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Example sentences for "dueling"

Lexicographically close words:
dudit; duds; dudum; due; duel; duelist; duelists; duell; duelling; duellist
  1. Dueling is still customary among the higher circles in Russia, as in other continental countries.

  2. No severities have ever succeeded in suppressing the vendetta, or the custom of dueling in certain countries.

  3. Dueling he thought little better than murder; but he was in for it and determined not to show the white feather.

  4. It was the first, and, although in that age it was thought highly honorable, he felt an inward consciousness that dueling was both cowardly and brutal.

  5. There is no more honor, gentility, or courage in dueling than in robbing a safe.

  6. Chartered Company, dueling to the death with a barbarian king for a throne he had promised to another barbarian .

  7. Chartered Company, dueling to the death with swords with a barbarian king for a throne he had promised to another barbarian, or of what could happen on Uller if he allowed this four-armed monstrosity to kill him.

  8. The French count gave you the hand of friendship, but not the spirit of it," said Tayoga, who had not spoken at all while they were at the dueling ground.

  9. He felt it a strange chance that such an affair should be forced upon him, and yet this was a dueling city.

  10. Then too, the practice of dueling was carried on in all its hideous barbarity.

  11. It is, however, encouraging to know that for a few years past the practice of dueling has somewhat fallen into disrepute among the more humane and candid class of community.

  12. I can but regard the inhuman practice of dueling as the legitimate fruit of Slavery.

  13. The distance was measured with mechanical exactness, dueling pistols produced, each second loading that of his principal.

  14. It was fought with dueling pistols of the old school, and at the first fire Brooks was severely wounded.

  15. The regular dueling pistol is a costly affair and of the very finest material.

  16. Dueling flourished on the Continent, and was especially prevalent in France during the reign of Henry III.

  17. By 1616 dueling must have become very common.

  18. The Duello The origin of private dueling is a matter of some obscurity.

  19. One of his hands went to the tutor's breast, and in his left hand dangled a second dueling pistol.

  20. This was the moment which the man hid in the thicket selected as most fit for intervention through the assistance of a dueling pistol.

  21. That dueling has been employed too frequently for bad purposes, by brave men--and for bloody ones, by blackguards, has never been denied.

  22. Dueling has fallen into desuetude, and very properly.

  23. In the same barrack, and at a very short time after this fatal meeting (spring of 1807) one of the most lamentable affairs, which in the annals of dueling is recorded, unfortunately took place.

  24. He held dueling in very proper abhorrence, and only his feeling of intense but never-declared loyalty to his friend had brought him there.

  25. This he placed upon the table and opened, and Mahaffy and Hannibal, who had drawn near, saw with much astonishment that it held a handsome pair of dueling pistols, together with all their necessary paraphernalia.

  26. Under these heights, about twenty feet above the water, on a shelf about six feet wide and eleven paces long, reached by an almost inaccessible flight of steps, was the dueling ground.

  27. The "next kil" is presumed to have been that flowing to the Hudson in a wild ravine just south of the dueling ground, now called the Awiehackan.

  28. Immediately above the dueling ground was King's Point looking boldly down upon the Hudson.

  29. Just south of the dueling ground was the wild ravine down which leaped and laughed the Awiehacken.

  30. His knowledge of dueling matters, which has as many branches as the tree of science, touched in one of its ramifications on cooking.

  31. Don Marcos had dined in the Cafe de Paris, going over in his mind the various articles he should put in the dueling agreement.

  32. Evidently these two young men were unfamiliar with the dueling ceremonies, though they were not unfamiliar with the sword.

  33. Dueling is not so much in favor here as in France.

  34. I should not like to take up dueling for an amusement, as some men have done in France.

  35. Duels with swords were often fought indoors, but when firearms were to be employed the combatants repaired to one of the customary dueling grounds.

  36. Henry kept on drinking, but Howell went to sleep and slept until it was time to go to the dueling ground, when he took one cocktail, and departed.

  37. To the Creole, more than to any other source, may be traced the origin of dueling in the United States, and no city in the country has such a dueling history as New Orleans.

  38. In the debate Senator Wright of Maryland declared that dueling was justified by the example of David and Goliath and that the bill was opposed "only because our David had slain the Goliath of Federalism.

  39. To preside over this scene of somewhat dubious splendor came Aaron Burr, Vice-President of the United States, straight from the dueling ground at Weehawken.

  40. If it had been the real two-handed Lunarian dueling sword, with its terrible mass behind a curved razor edge, the blow would have produced a cut deep into the bone.

  41. He was standing erect, in his hands two old Lunarian dueling swords.

  42. According to the laws of dueling at that period, d'Artagnan was at liberty to assist whom he pleased.

  43. I, monseigneur, knowing that dueling is prohibited--I seized a bench, and gave one of those brigands such a blow that I believe his shoulder is broken.

  44. Rupert or I would have met him out at the dueling oaks and that would have been the end of him.

  45. Then on the other hand, if dueling were too risky, we might have had him voodooed, had we lived back in the good old days.

  46. Rupert picked up from the table a sword and a long-barrelled dueling pistol and led the way out onto the terrace.

  47. His favorable comment upon the fact that Taylor had not engaged in dueling is the more notable because Lincoln had himself been an unwilling participant in what had threatened to be a duel--a fact of which he was never very proud.

  48. She told of the way the sons of officers and of the aristocracy at an early age were instructed to look upon dueling as an important part of their education.

  49. Her theme at The Hague was "Combatting Dueling in Germany.

  50. Stephen had just gotten a cased dueling set by Wilkinson, then.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dueling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.