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Example sentences for "deduce"

Lexicographically close words:
dedisti; dedit; dedly; dedo; dedos; deduced; deduces; deducible; deducing; deduct
  1. The Tossafists, even more than Rashi, sought to deduce the norm, especially the practical norm, from the Talmudic discussions, and discover analogies permitting the solution of new cases.

  2. I deduce the time of high-water at full and change to be ten minutes past seven in the morning.

  3. No very great constructive ability is required to deduce the answer.

  4. If we remember that the explanation of nature and the philosophizing of unschooled humanity is consummated in the form of myths, we can deduce from the preceding an analogy between myth making and dreaming.

  5. For example, if by psychoanalysis we deduce father and mother, etc.

  6. This would provide even for the natural enlargement of the concept world, since every new elementary concept would receive its sign and would then serve as the basis from which to deduce all the complex concepts dependent upon it.

  7. Are we then to deduce that it is superfluous or unfeasible to designate the waves as different?

  8. From the fact that natural phenomena in general proceed continuously we can deduce a number of important and generally applicable conclusions which are constantly used for the development of science.

  9. We might stop here for a considerable time, and deduce many valuable lessons from the remarks that have been made, but that such a circumstance might be considered as a digression.

  10. These we shall submit to the perusal of the reader, and shall deduce from them such inferences only, as almost every person must make in his own mind, on their recital.

  11. So that we have been simply Socialists of the Chair for a generation without knowing it, doing from a happy political instinct the works which they deduce out of an elaborate theory of economic politics.

  12. Now, you can't deduce anything from those facts alone.

  13. From this I deduce the fact that the aristocratic type proceeds entirely from plebeian elegance.

  14. Bergeret had been able to deduce from it, so that she might make sure up to what point she could still lie to him and deceive him.

  15. From this characteristic we may deduce all the characteristics that are peculiar to the common substance of the different legal systems of this family in contrast to the common substance of the different legal systems of other families.

  16. In particular, there are to be recognized the following legal norms, whose correctness Tucker tries to deduce from the law of equal liberty: First, a legal norm by which the person is secured against hurt.

  17. I deduce all right and all entitlement from myself; I am entitled to everything that I have might over.

  18. From this characteristic we may deduce all the characteristics that result from the special substance of this system of law in contrast to other such systems.

  19. So, from our study of the Bible we deduce another canon by which we may judge of inspiration: "Inspiration does not prevent moral error.

  20. From their views of inspiration, which contains so much that is true, we deduce a fourth rule: "Inspiration is not confined to written words about God.

  21. For my present purpose, I assume such a power as my principle, in order to deduce from it a faculty, the generation, agency, and application of which form the contents of the ensuing chapter.

  22. It is the table itself, which the man of common sense believes himself to see, not the phantom of a table, from which he may argumentatively deduce the reality of a table, which he does not see.

  23. Thirdly, I deduce the position from all the causes elsewhere assigned, which render metre the proper form of poetry, and poetry imperfect and defective without metre.

  24. This having been granted, though but in expectation of the argument, I can safely deduce from it the equal truth of my former assertion, that philosophy cannot be intelligible to all, even of the most learned and cultivated classes.

  25. Assuming these principles, as the data of our argument, we deduce from them two legitimate conditions, which the critic is entitled to expect in every metrical work.

  26. For he asserts that man is left to deduce from his own unassisted reason everything which relates not to his mere material nature.

  27. You deduce a large inference from scanty premises.

  28. You may deduce from thence two conclusions, apparently contrarient, yet both warranted by the fact which you have noticed.

  29. But we are at present engaged in the discussion of things which are not objects of experience; and must, therefore, deduce our knowledge of them from that which is necessary absolutely and in itself, that is, from pure conceptions.

  30. Hence the first step which we take out of the world of sense obliges us to begin our system of new cognition with the investigation of a necessary being, and to deduce from our conceptions of it all our conceptions of intelligible things.

  31. I must, therefore, in the present case, deduce the subjective sequence of apprehension from the objective sequence of phenomena, for otherwise the former is quite undetermined, and one phenomenon is not distinguishable from another.

  32. For there are no other subjective representations from which we can deduce synthetical propositions a priori, as we can from the intuition of space.

  33. Each of these capacities of the wood is distinct; we cannot relate them intelligibly to one another, nor deduce them from the assumed fundamental 'woodiness'.

  34. But as soon as we presume to reason of infinite substance, of spiritual generation; as often as we deduce any positive conclusions from a negative idea, we are involved in darkness, perplexity, and inevitable contradiction.

  35. The historian may therefore be permitted respectfully to withdraw the veil of the sanctuary; and to deduce the progress of reason and faith, of error and passion from the school of Plato, to the decline and fall of the empire.

  36. And, when I state my satisfaction in finding that they are not contradicted by the refined researches of modern geologists, I do not mean to deduce from them a system of science.

  37. There are, in fact, no accidents in Nature; what we call accidents are the results of general laws in particular operation, but we cannot deduce these laws from the particular operation or the general order from the partial result.

  38. Now if one conceives a plane drawn through the straight line KT and touching the spheroid HME at I, the straight line CI will be the refraction of the ray RC, as is easy to deduce from that which has been demonstrated in Article 36.

  39. And then it will not be easy to perceive anything of it in observations of the Eclipse; nor, consequently, will it be permissible to deduce from it that the movement of light is instantaneous.

  40. But, Captain Holmes, what do you deduce from your observation of the wake of the House-boat?

  41. There is still manifest, however, some desire on the part of the ever-wise King Solomon and my friend Confucius to know how you deduce that Kidd has sailed for London, from the cigar end which you hold in your hand.

  42. That you have been robbed I deduce also from your costume.

  43. FROM the same original, of the king's being the fountain of justice, we may also deduce the prerogative of issuing proclamations, which is vested in the king alone.

  44. Perhaps some ingenious systematists might hence deduce a fresh argument in favour of the alleged oriental origin of the Irish.

  45. Well,' said the minister, 'what does your highness deduce from that?

  46. But how on earth do you deduce that the gas is not laid on in his house?

  47. For example, how did you deduce that this man was intellectual?

  48. It is true that I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess, but as I have changed my clothes I can't imagine how you deduce it.

  49. As to what it was he feared, we can only deduce that by considering the formidable letters which were received by himself and his successors.

  50. Beyond the obvious facts that he has at some time done manual labour, that he takes snuff, that he is a Freemason, that he has been in China, and that he has done a considerable amount of writing lately, I can deduce nothing else.

  51. Ah," said Holmes, "I think that what you have been good enough to tell us makes the matter fairly clear, and that I can deduce all that remains.

  52. But from those fragmentary epigrams we can deduce greatness as clearly as we can deduce Venus from the torso of Venus or Hercules ex pede Herculem.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deduce" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    analyze; arouse; assume; believe; collect; conceive; conclude; consider; daresay; deduce; deduct; deem; derive; divine; draw; dream; educe; elicit; estimate; evoke; expect; extract; feel; fetch; find; gather; generalize; glean; grant; guess; imagine; induce; infer; judge; let; obtain; opine; perceive; prefigure; presume; presuppose; procure; rationalize; reason; reckon; repute; rouse; rule; say; secure; stimulate; summon; suppose; surmise; suspect; synthesize; take; theorize; think; understand; deem; derive; divine; draw; dream; educe; elicit; estimate; evoke; expect; extract; feel; fetch; find; gather; generalize; glean; grant; guess; imagine; induce; infer; judge; let; obtain; opine; perceive; prefigure; presume; presuppose; procure; rationalize; reason; reckon; repute; rouse; rule; say; secure; stimulate; summon; suppose; surmise; suspect; synthesize; take; theorize; think; understand