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Example sentences for "cayuse"

Lexicographically close words:
cayman; caymans; cayote; cayre; cays; cayuses; caza; cazadores; caze; cazique
  1. A young girl of about sixteen years, riding a cayuse along the lake shore, suddenly reined in her pony and sat gazing upon the scene.

  2. All unconscious of this excitement and of the tremendous issues at stake, Shock sent his little cayuse peacefully trotting along the trail to where it met the main street.

  3. Gillette came along with a cayuse pack train on his way to Fort Benton to get goods for Bannock.

  4. In the spring McArthur paid us off for our winter’s work, each man receiving a Cayuse horse in full of all demands.

  5. He dosed Pete's cayuse with whiskey an' ginger, chased Lee Hop clean to Buckskin, so we ain't got no cook.

  6. Well, might as well find out what this cayuse can do--come on, let 'em go!

  7. They had just turned into the trail when a rider passed them at speed, causing Ned's cayuse to shy and buck half way to the Jill.

  8. Let his cayuse pick its way, Tex--told you he could n't go fast last night.

  9. Buck Higgins was in the midst of a tale about being thrown from his cayuse and breaking his right arm.

  10. Mebbe her cayuse has broke a leg--or somethin'.

  11. For a bottle of their "hell-fire fluid" they would buy a buffalo hide, a pack of beaver skins, or a cayuse from an Indian without hesitation or remorse.

  12. You didn't learn to rope a cayuse in Edinburgh, I guess.

  13. Bring that grey cayuse here, Cameron, the one with the rope on near the door.

  14. The traditions of the cayuse are unheroic in the matter of blizzards and are all in favor of turning tail to every storm that blows.

  15. We don't mind a cayuse now and then, but when it comes to a hull bunch of vallable hosses there's where we kick and we ain't goin' to stand fer it.

  16. First thing I know there won't be a cayuse left on the ranch.

  17. An' Dorothy can have my ranch an' every cayuse on it, includin' my mules, any time she wants.

  18. Silently he led forward Rudd's rawboned cayuse and held him while Kate mounted.

  19. The competition was close, but Snoqualmie the Cayuse won the day.

  20. Even as he touched it, the Bannock's war-club swung in air and the Cayuse reeled dead from his saddle.

  21. The Cayuse band had started early that morning.

  22. The best marksmen of each tribe contended together under the eyes of Multnomah, and Snoqualmie the Cayuse won the day.

  23. After a while one of the Cayuse warriors (for this was a camp of the Cayuses) advanced toward him, and a grave salutation was exchanged.

  24. In that fierce and proud regard was something the Cayuse could not fathom.

  25. Some of the younger braves at the head of the Cayuse train dashed toward it, yelling and whooping in the wildest manner.

  26. Then the Klickitat seemed to suggest something at which the Cayuse shook his head indignantly.

  27. Every day Snoqualmie the Cayuse became more popular among the tribes, and already he was second in influence to none but Multnomah himself.

  28. He rides up with his Cayuse comrades, laughing, gesticulating in a lively way.

  29. The haughty, insolent Cayuse felt that he had gained a splendid success.

  30. Alton laughed a little, and brought his hand down on the Cayuse pony's flank.

  31. It grew louder rapidly, and presently Alton pulled the Cayuse up on the brink of a river.

  32. The snarling and spitting of a panther came out of the darkness, and it was only by main force Alton dragged the Cayuse past.

  33. Then there was silence again, and she watched a bronzed man rubbing down a great black horse whose blood had not come from a Cayuse pedigree until a faint drumming grew louder down the trail.

  34. The Cayuse had laid its ears back, and was describing a circle round him, scattering mud and snow, while the man who gripped the bridle in a lean, brown hand watched it without impatience, admiringly.

  35. Then the Cayuse rose upright with fore-hoofs lifted, and the man's arm was drawn back to strike.

  36. Then the Cayuse was borne backwards until the vicinity of the hotel verandah left no room for kicking, and another man hastily flung a rope round the bundles he piled upon its back.

  37. Bud dug spurs into his cayuse and followed, but it was some minutes before he managed to catch up with his friend.

  38. Likewise, if I don't get astride a cayuse mighty soon, I won't be able to climb onto him at all.

  39. I'll bring your cayuse back to-morrow or the day after at the latest.

  40. A second later he had turned his cayuse and was speeding towards a narrow break between two spurs, keeping a tight hold on the girl's bridle.

  41. My cayuse was headin' south, with the rustlers pretty near dead ahead, when I come to a patch of moonlight I had to cross.

  42. If that cayuse steps in a hole, you're apt to get a jolt that'll put you out of business.

  43. Have ye seen the last cayuse that's bein' put in?

  44. Hey, Antelope Bill, saddle that ewe-necked cayuse of yours and vamoose, pronto, after the doctor.

  45. But this is the point of the story: Had the author tried to mount that cayuse in any other way he would have been left sprawling on the prairie.

  46. If you want to make a real cayuse out of your wooden horse, brand it and any cowboy who then sees it will take off his hat.

  47. Then yu knows how yore cayuse got in an' how mine got out," said the latter.

  48. Rode his cayuse in a saloon and played with the loungers and had to shoot one before he got out.

  49. Yore cayuse an' another shore climbed this corral fence last night an' ate up our bronchs, an' I just nachurly want to know about it.

  50. If yu wants to corral this here herd of simoleons yu has to ride a cayuse what Red bet me yu can't ride.

  51. What was yu doin' to my cayuse afore yu come in?

  52. As they approached the hut Mr. Cassidy again tickled his prisoner and insisted that he be very quiet, as his cayuse was very sensitive to noise and it might be there.

  53. Charley here said he thought they was from th' way yore cayuse looked, didn't yu, Charley?

  54. Didn't they hobble my cayuse when I was on him an' near bust my neck?

  55. Yu take that cayuse back an' get Cowan's," he ordered.

  56. Of this one hundred thousand dollars were for expenses of the Cayuse Indian War.

  57. The puncher still attached braced his cayuse to throw the steer when the slack of his rope was taken up.

  58. As he thrust it toward the fire he paused, and glanced uneasily toward the cayuse which dozed with drooping head and one rear foot resting upon the toe.

  59. Powder Face is woman broke, an' gentle as any cayuse can get.

  60. Texan, as his horse ascended the bank from the creek, "take Cinnabar's cayuse an' beat it for Wolf River!

  61. I've got to find that damn cayuse an' get her out of this, somehow.

  62. With that rope trailin' along from the saddle horn, that damn cayuse might run his fool head off.

  63. Upon the opposite side he jerked his horse to a stand, and with a wave of his hand, indicated the coulee down which he had come: "She's up there a piece on a cayuse tied to a tree.

  64. A short distance away a cayuse stood saddled and bridled.

  65. When a range cayuse has a few square meals he gets onery.

  66. The price of horses would jump to war-time values and every onery cayuse on the range would be hauling a scraper.

  67. Still in a panic because of the wild animal odor so close at hand, the laden animal hurried off after the cayuse that had fled along the gully, heading for where Frank had declared the canyon must undoubtedly lie.

  68. They almost worshiped her, and came almost daily to see her and hear her sing the Cayuse songs.

  69. The Cayuse and Nez Perces, who expected Dr.

  70. Whitman was killed, was presented to the Cayuse Indians by the Blackfeet upon some great occasion, and was preserved by the Cayuse as a memorable relic long after the hanging of the Chiefs.

  71. The Cayuse Indians seemed delighted with the prospect of a Mission church and school, but they thought it disgraceful for them to work.

  72. These Cayuse Indians were not a numerous band, but they were born traders, were wealthy, and had a great influence over other tribes.

  73. The Cayuse Indians made a foray upon a weaker tribe, and levied on their stock in payment for some imaginary debt.

  74. He selected one of his most trusty Cayuse Indian guides, Istikus, and placed the company under his lead.

  75. He argued that the river Indians were far less hopeful subjects to deal with, and that the bunch grass Indians, the Cayuse and Nez Perces, had expressed a great anxiety for teachers.

  76. So that's the cayuse Fatty wanted to trade me for Ace of Spades!

  77. Guess I'll just throw the hull on that cayuse of mine an' siyou down and see.

  78. I've known the best trained cayuse going to let out a neigh when it scented some of its own kind near by.

  79. I did think, though, I caught the whinny of a cayuse coming from out there in the black somewhere; because our hosses are all safe in the stables, you know, and the door locked in the bargain.

  80. And count me in with you, because I'm not too old to throw a rope or ride the wickedest cayuse in the bunch; fact is, there's only one thing on the face of this earth I seem to be afraid of.

  81. A company of Cayuse Indians, under the leadership of the now famous Donald McKay, went from the former, and another company, under command of Dr.

  82. I have said that many could not get places, even on the backs of mules, or Cayuse ponies.

  83. The Cayuse slackened his speed and finally stopped, but not until Mike had lost more or less of clothing, and the "pelt" from his rosy face.

  84. I stated the generous offer of the Cayuse chief, and closed with a glowing description of the dusky princess.

  85. Together Cayuse and this kinsman departed from the camp, walking forth through the darkness in the brush.

  86. Cayuse here roped him, up to Cedar flat," imparted Gettysburg.

  87. Presently he said; "Cayuse is here in camp.

  88. Cayuse is on that I know who the father was," resumed the visitor.

  89. He had been acutely alarmed by the presence of Cayuse in the camp.

  90. Do you think Cayuse would know who he was?

  91. No less excited when at last they knew that Van was innocent, the great crowd still occupied the street, hailing Trimmer to the lumber-pile and demanding to know how he came by the facts, and where Cayuse had gone.

  92. Five thousand, cash on the nail, if you show me you can steer Cayuse so far off the trail he'll never get on it again.

  93. On the following night four grim Piutes brought Cayuse from his mountain retreat.

  94. Cayuse was formally charged with infraction of the law and asked for his defense.

  95. Napoleon added: "But Cayuse ain't been on board, you bet.

  96. Cayuse was the half-breed Piute Indian whose company McCoppet had avoided.

  97. Simultaneously, the lumberman, Trimmer, drunk, and enjoying what he deemed a joke, hoarsely confided to some sober men the fact that Cayuse had done the murder.

  98. Napoleon, you and Cayuse go out and prepare his mind for work.

  99. Hang me if the cayuse doesn't want more fixing than a Brooklyn belle," muttered Steve.

  100. The miserable wretch heard and understood the words, and saw the Winchester, the same which had sent the runaway cayuse spinning down the stone-slide, come slowly up to Corbett's shoulder.

  101. Chinaman, who was standing with his hand upon the pack-ropes, whilst Chance held the cayuse by the head.

  102. Only one man climbed down to look at the dead cayuse as it lay half hidden in the shallow water at the edge of the lake, and that was only a Chinaman.

  103. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cayuse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.