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Example sentences for "clamant"

Lexicographically close words:
clairvoyante; clairvoyantly; clairvoyants; claith; clam; clamb; clambake; clamber; clambered; clambering
  1. Injustice, misery, oppression, discontent, were clamant and almost universal; taxes had doubled since the death of Louis XIV.

  2. Both are clamant at this moment in you and me, clamant in you as you read these words, clamant in me as I write them.

  3. Where, day by day, so many thousands passed, driven by eagerness and haste, in an unnoticeable throng, a single footfall now roused clamant echoes.

  4. He spoke with a certain sad quietness, very different from his old clamant vehemence.

  5. I gave him £50 of my own to meet clamant demands, and besought him to secure me a day or two of delay that something might be done.

  6. Soon spaces are clamant for decoration and the stone soars into the beauty of Gothic vaulting and tracery.

  7. As if, overcome by the spectacle of the more clamant needs and horrible vices of society, he had said, we must first get rid of these, we must supply those, before we can begin to dream of heaven.

  8. If every unfulfilled prophecy ought to be an accusing conscience in the breast of the Christian Church, there will be none more clamant and practical than this one.

  9. These are the features of corrupt civilization not only in Judah, and the voice that deplores them cannot speak without rousing others very clamant to the modern conscience.

  10. Sensuality, indulgence in animal propensities, yielding to the clamant voices of the beast that is within us--these things wreck many a soul; and some of those that are listening to me now.

  11. He, and He only, will interpret each generation to itself, and will meet its clamant needs.

  12. The fall of Niniveh was deafening enough to drown for the moment, as it does in Nahum, even a Hebrew’s clamant conscience of his country’s sin.

  13. Nor did it fail now; and when prophecy was roused what duty lay more clamant for its inspiration than the duty of building the Temple?

  14. Still more often they believe they ought to regard with disapproval the clamant desires and cravings of our bodily natures.

  15. And so I repeat we must begin with the assumption that, though we have not yet spelt it out, God must have had some great purpose of love when He created men and women with a clamant sex instinct at the center of their personalities.

  16. But I believe it to be a serious mistake for either man or woman to imagine that they have no clamant sex instinct hidden within the depths of their personalities.

  17. We shall therefore only try to meet a clamant need of our time, if we take with us into the explanation of the Deuteronomic teaching a definite conclusion as to the authorship, age, and literary character of the book.

  18. Friends, look at these hearts of yours with their yearnings, with their passionate desires, with their clamant needs.

  19. These instincts, and the clamant appetite for domination and coercion are whetted to the utmost and then re-inforced by a moral indignation, which justifies the impulse to retaliation on the ground of punitive justice for inhuman horrors.

  20. By legalising clamant errors, it irritated all the wise, and made it impossible for Luther to return.

  21. It was more glittering, more raffish, more clamant of the tenderloin than ever.

  22. Clamant and imperative in me was the voice of change.

  23. Her voice was calm and steady despite the clamant note of tears that was in every word.

  24. The singer he sang as never before, Piercing through gateway, wall and door The clamant cry.

  25. That silence, that prevailing mystery, seemed to be the essence and the mood of this land, so different from his own, where laughter was ringing in the orchards and a myriad towns and clamant cities brimmed with life.

  26. In pauses of the wind he and Annapla were to be heard in other quarters of the house in clamant conversation--otherwise it had seemed to Count Victor that Doom was left, an enchanted castle, to him and Olivia alone.

  27. He plucked it open eagerly, keen to solve the puzzle of the noise, emerging on a night now glittering with stars, and clamant with the roar of tumbling waters.

  28. This ever-growing and tempestuous violence was reiterated in a myriad raucous, clamant voices along the sands and among the reefs and rocks and weed-covered wave-hollowed crags.

  29. When, at last, he was unanswered by the peacocks in the cypress alley, his clamant voice no longer tore the silence.

  30. The noise was now not only clamant but startling.

  31. Moreover, just as happened in the case of France, two worlds are imperceptibly superimposed one upon the other; a clamant civilization and a silent one, a false culture and a true.

  32. The other type of idealism, that of Rolland, less clamant and long ignored, looked in a very different direction for solace, turning its gaze not towards the immediate future but towards eternity.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clamant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    blaring; blatant; blustering; boisterous; brassy; brawling; brazen; burning; clamorous; crying; demanding; dire; draining; exacting; exigent; exorbitant; extortionate; grasping; imperative; importunate; insistent; instant; loud; noisy; obstreperous; persistent; pertinacious; pressing; rowdy; taxing; tumultuous; turbulent; uproarious; urgent; vociferous