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Example sentences for "codicil"

Lexicographically close words:
codes; codfish; codger; codices; codicibus; codicils; codicis; codicum; codification; codified
  1. I insisted that a codicil be added to the instrument, revoking that clause.

  2. A couple of hours ago Wade and Murray witnessed the codicil which deprives me of any interest in my grandfather's estate.

  3. It was his way of leaving the property to me after declaring that he would not do so, after adding the codicil annulling the bequest intended for me.

  4. He agreed to add a codicil to his will, giving her an additional million dollars if she would perform a "simple service" for him.

  5. Then listen, Aunt Azraella: To-morrow morning add a codicil to that will and give the house to Myrtle.

  6. If Aunt Azraella won't make a codicil to her will I'll give you the house anyway.

  7. Had there been no codicil to my uncle's will, every penny I hope to offer for your work would have been gladly, freely, offered.

  8. The fact of the codicil remains," he said.

  9. But the main point brought out by this second codicil is: that he really cared.

  10. That codicil was costing me more than home and income.

  11. With a sudden movement, she rose to her feet, whirled round on the hearthrug, tore the codicil to fragments, and flung them into the flames.

  12. A legacy left by will to any one would be cancelled by your leaving another legacy by a codicil to the same person, unless it is stated to be in addition to the former bequest.

  13. A codicil is a supplement or addition to a will, either explaining or altering former dispositions; it may be written on the same or separate paper, and is to be witnessed and attested in the same manner as the original document.

  14. She added a codicil to her will with the lawyer, submissively took the medicine the doctor left her, and listened quietly to the prayers of the priest.

  15. A codicil to her will, written and signed the day before she died, the day after you saw her, left it all to you.

  16. The codicil to the will of Charles still exists, or did very recently, among the archives at Simancas.

  17. Perhaps it was the period of quiet reflection thus obtained, when the things of this world were melting away from his grasp, which occasioned the addition of a codicil to the old man's will, that surprised most of his acquaintance.

  18. Sir Within, after breakfast, to confer with him on the subject of that codicil he had spoken of on the previous day.

  19. The Spanish affair was not yet forgotten, and the will and codicil furnished other matter for all conversations.

  20. It placed the will and the codicil in the hands of the Chief-President, who presented them, without parting with them, to M.

  21. People opined without listening to him; and tumultuously, but with one voice, the entire abrogation of the codicil was passed.

  22. It looks then tolerably clear that the author of the Annals got his Latin about "codicillus" in the plural signifying the "codicil to a will" either from the Institutes of Marcian or the Pandects of Justinian.

  23. In both parts of the Annals "codicillus" is used in the plural as signifying "the codicil to a will" (VI.

  24. Seneca is described as "writing in the codicil of his will" "in codicillis rescripserat.

  25. The second codicil gives to his wife’s assignees seven years’ interest in his Kentish estates after her death, confirms her right to dispark Somerhill, dispose of the deer, and convert the same to the uses of husbandry.

  26. This codicil also named Richard Dudley, "late of Lawsonville, now of Williamsburg," as sole executor.

  27. There seems to me, about the codicil as it stands, a declaration that the connexion with Newton's niece was such as, if people knew all, Newton might have sanctioned.

  28. In this same codicil "Mrs. Catherine Barton" is described as Newton's niece, and 100l.

  29. This codicil immediately became the subject of remark, and the terms of it seem to have been understood as they would be now.

  30. The language of the codicil shows that, be the nature of the connexion what it might, Halifax meant to tell the world that it might be proclaimed in all its relation to the name of Newton.

  31. He worked afterwards with the Chancellor, who wrote, under his dictation, a codicil to his will, Madame de Maintenon being present.

  32. My name is on the codicil as witness to the signature.

  33. He never saw the child again, but often inquired after him, and added a codicil to his will bequeathing him two hundred dollars.

  34. Why not go up to town and make that codicil at his solicitor's instead of writing about it; she might like to go to the opera!

  35. Mr. Van Klaes' cook, Gertrude, to whom was left in a codicil to the will a large sum of money on condition she should overcome her aversion to tobacco, walked in the funeral procession with a cigarette in her mouth.

  36. It had been his duty as executor of that will and codicil to inform Irene, wife of his cousin Soames, of her life interest in fifteen thousand pounds.

  37. In consequence of this declaration, the codicil took effect.

  38. Mrs. Scarlett had added a codicil to her will, leaving me her claim to the three paintings "fraudulently withheld by the pastor and vestrymen of St. Polycarp's Church.

  39. This codicil provided that in the event the jewels were found intact, and Richard Hynds's innocence thereby incontrovertibly established, Hynds House as it stood should revert to him as eldest son, after the custom of the family.

  40. After the death of James Hampden Hynds, it was discovered that he had added a singular enough codicil to his will.

  41. Sir; I don't call this a letter, but a codicil to my last: one can't write volumes on trifling events.

  42. In the mean time, sturdy mandates are arrived from France; however with a codicil of moderation, and power to Mirepoix still to treat.

  43. We have not yet done diverting ourselves: the night before last the Duke of Richmond gave a firework; a codicil to the peace.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "codicil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    addendum; affix; afterthought; appendix; bequest; chorus; coda; codicil; colophon; commentary; conclusion; consequence; continuance; continuation; devise; infix; inheritance; interpolation; legacy; marginalia; note; peroration; postscript; prefix; probate; refrain; rider; sequitur; subscript; suffix; supplement; tail; will