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Example sentences for "canebrake"

Lexicographically close words:
candor; candour; candy; candytuft; cane; canebrakes; caned; canel; canella; canes
  1. But one of his dogs ever really tried to master a wolf by itself, and this one paid for its temerity with its life; for while running a wolf in a canebrake the beast turned and tore it to pieces.

  2. All the cougars he killed were either treed or brought to bay in a canebrake by the hounds; and they often handled the pack very roughly in the death struggle.

  3. It is as much Davy Crockett, whether going ahead after bears in a Tennessee canebrake or going ahead after General Andrew Jackson in Congress, as the equally plain but also urbane Autobiography of Franklin is Benjamin Franklin.

  4. Raised in a canebrake and suckled by a she-bear!

  5. It was at this juncture, that a party of Indians suddenly sprang up from the canebrake and rushed upon them with such fierceness that escape was out of the question.

  6. This pathway ran up hill, across another open space covered with white incrustation, and plunged into a canebrake again.

  7. More than once we hear of one who, in a canebrake or tangled thicket, was mangled to death by the horns and hoofs of a wounded buffalo.

  8. They reached the end of the ravine and descended into the canebrake of the bottom-land which led to the Kentucky River.

  9. They were covered with a shower of blue-jay feathers thrown by murderous fingers as with wild gestures and wilder laughter the Indians vanished into the canebrake to follow the buffalo north for more profitable hunting.

  10. Then--from the canebrake on three sides of the clearing sprang the nimble-footed savages who had teased and outrun their horse.

  11. When the fire of musketry became hot, Weitzel sent the 75th New York to try to gain the canebrake on the left, in advance of the enemy's works, with a view of turning that flank.

  12. When father first came here, this side of the river was all canebrake too.

  13. He was horrified a few moments later to see two Indians cautiously put aside the canebrake and peer in the direction taken by his companion.

  14. When within about four miles of the place, Kenton, who was in advance, was surprised and startled by hearing loud laughter from a canebrake just before him.

  15. I went with a party of fellows down in the canebrake last fall and a bear killed four dogs.

  16. Almost hugged to death by a bear down in the canebrake just before the June rise eight year ago.

  17. Bestor removed to Greensboro, taking with him as far as practicable all that pertained to LaFayette Academy, and in that chief town of the canebrake established another school and remained at its head for a number of years.

  18. Seeing that they were making for a dense canebrake, Dale ordered his men to follow him quickly, and seven reached the canebrake just as the savages were about to land.

  19. From the canebrake a nightingale was singing softly, as if the beauty of the night had subdued its plaintive song.

  20. And Rafael, who was flattered by the idea of taking his love publicly down the river, through the slumbering countryside, unfastened his boat at midnight under the bridge and rowed it to a canebrake near Leonora's orchard.

  21. Do you know a young canebrake when you see one?

  22. On the edge of the canebrake a thicket of papaw and blackberry vines added rankness and forest secrecy.

  23. The grass was high and thick and the canebrake was so dense that passage through it seemed impossible.

  24. Forest, open and canebrake alike were swarming with game, and he saw buffaloes, deer, wild turkeys, and multitudes of rabbits and squirrels.

  25. The hounds tracked him to the canebrake on Puckett's place.

  26. Besides that, only the proximity of the canebrake where Phelps was captured, and a long, detailed report of his former daring robberies were all that he had been able to procure.

  27. About the middle of the third day I grew very hungry, and as the cattle were lying down, I crept to the edge of the canebrake to see if my dinner was not forthcoming.

  28. I was a lad of eight at the time, and while my two older brothers worked our few fields, I was sent into the canebrake to herd the cattle.

  29. Daylight found them in dense canebrake with the road that the army had been forced to cut for the cannon leading on straight and true.

  30. They had emerged from heavy forest into a stretch of canebrake through which ran a long swath, trampled by many feet and cut by deep ruts.

  31. Then he emerged, passed into a dense canebrake and stopped, where he took off his wet clothing and spread it out in the dark to dry.

  32. At one point he came to a vast canebrake that seemed impassable, yet he made his way through it almost without slackening speed, and came to a grove of oaks, so large and so dense that the sunlight never entered there.

  33. The canebrake extended a great distance, but he saw far beyond it the black shadow of forest, in the interminable depths of which he might easily lose himself if the pursuit continued.

  34. In every direction forest and canebrake stretched in countless miles, the trees, infinite in variety, and great in size, showing that Nature had worked here with the hand of a master.

  35. This may account for the almost exclusive use of canebrake and pawpaw, both relatively coarse fibers used without preliminary treatment.

  36. I had to keep the horses in the canebrake so they could eat.

  37. Dat night Henry, he git mad and burn up his sack and runned off and hid in de canebrake 'long de bayou all of de nex' day.

  38. In the decline of the day, near Kentucky River, as we ascended the brow of a small hill, a number of Indians rushed out of a thick canebrake upon us, and made us prisoners.

  39. And soon, overjoyed and exhausted, he was able to spring into a canebrake dark as night, where he slept unconscious of anything that occurred around him.

  40. Quickly he sought to slake his burning thirst, and soon found, and enjoyed, what seemed ice water in a canebrake in August.

  41. There are thousands of acres of cypress and cane down here, and for a place in which to get lost the canebrake has no equal.

  42. They crossed the swamp places, on through the canebrake and into the partially open swale where Tad had stood when he shot.

  43. Never in all the years I have been riding the canebrake have I been so tarnation mad.

  44. Stacy declared that such a little thing as the canebrake didn't worry him in the least; that he could find his way out with his eyes shut.

  45. He crossed my trail and went into the canebrake to the north.

  46. Beyond this the boys were eager to get into the heart of the canebrake and begin following the game trails of the southern jungle, an unknown section to most American people.

  47. Pete won't be hitting the canebrake trail right smart again, I reckon.

  48. The wild pigs of the canebrake are as near as I have ever come to hunting boars," said Lilly.

  49. The "bear sign" had been discovered in the canebrake about three miles from camp.

  50. We have been in the canebrake for some time, and all we have got has been a small doe.

  51. On beyond the camp they were now able to make out faintly the straight stems of the canebrake that stood row upon row in straight lines, as if they had been arranged by human hands on the lines run out by engineers.

  52. There's fine huntin' for b'ars in the canebrake an' the rivers an' bayous are full of fish.

  53. A famous portrait painter had arisen at Lexington when the canebrake was scarcely yet cleared away from the heart of Kentucky.

  54. Sid, you and Bob Sharp go down into the canebrake there and get two or three dozen of the longest canes you can find.

  55. Toward evening of the first day out, he had stopped in a canebrake and cut three well seasoned canes, selecting straight, tall ones, about an inch in diameter, and taking care that they tapered as little and as regularly as possible.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canebrake" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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