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Example sentences for "bower"

Lexicographically close words:
bowd; bowe; bowed; bowel; bowels; bowered; bowering; bowerman; bowers; bowes
  1. Its little lean-to, or bower of sticks, which has been built in our own Zoological Park in New York City, is fronted by a cleared space, which is usually mossy.

  2. But I warrant me you have livelier notes at will, ma bella tenebrosa; ay, and canst sing in bower as well as wold, and by night as well as day.

  3. The wildcat may have made his lodge where the banqueting bower of MacIan now stands.

  4. To this remark the glover did not think it necessary to reply; instead of which he adverted to the evergreens, and particularly to the skins and other ornaments with which the interior of the bower was decorated.

  5. And when the welcome simmer-shower Has cheer'd ilk drooping little flower, We'll to the breathing woodbine bower At sultry noon, my dearie O.

  6. These girls in our bower drank sparingly of wine, but needed no artificial spirits to spur their own.

  7. On the brink of the stream which flowed past the bower the oven had been made.

  8. From the bower the song and music rang out continuously, mingled with laughter and the sounds of shuffling feet.

  9. We had breakfasted in the bower at ten o'clock, with the band in attendance.

  10. From under the thatched roof of our bower came the sounds of: Faararirari to oe Tamarii Tahiti La Li.

  11. The dancing in the bower was at intervals, as the desire moved the performers and bodily force allowed.

  12. A magnificent bower a hundred feet long, broad and high, had been erected of bamboo and gigantic leaves.

  13. Now entered the bower Mamoe of Moorea, a big girl of eighteen.

  14. But looking whence the other voice had come, He saw the leafy bower had opened wide, And on a flowery couch a maiden lay, More beautiful than heart could ever dream, Clad in some light gown of Arabian stuff.

  15. But as he turned to leave the flowery throng, He heard a sweet voice from a leafy bower Say: "Parsifal!

  16. I could see only one other door, and that opened behind the high seat, being meant for the ladies of the house, so that they could pass to the bower without going down the noisy hall.

  17. Gerda passed to the bower presently, and left us in the hall.

  18. But he goes on, nevertheless, to except the braying of an ass; and from another letter it seems that the serene quietude of his bower was at times invaded by the noise of a quadruped of this kind (inimical to poets!

  19. Late one evening a courier reached Langley, where in her bower Constance was disrobing for the night, and Maude was combing out her mistress's long light hair.

  20. The door of Constance's bower was suddenly opened and dashed to again, and the Princess herself entered, and began pacing up and down the room like a chafed lioness--a habit of all the Plantagenets when in a passion.

  21. Then Ak was gone from their midst, and Necile hurried away to her bower to rejoice over her new-found treasure.

  22. So when he had finished the toy deer, which was very like a deer he had known in the Forest glades, he walked into Burzee and made his way to the bower of the beautiful Nymph Necile, who had been his foster mother.

  23. Claus Another day found Necile's bower the most popular place in the Forest.

  24. He sought Necile's bower less frequently, till finally it became his custom to return thither only to sleep.

  25. And the soft-eyed does willingly gave a share of their milk to support the little stranger, while Shiegra, the lioness, often crept stealthily into Necile's bower and purred softly as she lay beside the babe and fed it.

  26. Then I painted you and your servants, prince Kamalakara, on the wall of the bower of that Hansavali.

  27. The ichneumon and the mouse dwelt in separate holes in the root, the cat in a great hollow in the middle of the tree: but the owl dwelt in a bower of creepers on the top of it, which was inaccessible to the others.

  28. And so the beams of the moon entered the interstices in the bower of creepers, and lit up the space round the foot of the tree like jewel-lamps.

  29. And Bhimabhata spent the day with his friends in their usual employments, and in the beginning of the night again repaired to the bower of his beloved.

  30. And she made her sit in the middle of it, in a bower of mango-trees, and went out, and brought in Kamalakara also.

  31. She stood behind the princess, and saw her languishing alone in the bower of creepers, with her painting-tablet in her hand.

  32. Then, through fear of being cursed by a hermit, I stood concealed by a bower of creepers, looking at her with an eye that could not have enough.

  33. When he said this in a haughty manner, I laughed and said, 'The swans utter their cries in the lotus-bower and enjoy themselves much, until they see the cloud that comes darkening the heaven.

  34. She’s up in her bower sewing, But we soon can bring her down.

  35. X And when he came to Fair Margaret’s bower He knockèd at the ring; And who so ready as her seven brothers To rise and let him in?

  36. IV Then down she laid her ivory comb, And up she bound her hair; She went out from her bower alive But alive never more came there.

  37. Hynd Etin I May Margaret sits in her bower door Sewing her silken seam; She heard a note in Elmond’s wood, And wish’d she there had been.

  38. XL ‘And wha’s ta’en down the bush o’ woodbine That hangs atween her bower and mine?

  39. III And then my love built me a bower, Bedeck’d with many a fragrant flower; A braver bower you ne’er did see Than my true love did build for me.

  40. IV ‘O whae is this at my bower door, That chaps sae late, nor kens the gin[272]?

  41. XXVII There was no pity for those two lords, In bower where they lay slain; But all was for Lady Maisry, In bower where she went brain[358].

  42. Bid me not, therefore, task my feebler pen With dreams beyond the limits of their ken; The phantom conjurings of the magic hour That Gawayne passed in that enchanted bower Must be from mortal eyes forever hid.

  43. Not he who drew Acrasia's Bower of Bliss And Phædria's happy isle could picture this.

  44. The Right Bower led the way with some show of definite design; the Left Bower followed with his hands in his pockets.

  45. For the first time the Right Bower exhibited some slight embarrassment.

  46. The Left Bower lounged up to him, and stopped also, while the two others came up and completed the group.

  47. The Right Bower shot a rapid glance under his brows at his brother.

  48. There's no light in the shanty," said the Right Bower in a low voice, half to himself and, half in answer to their inquiring attitude.

  49. I traded off the beans he let me have for some tobacco for the Right Bower at the other shop, and got them to throw in a new pack of cards.

  50. He's gone for good, and he left that rifle here on purpose," said the Left Bower in a low voice, taking the weapon almost tenderly in his hands.

  51. Confounded by this practical expression of his own unformulated good intentions, the Right Bower was staggered.

  52. Both men waited to observe if the suggestion was taken up by the Right and Left Bower moodily plodding ahead.

  53. The shadows were growing blacker as the moon began to assert itself over the rest of the valley, when the Right Bower halted suddenly on one of these ridges.

  54. Yes," interposed the Judge, with delicate tact, "ye see the Right and Left Bower almost quarreled to see which should be the first to fire for ye.

  55. Last time you sat by me within my bower I told you of a Pallace wall'd with gold.

  56. Ile bring her to a bower beset with greene.

  57. It was a little bower all decorated with large yellow lemons, larger than any lemons the children had ever seen before.

  58. The bower was coming straight towards them, and they couldn't see what made it move.

  59. And the bower of Artaxerxes took a whole Persian summer to grow; and the Czar's Ice Palace a long Muscovite winter to congeal.

  60. For love-lore swain in lady's bower Ne'er panted for the appointed hour As I, until before me stand This rebel Chieftain and his band!

  61. Please you meanwhile in fitting bower Repose you till his waking hour.

  62. In this vale, in a lovely hollow between the rounded hills, is the small village of Bower Chalke.

  63. The other bower was let go and it did not for some time bring her up.

  64. At 7 weighed and made sail, found the small bower anchor stock broke off and totally gone.

  65. Past Green Cape--at 5 came to with the small bower on the east side of Twofold Bay: got under way and stood out of Bay.

  66. At 2 boat returned with Lieutenant-Governor and Company: at 3 beat up the River: at 9 came to with a bower and sent boat on shore with Lieutenant-Governor and Company.

  67. Bower with a light air at north-east and dropped a few miles further up the Port.

  68. At noon she dropped her bower a little from our stern, cast off her warp and lifted our best bower.

  69. Sent some of the people out to look in what situation our anchor lay and it was found that the best bower had come home and the small parted 12 fathoms from the ring.

  70. Moderate and clear at 5 and found the Bay at 5: came to with best bower and moored ship 1/2 cable's length from the shore.

  71. Came to in Kent's Bay with small bower anchor alongside the Francis, schooner.

  72. Found a part of our best bower cable so much decayed from wear that I cut off, from the anchor end, 15 fathoms and fresh bent it again.

  73. At half-past 6 came to in 5 fathoms on the South shore with small bower anchor.

  74. At 4 heavy squalls, hove up the best bower and hauled out in the stream, at 6 made sail, shaped our course for Sydney.

  75. Strong gales: at 3 light breezes: hove up best bower and got all clear for getting under weigh in company with Francis: at 8 made Hunter's Island.

  76. At daylight made all sail into the bay bearing west: tacked occasionally: at 11 shortened sail and came to in 10 fathoms of water with best bower anchor.

  77. At 4 parted the best bower close to the clinch and stood away to Phillip Island; Norfolk Island west by north 6 miles.

  78. We held on although all ataunto with the small bower and one-third of a cable out, a proof of the goodness of the holding ground.

  79. I turned to receive Bower and Scraper, who generally hunt tufts and scandal in couples, and were advancing towards us with much empressement.

  80. I, doing a little of Bower and Scraper's work.

  81. The place of the oracle was a certain cavity in the mountain-side, over which, when Cadmus came thither, he found a rude bower of branches.

  82. So on a day before the lowly bower of Paris and Oenone stood the three great goddesses.

  83. Here is a natural bower surrounded by sweet berries, and shielded from the sun by the fragrant myrtle.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bower" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ace; alcove; anchor; arbor; bower; card; conservatory; deck; deuce; diamond; dummy; flush; gazebo; glasshouse; greenhouse; hand; joker; king; kiosk; knave; pack; pair; pergola; retreat; round; rubber; ruff; spade; straight; summerhouse; trick; trump