindly in her direction.

  2. Because we both feel bound and are blindly trying to break through.

  3. Stefani Gregor at one end of the world and he at the other, blindly working out the destinies of Kitty Conover and Ivan Mikhail Feodorovich and so forth and so on, with the blood of Catharine in his veins!

  4. Aforetime man employed the results of his prior experience only to form customs that henceforth had to be blindly followed or blindly broken.

  5. She turned with a great cry, and threw her arms wide to the risen sun, tottering blindly towards the emptiness that stretched beneath her feet.

  6. Stella was blindly tottering against the tent-rope, clutching vaguely for support.

  7. Everard realized it as he went from the room, leaning blindly upon the stout, supporting arm.

  8. She floundered blindly into a pool of water before she reached it, and was doubly startled by Monck lifting her bodily, without apology, out of the mire, and placing her on the seat.

  9. I found myself in a thick plantation, left all to chance, and blindly wandered on.

  10. See how blindly the poor flat runs into the snare, and follows the beck of the deepest dodger that ever betrayed a fool!

  11. Spot plunged ahead without hesitation and Dick followed, intent only on making the best speed possible and careless of constant falls as he stumbled blindly along.

  12. But Passmore stumbled across the remaining space; mutely, with drawn face and loud, labouring breath he lifted Gray and thrust him any fashion into the tonneau, climbing blindly after.

  13. She was struggling blindly under the weight of all her little world's disapprobation.

  14. It is degrading to the true dignity and independence of man, to submit blindly to any proposition.

  15. Tell him how much more true glory is to be won by retracing false steps, than by blindly rushing on until his country is overwhelmed in bankruptcy and ruin.

  16. Feeling blindly with outstretched hands, she let herself sway toward him, and in an instant she was wrapped in his arms with his breathless kisses covering her lips and cheeks.

  17. This duty he performed as quickly as possible, blindly intent on returning to Barbara once more.

  18. He knew now the vague associations that had stirred in him as he had stared blindly about that place of doors.

  19. He was divided and confused and blindly angry.

  20. He could form no plan in advance but trust blindly to the amazing chances of adventure.

  21. In a revulsion of feeling he turned and made his way blindly from the lane.

  22. As she went blindly down the aisle, she found herself shoved against Mr. Coulson.

  23. So if our time for reading and self-improvement must be brief, we shall find small satisfaction in wasting it blindly searching for what may satisfy.

  24. He guided their groping hands, and made them grasp the truth for which they were blindly reaching.

  25. You are my own sister's child, and I cannot see you wronged or going blindly into trouble without warning you.

  26. You do me injustice," said Hemstead, warmly, and falling blindly into her trap.

  27. I often crave for quiet, restful happiness now, but if it had been offered then I should have passed it by and struggled blindly for fame.

  28. Hal stood still a second, and then ran forward blindly with outstretched hands.

  29. The moment it was possible to get away, he walked blindly and hurriedly to the entrance, and got into a taxi, before the waiting crowd had had time to recognise him.

  30. How blindly we talk when we talk of "trifles.

  31. Yet I tried, blindly and despairingly, to wrestle with it; I might as well have flung myself against a stone wall.

  32. And blindly obeying the touch of his fingers, she put on her hat, grotesquely turned about.

  33. When one sees great injustice done, sees it backed by the power of a blindly militarised nation, marching confidently to victory, then, if justice has any place in the affairs of men, there is sometimes just cause for war.

  34. The punishment of a Roman city was blindly committed to the undistinguishing sword of the Barbarians; and the hostile preparations were concerted with the dark and perfidious artifice of an illegal conspiracy.

  35. His mind, enervated by a royal education, was oppressed and degraded by abject superstition: he fasted, he sung psalms, he blindly accepted the miracles and doctrines with which his faith was continually nourished.

  36. When the emperor suspended his prevailing influence, the turbulent synod was blindly impelled by the absurd or selfish motives of pride, hatred, or resentment.

  37. It was as if some profound mistrust weighed upon her and she was not so much seeking to interrogate me as she was groping blindly for some chance word of mine that might illuminate her doubts.

  38. Nicholls, Deacon turned blindly through the yard and so out to the main road leading to a picturesque little river city about nine miles up the stream.

  39. So he stood baffled, with a new longing that groped blindly through the veils of flesh and blood, like a brute tormented by the dawning of some insatiable aspiration.

  40. His unreasoning love, his apprehensive vanity, would have unsettled a less maternal spirit; but she found a kind of mystic wonder in it, he battled so blindly for possession of her.

  41. Either the fellow had obtained an inkling of the truth in some incredible way, or was blindly on the track of it, guided by some diabolical scent.

  42. I strained at the oars as if in a race, with all eternity at stake, blindly urging the boat ahead through water that flashed crimson at every stroke.

  43. For the first time in her life Di dashed herself blindly against one of God's boundaries; and the shock that a first realization of our helplessness always brings, struck her like a blow.

  44. He blindly obeyed the queen dowager's will, and promised to do everything that was asked of him.

  45. After a time Otto stumbled blindly into the open.

  46. Blindly he followed his strange guide through groves, fragrant with the perfumes of flowers,--the air seemed as a bower of love.

  47. Recoiling from the towering forms of the Africans, who guarded the corridor leading to her apartments, Benilo staggered blindly back into the dark deserted halls.

  48. Blindly he was groping through the labyrinth for a clue--It is hard to say: "Thy will be done.

  49. Looking up, she beheld the one she dreaded most on earth to meet, saw Eckhardt rushing blindly towards her through smoke and flames, crying frantically: "Save her!

  50. How little the monk knew, he thought, and Nilus was staggered at the haggard expression of the Margrave's face, as he stumbled blindly and giddily down the moonlit avenue beside him.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blindly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.