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Example sentences for "earthworks"

Lexicographically close words:
earthquakes; earths; earthward; earthwards; earthwork; earthworm; earthworms; earthy; earts; earum
  1. You will not be far out if you reckon at 3½ million cubic metres (4-2/3 million cubic yards) the volume of the earthworks raised on the Belgian front in the construction of the main and communication trenches alone.

  2. Amongst the earthworks are one or two mounds, one of which contained human bones, miscellaneously thrown in at a slight depth.

  3. In this field on the brow of the hill above Dale Banks is what antiquarians affirm to be a British village; it presents earthworks covering three or four acres of ground: these consist of irregular squares, circles, &c.

  4. In the district under consideration there are remains of earthworks which may be considered of this character.

  5. Another curious fact is that many of these places where earthworks or mounds are or have been are said to be haunted.

  6. In the churchyard is a fine cross and round it earthworks and tumuli.

  7. Warbstow Barrows, one of the largest and best preserved earthworks in the county.

  8. Earthworks of different race encampments lie cheek by jowl, strings of forts reach from sea to sea, and even the cliffs are fortified.

  9. The earthworks could be again repaired, but the powder began to fail, and this loss was irreparable.

  10. Under shelter of the darkness earthworks were thrown up, which proved a better protection; but the French on their side planted other batteries, and all Tuesday and Wednesday the terrible bombardment was continued.

  11. By the time the reinforcement of nurses had arrived the earthworks of the good ship Jasper B.

  12. Cleggett felt that the earthworks could not wait.

  13. Then we wrought there at felling timber and hewing, until we had bridged the river and made a causeway through the peat to Stanmoor hill, and then began to make a triple line of earthworks around its summit.

  14. Already the Danes had made for themselves some shallow lines of earthworks along the crest, and now these were manned against their own attack.

  15. Half our men, the best spearmen of the force, were lying down resting, but along the little ridges of the earthworks the archers stood, each knowing that he fought under the eye of the king he loved.

  16. Earthworks were hastily thrown up, fascine batteries were erected, and Montcalm's reveille next morning was a heavy cannonade from this new quarter.

  17. Redoubts had been erected at all possible landing-places; and behind these vast earthworks which followed the curving shore, the Canadian forces lay securely encamped.

  18. I have heard long and warm discussions of the nature and history of these mounds and trenches, and I believe the weight of authority was against the theory that they were earthworks thrown up to oppose the passage of a British fleet.

  19. But they were good enough earthworks for a boy.

  20. Isolated earthworks constructed during the Roman Period are always more or less square.

  21. The defences were undoubtedly of great power originally, but have been much degraded; the interior of the camp has been ploughed, and the earthworks planted with trees.

  22. In all likelihood a great number of the earthworks which occur in England, and have not been assigned to any particular date, may owe their origin to this disturbed period, especially those of the Motte and Bailey type.

  23. This arrangement is probably exemplified in the earthworks at Wallingford.

  24. The earthworks under consideration are those which, rectangular or otherwise, were constructed during the historic period commencing with the Roman subjugation of Great Britain, and ending a few years before the Norman Conquest.

  25. The burh was thus a comparatively slight affair when compared with earthworks which had preceded it.

  26. Across each, and right in the path of our advance, earthworks were erected, not very formidable themselves, but commanded by the forts.

  27. Some earthworks were also thrown up to cover this new post.

  28. Upon one of these hills, rising out of this mountain pass-way, very distinct lines of earthworks are yet apparent.

  29. The gun-boats threw heavy shells into the fort and behind the earthworks all night, keeping the enemy awake and anxious.

  30. On passing along the inside I saw from the torn condition of the earthworks how tremendous our fire was, and how the fire of the enemy was kept down.

  31. The Free-Soilers threw up earthworks and mustered six hundred men to defend them, among them John Brown and his four sons from Osawatomie.

  32. For a cycle was closed and rounded, A continent lost and won, When Stark and his men went over The earthworks at Bennington.

  33. The Spanish gunners had not fired more than fifteen or twenty shots before their guns were flying in the air, their earthworks a mass of blood-stained dust, and their gunners running for their lives.

  34. The Texas, Marblehead, and the Suwanee bombarded the brick fort and earthworks at Caimanera, at the terminus of the railroad leading to the city of Guantanamo, demolishing them entirely after an hour and a half of firing.

  35. During two weeks troops had been gathering near about Cardenas to protect it against American invasion; masked batteries were being planted, earthworks thrown up, and blockhouses erected.

  36. The object of the attack was to prevent the completion of the earthworks at Punta Gorda.

  37. The war-vessels prepared the way by opening fire on the earthworks which lined the shore, a blockhouse, and a cable station which was occupied by Spanish soldiers.

  38. The iron blockhouse was struck repeatedly, and the earthworks were partially destroyed.

  39. Daiquiri was chosen as the point of debarkation by General Shafter, and its only fortifications were a blockhouse on a high cliff to the right of an iron pier, together with a small fort and earthworks in the rear.

  40. The first column took station opposite the Estrella and Catalina batteries,(34) while the second was stationed off the new earthworks near Morro Castle.

  41. Sometimes there was a double or a triple moat with earthworks between.

  42. Well, here's a good tree for the earthworks on the hill near Boston," ventured John.

  43. The place was well defended by earthworks and natural parapets, and for several hours the issue of the contest was doubtful.

  44. They cut trenches and threw up earthworks in several of the main roads of the province, and strengthened their position at Novaleta.

  45. The Spaniards immediately compelled the non-combatant townspeople and the Chinese to throw up earthworks for mounting artillery and dig trenches for defence against the rebels.

  46. They were strongly entrenched behind a mile and a half of strategically constructed earthworks defending the town of Novaleta, which they held.

  47. Earthworks were thrown up outside the city wall; cannons were mounted, and the cry of invasion resounded all over the Colony.

  48. The considerable antiquity of these older earthworks is proved by the accumulation of mold and the forest growth upon them.

  49. This force, coming from the interior of Louisiana, by the way of Richmond, struck the 9th Louisiana and two companies of Federal cavalry, and drove them within sight of the earthworks at the Bend.

  50. Upon the French side the plan was purely defensive, as their inferior numbers and their reliance upon earthworks both necessitated and proved.

  51. The French earthworks thus carried by the infantry in the centre, the modern reader might well premise that a complete rout of the French forces should have followed.

  52. The best brigade at the disposal of the French, that of Navarre, was brought up to meet this second onslaught, broke it, and the French leapt from the earthworks to pursue the flight of their assailants.

  53. We have in Wisconsin a reminder of the Aztec theory, in the name Aztalan, early applied to a notable group of earthworks in Jefferson county.

  54. Many thousands of these earthworks have been opened, some by scientists, many more by curiosity seekers, and their contents have, for the most part, found their way into public museums.

  55. Other earthworks are long lines, or squares, or circles, and are probably fortifications; some of the best examples of these are still to be traced at Aztalan, Wisconsin.

  56. Another consideration was, the Confederate position in front of the powerful earthworks of the city.

  57. Lee had found this position, and constructed earthworks for artillery, with the view of receiving the attack of the enemy after their crossing.

  58. As soon as General Lee reached Petersburg, he began promptly to draw a regular line of earthworks around the city, to the east and south, for its defence.

  59. To do that successfully he must, of course, fall back to the neighborhood of the city and concentrate his force behind the strongest earthworks he could construct.

  60. In the meanwhile General Grant had posted his army loosely and had thrown up no earthworks in the field.

  61. All his combinations had come to naught, all his elaborately constructed earthworks had failed him even as means of holding his position as an assailant.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earthworks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.