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Example sentences for "espy"

Lexicographically close words:
espoused; espouses; espousing; esprit; esprits; espye; espyed; espying; esquier; esquiers
  1. Him thou couldst espy like one who chafes and like one who threatens, because Cocles dared to tear down the bridge, and Cloelia broke her bonds and swam the river.

  2. I espy the gleaming shields and the flicker of brass.

  3. Espy was in the Senate gallery at the time.

  4. Espy came to Washington to initiate what has grown into the Weather Signal Service.

  5. Senator Preston, of South Carolina, said Espy was a madman, too dangerous to be at large, and the Senator would vote a special appropriation for a prison in which to confine him.

  6. She used these means to abuse the simplicity of the people, that they should not suddenly espy for what purpose she brought in her new bands of men of war.

  7. And so it continued for two days: besides the surface wet, and corruption of the air, the mist was so thick and so dark, that scarcely might any man espy another the length of two pair of boots.

  8. The Lord Ruthven took charge of the horsemen, and so ordered them that the enemy was never permitted to espy our number; the day was dark, and that helped.

  9. As soon as these heroic chariot-drivers espy the least opening, they whip their horses in, as if horses and carriage were an iron wedge; the preservation of either seems totally disregarded.

  10. At the right season you may still "Through the hazels thick espy The hatching throstle's shining eye.

  11. When thou hast entered, hide thee where no eye may espy thee and keep concealed till thou hear me cry, 'O Thou whose boons are hidden, save us from that we fear!

  12. The Lord Ruthven tuik the charge of the horsmen, and ordered thame so, that the ennemy was never permitted to espy our nomber: the day was dark, whiche helpit thairto.

  13. God opin your eis, that ye may espy and considder your awin miserable estaite.

  14. I need not tell thee more; thou wilt espy with thine own eyes what shall happen.

  15. She quaked and terror was sore upon her when she looked at that frightful form and her tongue being tied she could not return aught reply, never having been accustomed to espy similar semblances.

  16. And King Arthur told a herald, "Ride and espy the cognizance of that brave knight, for I have asked many who he is, and none can tell me.

  17. Nobody, it appeared, was alert enough to espy that fugacious shadow on the fire-ladder.

  18. Soon I espy a man below me sauntering down among the rocks.

  19. No sooner did this group espy the artist than they moved in his direction.

  20. But all in vain, sith God had determined their ruin; yet all that day, and part of the next, we beat up and down as near unto the wrack as was possible for us, looking out if by good hap we might espy any of them.

  21. Had we chanced to espy the hostess of the hotel in this quaint rural retreat, the exhibition would have been complete.

  22. By the side of the mill, under some large spreading elms, was a red house, which Phonny said was the one where Espy lived.

  23. After a moment's pause he added, "Couldn't we go down and tell Espy that there is a squirrel in his trap?

  24. I should like to buy the squirrel, if Espy will sell him," said Phonny.

  25. Espy himself taking his hand down from the tree, came forward a few steps.

  26. He was quite in haste, as he went on after leaving the squirrel, in order to get down to the mill where Espy lived, before the squirrel should have gnawed out.

  27. In connexion with droughts may be mentioned a plan {133} proposed by Mr. Espy of the United States of America, for remedying them by means of artificial rains.

  28. It is proposed to form this ascending column of air by kindling large fires which, Mr. Espy says, are known to produce rain.

  29. And sayand thus, to perform hir entent, 10 The peralus fyre first hynt scho forsably; With flambys schynand on far thai mycht espy Hir rycht hand rasyt, the blesys in to cast.

  30. Into this nixt cheptour ȝe may espy Nys craft of schotyng and of archery.

  31. No eyes were there to espy her, save those of the cushats and a thrush whose heart beat wildly against her callow brood.

  32. So came I at last to my habitation in Skeleton Cove and chancing to espy my great powderhorn where it hung, I reached it down and going without the cave, scattered its contents broadcast, this being all the powder I had brought hither.

  33. At last, upon a night, tossing upon my wretched bed in dire torment of soul, I chanced to espy my enemy and him sleeping; whereat I fell to fierce anger.

  34. The pilgrim, in amaze, shall see a goodly blaze, Ere the pallid morning rays flicker up; And perchance he may espy certain corpses swinging high!

  35. Merlin was sent to espy out in all the land fifty knights of most prowess and honour, who should make up the full number for the Round Table.

  36. When now he heard of the great prowess that Sir Tristram did in England he was sore grieved, and sent men to espy what deeds he did.

  37. Ah, were Espy and her dear unknown mother among the number?

  38. Yes,” Espy said, getting up and going to the side of the gig.

  39. As by mutual consent both Floy and Espy avoided the subject of the missing papers and her future action in regard to the property.

  40. All that day and the succeeding night Espy was present in Floy’s dreams whether sleeping or waking.

  41. In a few moments Espy had learned from Ethel all that Hetty had had to tell of her fellow-passengers of the previous day.

  42. Nearly frantic with fear for Floy, Espy rushed to the depot, and learning that a special train would be sent immediately to carry aid to the sufferers, hurried home again with the tidings.

  43. And dropping a dollar into the man’s hand, Espy seized the valise and rushed away in hot pursuit of a passing street-car.

  44. I am very busy just now, but Espy is entirely at leisure.

  45. They had hardly disappeared within the portal, when Espy and Ethel might have been seen traversing the avenue in the same direction.

  46. But neither he nor his falcon at first saw the pigeon, nor did the latter, intent on his game with the ger, espy the distant foe.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "espy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    behold; catch; descry; detect; discern; discover; distinguish; espy; find; foresee; glimpse; hit; identify; ken; make; mind; notice; observe; perceive; recognize; remark; see; sense; sight; spot; spy; twig; view; witness