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Example sentences for "carminative"

Lexicographically close words:
carlish; carload; carloads; carls; carmina; carmine; carmined; carminibus; carminis; carminum
  1. It has been used as a carminative to allay flatulent colic in infants, and is supposed to be useful in allaying hysteria.

  2. Like other volatile oils, methyl salicylate was used as an antiseptic, analgesic, carminative and flavoring agent.

  3. These are in the number of the four greater hot seeds; and frequently employed as a stomachic and carminative in flatulent colics, and the like.

  4. It is generally looked upon as a carminative and stomachic medicine, and as such is sometimes made use of in practice.

  5. They are recommmended as carminative and stomachic.

  6. These consist in arousing the digestive organs to action, by the following stimulant and carminative drink:-- Cardamom seeds, 1 ounce.

  7. It contains an essential oil and a bitter resin, which are useful as warmly carminative to relieve flatulent indigestion, and to promote the monthly flow in women.

  8. As a carminative injection for tiresome flatulence, it has been found eminently beneficial to employ Chamomile flowers boiled in tripe broth, and strained through a cloth, and with a few drops of the oil of Aniseed added to the decoction.

  9. Coriander water was formerly much esteemed as a carminative for windy colic.

  10. Dioscorides gave the oil got from the flowers for rheumatic pains, and sciatica; also a carminative water distilled from the fruit, for increasing the milk of wet nurses, and for appeasing the windy belly-aches of babies.

  11. Its distilled water is carminative and anti-spasmodic; whilst the whole plant is essentially stimulating.

  12. It belongs to the particular group of umbelliferous plants which is endowed with balsamic gums, and with carminative essences appealing powerfully to the sense of smell.

  13. The whole plant has a warm carminative taste, and the old Greeks esteemed it highly for promoting the secretion of milk in nursing mothers.

  14. The older herbalists esteemed them superior in comforting carminative [136] qualities to those of the fennel or caraway.

  15. When much griping and pain attend the diarrhoea, half a teaspoonful of Dalby's Carminative (the best of all patent medicines) should be given, either with or without a small quantity of castor oil to carry off the exciting cause.

  16. Pierce's Extract of Smart-weed is a valuable carminative and aromatic stimulant, and has been employed with marked success in all diseases in which this class of remedies is required.

  17. The carminative properties of spearmint are inferior to those of peppermint, and its chief employment is for its diuretic and febrifuge virtues.

  18. We cannot raise a blister on a dead man, or hope that a carminative forced between his lips will produce its ordinary happy effect.

  19. The entire plant is a stimulant and carminative but little used internally; in atonic dyspepsia it has given good results taken in the same form as the infusion of manzanilla.

  20. In India the seeds are given internally for their anthelmintic and carminative effect; the dose is one teaspoonful twice a day.

  21. The seeds are used as a condiment; they are stimulant and carminative and yield good results in atonic dyspepsia, nervous depression and spasmodic or flatulent affections of the intestine.

  22. The juice of the leaves is a carminative and is given to children suffering with wind colic.

  23. The decoction of the fruit is given after meals as a tea-like beverage, to aid digestion or for its carminative effect in flatulent colic.

  24. The fruit of both species has the same therapeutical application being stomachic and carminative par excellence.

  25. Ginger is a good carminative and is official in the pharmacopoeias of Europe, America and India.

  26. The dose is 2 grams of the juice of the fresh root mixed with pepper which also acts as a carminative and stomachic.

  27. But, listen; when you invented your Paste of Sultans and Carminative Balm, what did you risk?

  28. To complete the work, he applied the same recipe to the manufacture of a lotion for the complexion, which he called the "Carminative Balm.

  29. That article may help to sell the Paste of Sultans and the Carminative Balm," whispered Madame Cesar to Madame Ragon, not sharing the intoxication of her husband.

  30. The Paste of Sultans and the Carminative Balm were ushered into the world of fashion and commerce by colored placards, at the head of which were these words, "Approved by the Institute.

  31. If I had listened to you I should never have invented the Paste of Sultans nor the Carminative Balm.

  32. Carminative and stomachic; chiefly used as a vehicle for other medicines.

  33. The seed is carminative and diuretic; the expressed juice of the root is anthelmintic.

  34. Used in medicine as a carminative and astringent, chiefly as an adjuvant to other medicines, e.

  35. This extract is stomachic, carminative and emmenagogue.

  36. When the pain is extreme, warm fomentations to the belly, or a carminative clyster, will generally give relief.

  37. It is carminative and aromatic, like the caraway and anise.

  38. Action: It is an agreeable carminative and stimulant, in easing the secretions and stimulating the wavelike movement of the bowels.

  39. But if the inflation chance to be very great, then a carminative glyster must be ordained.

  40. When Dalby's Carminative and Steer's Opodeldoc came on the market in the 1780's, it was Francis Newbery who had them for sale.

  41. Dalby's Carminative was merely misbranded, but that was bad enough.

  42. This compendium, indeed, lists not one, but three different recipes for British Oil, and the formulas by which Dalby's Carminative may be compounded run on to a total of eight.

  43. Remington's practice of pharmacy[128] retains a formula for Dalby's Carminative under the former National formulary title of Carminative Mixture.

  44. The committee decided that a grain of opium to the ounce, together with magnesia and three volatile oils, were essential "for this mild carminative and laxative .

  45. Moreover, since the Carminative contained opium, it was not a safe medicine when given according to the dosage directions in a circular accompanying the bottle.

  46. The committee chose a formula which would provide a grain of opium per ounce, to which was added sassafras "as the carminative which has become one of the chief features of the medicine.

  47. Flint, Eaton and Company informed the Council that “Carminative Antigripe is C.

  48. Carminative and stomachic; also used as a restorative after fatigue, added to chocolate to improve its flavour, and sucked to sweeten the breath.

  49. Ginger lozenges are carminative and stomachic, and are useful in flatulency, loss of appetite, &c.

  50. It is reputed carminative and diaphoretic, and possesses powerful diuretic properties, Sp.

  51. The dose of the aromatic and carminative oils is from 1 to 10 drops, on sugar, or dissolved in a little weak spirit.

  52. Oil of aniseed is carminative and pectoral; and both itself and preparations have long been in favour with the masses in coughs, colds, &c.

  53. Carminative had grown up with me from the days of the cinnamon bottle.

  54. The sugared oils were simply made by triturating various essential oils with white sugar, and usually given for their carminative action.

  55. The essential oil they yield has carminative properties.

  56. If the doctor had called them only his carminative pills, he had been as cleanly as one could have wished; but the second word entirely destroys the decency of the first.

  57. Among these I must reckon the Carminative Wind-expelling Pills.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carminative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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