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Example sentences for "deere"

Lexicographically close words:
deepness; deepo; deeps; deepwater; deer; deerely; deerer; deerest; deerhide; deerhound
  1. I have two swords in one scabberd, 85 Full deere they cost my purse; And thou shalt have the best of them, And I will have the worse.

  2. By what is deere betwixt us, by our selves, I vow hencefoorth ten thousand deaths to prove Then be a hinderance to such vertuous love.

  3. Thy counsell now, deere friend; for at thy direction Stands my thrall or freedome.

  4. Then lyve, my deere Scribonia, synce I am only Spar'd to partake with thee newe miseryes.

  5. My fellowe sharer In all misfortunes; and for many yeares So deere to mee, I canot tast a blessednes Of which shee's not partaker.

  6. And to proue farther / that this vnlearned and weake man must abstayn from the familiar companie of the vnbeleauers / yea thoughe they be most deere vnto hym / that Rule doth serue / which Christe our Sauiour gyuithe sayinge.

  7. Righte deere (saithe he) in the fighte of the lorde / is the dathe of his sainctes.

  8. Deere my Brother, Let him, that was the cause of this, haue powre To take-off so much griefe from you, as he Will peece vp in himselfe Paul.

  9. Lady, Deere Queene, that ended when I but began, Giue me that hand of yours, to kisse Paul.

  10. Haue I not armed men sufficient to haue beaten you downe, compassed about like a sort of deere in a toil?

  11. Farewell deere heart, since I must needs be gone Mar.

  12. This is a deere Manakin to you Sir Toby To.

  13. Be not offended, deere Cesario: Rudesbey be gone.

  14. I haue beene deere to him lad, some two thousand strong, or so Fa.

  15. Me thinkes his words do from such passion flye That he beleeues himselfe, so do not I: Proue true imagination, oh proue true, That I deere brother, be now tane for you To.

  16. What for being a Puritan, thy exquisite reason, deere knight An.

  17. Onely my selfe stood out, For which if I be lapsed in this place I shall pay deere Seb.

  18. Pursue him, and entreate him to a peace: He hath not told vs of the Captaine yet, When that is knowne, and golden time conuents A solemne Combination shall be made Of our deere soules.

  19. Notable Pyrate, thou salt-water Theefe, What foolish boldnesse brought thee to their mercies, Whom thou in termes so bloudie, and so deere Hast made thine enemies?

  20. Comfort deere Mother, God is much displeas'd, That you take with vnthankfulnesse his doing.

  21. Were neuer Orphans had so deere a losse Dut.

  22. Welcome deere Cosin, my thoughts Soueraign The wearie way hath made you Melancholly Prin.

  23. Was neuer widdow had so deere a losse Chil.

  24. Be opposite all Planets of good lucke To my proceeding, if with deere hearts loue, Immaculate deuotion, holy thoughts, I tender not thy beautious Princely daughter.

  25. Ah, for my Husband, for my deere Lord Edward Chil.

  26. Hee moderated the Law of his brother, which inflicted death for killing any of the Kings Deere; and ordeined, that if any man killed a Deere in his owne wood, the wood should be forfeited to the King.

  27. The Deere ranne away, and the King stayed his horse to looke after it; holding his hand ouer his eyes, because the beames of the Sunne (which then drew somewhat lowe) much dazeled his sight.

  28. For then they had bene entrapped as Deere in a toile; then not one of them could haue escaped.

  29. Deere skinnes dressed after the manner of Chamoes, or vndressed, are to be had of the naturall inhabitants thousands yerely by way of traffike for trifles, and no more waste or spoile of Deere then is and hath bene ordinarily in time before.

  30. There were found in the towne many mantles, and Deere skinnes, Lions skins, and Beares skinnes, and many Cats skins.

  31. He shewed me that the sayd King was with him at Chawanook two yeeres before, and brought him certaine Pearle, but the same of the worst sort, yet was he faine to buy them of him for copper at a deere rate, as he thought.

  32. And the land is full of many beastes, as Stags, Deere and Hares, and likewise of Lakes and Pooles of fresh water, with great plentie of Fowles, conuenient for all kinde of pleasant game.

  33. A deere happinesse to women, they would else haue beene troubled with a pernitious Suter, I thanke God and my cold blood, I am of your humour for that, I had rather heare my Dog barke at a Crow, than a man sweare he loues me Bene.

  34. Deere my Lord, if you in your owne proofe, Haue vanquisht the resistance of her youth, And made defeat of her virginitie Clau.

  35. But Giangir conceyuing extreme sorrow for the cruell murder of his deere brother, with lamentable teares spake these words.

  36. Whereof the gentlewoman conceyued singuler solace, louing hir deere freende with more entier affection than hir owne soule.

  37. And thus resolu'd, deere Midelton depart, Seeke for thy safetie in some better soyle, Thy stay will be no succour in my smart, Thy losse will make them boast of better spoyle.

  38. Hunt and Palmer, keepers there, did averre that they knew seven thousand head of deere in that parke; all fallow deere.

  39. Quaere Mr. Francis Wroughton of Wilton concerning the weight of the deer; as also Jack Harris, now keeper of Bere Forest, can tell the weight of the best deere of Verneditch and Groveley: he uses to come to the inne at Sutton.

  40. I have two swords in one scabberd, Full deere they cost my purse; And thou shalt have the best of them, And I will have the worse.

  41. As if[1558] the English king had given The parke and deere of Frisingfield to me.

  42. No, indeed, nor them; Life is as deere in deare as tis in men.

  43. It is probable that from the late 1850's on Deere plows had steel moldboards.

  44. Kendall JOHN DEERE'S STEEL PLOW John Deere in 1837 invented a plow that could be used successfully in the sticky, root-filled soil of the prairie.

  45. WHY A "STEEL" PLOW In view of the facts and the probabilities based on them, how is the legend of the John Deere steel plow to be explained?

  46. Examination of the 1838 plow suggests that Deere cut the moldboard and landside as one piece, which was then heated and bent to the desired form.

  47. Deere contributed his plow and his blacksmith shop, tools, and outbuildings; Andrus contributed money and business experience.

  48. My grandfather "took up land" adjacent to Grand de Tour and John Deere continued in the manufacturing business.

  49. This raised two questions: Why, and for how long, was wrought iron used for the moldboards of the Deere plows?

  50. If, however, Deere had used a large circular saw with plenty of room for cutting out a moldboard of the usual shape and size, it seems likely that he would have made a plow of more conventional appearance.

  51. THE FIRST PLOW Most writers describe Deere cutting a diamond-shaped piece out of a broken steel mill saw.

  52. No, feare it not my deere Ofelia, Here comes my father, occasion smiles vpon a second leaue.

  53. Then let the stricken deere goe weepe, The Hart vngalled play, For some must laugh, while some must weepe, Thus runnes the world away.

  54. That slew my father, and your deere husband, To liue in the incestuous pleasure of his bed?

  55. He saw mighty deere that seemed to be mankinde, which ranne at him, and hardly he escaped with his life in a narrow way, where he was faine to vse defence and policy to saue his life.

  56. The 12 we saw fiue deere on the top of an Island, called by vs Darcies Island.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deere" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.